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Posts posted by amadieus

  1. In the timeline the outbreak happened somewhere after the events of Arma 2. The events (rebellion uprising in Chernarus) of Arma 2 happened around 2008-2009, which saw the arrival of first the US troops and after that of the Russian Federation. Presumably the reason why we find American & Russian military wrecks and weapons. As Marc said, the FX-45 was released in 2012 so generally people assume it happened after that date.

    The idea of the poster was a good one though. Some people might remember a mission called Eagle Wing in Arma 2, in which you play as a heli pilot that crashes during a nuclear/chemical attack. This is an alternate ending to the Arma 2 campaign, which I always saw as the alternate ending that created the ARMA/DAYZ timeline.

  2. 14 hours ago, IMT said:

    Did you have the flashlight in your hand or did you put it away? I'm not sure if there is a way to hack gamma but keep in mind, there is a night vision scope in the game and it works miracles. He would be able to see you as clear as day. I stopped using my light sources as of today unless I'm traveling outside civilian of military area's. Had the option to kill a guy today in Novo because I didn't have a light on and he did. Was watching him from 10 m away and he was completely oblivious that I was there. Learning to loot and navigate in the dark gives you a ridiculous advantage. The person who can hide their light source the fastest or doesn't use a light source at all is the winner in this fight. Last weekend when looting the Kamenka military road block I suddenly saw a flashlight so put mine away very fast. I don't think he noticed my flashlight because I completely took the guy by surprise. But then again, I always say that people have horrible situational awareness and in most cases that's true.

    I first turned it off and then I put it away to get my weapon. With that being said, it is odd why my friend saw a working flashlight on the floor next to my body. The guy that shot me didn't use a flashlight so far I noticed. Can't say 100%, but I am pretty confident he shot me with a pistol, so no probably no night vision. It either is a bug with the flashlight, or he found a way to boost up the gamma.

  3. Found a pretty game breaking bug during night gameplay. I was walking around with a flaslight through Cherno, got shot, ran away and turned off flashlight, guy for some odd reason could hit me with ease. I ran even further away and went prone. I could see nothing and next I got shot with three well placed shots. My friend walked to my last known position and saw me on the ground with a WORKING flashlight on the ground. So either the guy used some sort of gamma hack or my flashlight was bugged in the sense that it was off on my screen but on, on his screen.

  4. Some things that I experienced during my 1.0 playtime that need improvement.

    - The description of the  SG5-K says that it requires .45 bullets. This should be 9mm
    - Played for 3 hours and had 1 server disconnection
    - On two occasions I was being warped around. It took like 30 seconds before the game acted normal again
    - Sometimes I had this short game freeze for a second
    - Noticeable server performance issues on both official and community servers. Community servers that I tried (The Village) performed better. User actions such as doors have a noticeable delay on official servers and both type of servers I encountered laggy infected and animals
    - While climbing a radio tower my character become uncontrollable and was going all over the place. Relogged and fell to the ground, which I barely survived
    -  Ate a whole sheep raw. Did not become sick
    - A bit too much food/drinks around
    - You can't hear a running car that is 100 meters