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Posts posted by amadieus

  1. 17 minutes ago, DannyDog said:

    That's what the misplaced hype from the community will do to ya. It's all numb to me now xd

    I guess it was more the comment that we would be getting the stress testing within weeks and not months, and since this is the fourth week.....

    Anyway, experimental won't come earlier than May, which in my opinion is a bit disappointing in itself.

  2. I agree with almost all your points (for me the fall animations looked fine). I think the way a person got hit is important to the way they drop dead but still... to many times the same dead pose. I do really hope they blend some ragdolls in it. Look at the left screenshot from one of Baty's play sessions. All the Z's have the same pose. But I am pretty optimistic about it since it is experimental phase

    Graphics, again I totally agree. The nature, environment and characters look great for a game of its scope. But the houses, especially inside with all the furniture, and car wrecks look pretty bad. Dayz really could use new assets for a lot of smaller things and I think that they actually plan to replace a lot of old assets. This is from the SR of 7 November 2017:

    ''In the meantime, artists are looking into all the old assets used in-game, and reworking them into a condition that is fit for year 2017, and also fit for the options that we now have regarding the new renderer. Bringing the visual appeal of Chernarus into this century is the main goal here, as DayZ, while still pretty good-looking overall, is certainly lacking some more up to date finesse in certain places. Speaking of Chernarus, work on tourist trails is ongoing, and I can't be more excited after seeing the first internal results. It adds tons of flavor to an already interesting world. Adam will share more as we get closer to some final-ish state of things.''

    So I am pretty sure we will see much better looking assets during beta. But I also hope, like you said with the AA, that they bring more graphical technology as well. I would love to see rain puddles come on ground during rain or more immersive lightning inside houses.

  3. 3 minutes ago, VVarhead said:

    Okay, didn't hear that about the HUD, that's good news.

    And yeah, I'm aware there's multiple ways of changing gamma, but removing the option from the in-game options makes it at least more annoying to constantly switch gamma.


    Also I'd like to ask about the draw distance: Why is it so incredibly low? There's so much fog, DayZ didn't always look like this. I guess it's a performance choice, but I never had performance problems with the higher draw distance in 0.60 for example

    Yeah I dislike the fog down near the beach as well. It is the number one reason that I run deeper into the country. I heard different stories why it was implemented, one of them was to help new spawns from snipers from the hills. Some games do have very pretty fog, Dayz is not one of them (hope they will be) so I hope they do some changes with it or just delete it.

  4. 26 minutes ago, VVarhead said:

    I think the HUD is absolutely immersion-destroying. I don't want no stamina-bar, I want no indication of character status other than the old messages like "I am hungry" or "i have a weird taste in my mouth". It's way more immersive and we don't need a red "HUNGRY" or some stupid icons. Just remove this crap and let us play without HUD, nobody ever asked for a HUD lol.

    I just can't see the reason why you guys thought adding a HUD is a good idea?! Just because you want people to stay out of the inventory to check their status? That could be accomplished by removing any indicators of your hunger/thirst/health and just letting the character tell you what he feels and experiences. If you're down on health, you should get a message like "I don't feel too good." If you're thirsty, well, then you get a message that "I'm thirsty", etc.

    I like the HUD a lot. It looks very slick and looks in my opinion much better than that ugly text on the screen.  But they did tell that you can remove the whole HUD from the screen if you wish. So there should be something for everyone.

    They also told they are working on the gamma exploit but nothing specific, in case you missed it. However, it is much more than just removing an option in the game. In Miscreated, for example, you cannot change the Gamma ingame, neither does changing the Gamma in the Nvidia control panel work. But still there is one more way within the PC settings to make the nights bright as day.

  5. 10 hours ago, Rekurv said:

    Yeah it's true, its hard for most people to play long periods of time in the dark. Especially those who only want to PVP (myself not included). I think speeding up the server speeds should solve this issue. Maybe a couple hours of light and a couple dark. 12 hours darkness is a bit much for even the most hardcore survival fans. It seems to work pretty well in games like Miscreated.


    I agree with the example of Miscreated. Nights are quite short on official servers (45min or something?) and on even some community servers nights are only like 5-10 minutes. I do not know the exact rates on the Dayz servers currently, but I do know that the night time takes quite a while

  6. 3 minutes ago, captainvette2112 said:

    I get it...... but my only point when talking about the lack of Base Building and Vehicles was......  with the exception of #1. Prone 360 Aim, #2. Injury, and #3. Stamina, what is there in that list that is in anyway exciting or that will radically change/improve gameplay? 

    Im not trying to be difficult or a dick... I just dont get the hype.  They demoed 0.63 7 months ago at Gamescom and since then THIS list of total filler fluff is the culmination of 5 years of Alpha marking the official Dayz Beta ???  With promises of updates to follow??  Its ridiculous.  And its not even the DEVs being ridiculous because frankly I dont expect anything from this game anymore.. its the community.  The internet blows up with Dayz Hype  cause of this update and THIS is it ????  Ladder climbing, disease, and swimming..... 

    I mean I guess if you feed starving people a cracker they will freak out too. 

    I'm pretty sure that this list is not everything that we see in the first experimental release, but rather these are the major ones. I mean we get an updated map with tourist trails, more detailed western border, remade NWAF, placing system, shaving ourself, bloodied hands when skinning and probably more that i just cant think of right now. But then again, an entire new animation system, new UI and melee combat and weapon handling is something that I can be quite excited about.

    Just to TLDR, don't take this list as the complete list of all that will be added with the first exp release. I'm pretty sure it isn't :) 

    • Beans 1

  7. 16 minutes ago, exacomvm said:

    Well there's alot of truth in ur message, but no one ever said that dayz team works or worked on DayZ, they just developing the new engine which is required for all the new features that dayz will have including vehicles, base building etc and dropping them into the DayZ Standalone. ( mby like 20% working on dayz 80% on engine, if it was full force for dayz, the dayz would be like 1.3 now )
    Actually there's also many dayz players on modded servers ( not visible to gametracker etc ) , today it was 3200~ players online at the same time.

    Vehicles/Bases is top priority ofc, but im not sure if thats the easiest task for them, if they would add it to .63 experimental, then we would have to wait end of 2018 to test the .63 etc.

    Vehicles and Bases will be released during one of the experimental patches if I am correct. At least basebuilding will come later during the experimental phase just like the stuff they postponed now.

    8 minutes ago, Dancing.Russian.Man said:

    The checklist is for the initial 0.63 experimental build, not the following experimental updates, or 0.63 Stable.

    Exactly this. Stuff like scopes and leaning probably will come in like a month later after the initial release. It is experimental after all.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Trnc84 said:

    This quote is from the Q and A section of this very same status report:

    "Q: Do you have any plans for new buildings?
    A: Yes, we already have some new buildings on the Northwest Airfield in 0.63 and more buildings are planned."


    Yeah, I read that and it did make me excited to know that new buildings are being planned, which probably have more detail. Still it does make me wonder how the interiors will look like with furniture and other small details (cups or broken things on the ground for example) that show that people lived there. Hopefully some of them will have that overgrown look that they teased on their Trello once.

  9. Great status report. I do was wondering what will happen during beta (or perhaps at 1.0) with the interior of houses? Currently they lack detail and the stuff inside (such as the furniture, fridge etc.) has rather poor texture quality. I know these are old models but therefore I was wondering when will they be replaced? I remember back in the beginning of November in the status report it was said that the artist team is ''upgrading'' all the old assets into 2017 quality.

    Also the visuals of weather effects I was wondering about. Will the mist become prettier? Will we perhaps see rain puddles when it rains?

    I hope that we can see something from the things I mentioned in one of the status reports.

    Cheers, keep up the good work!

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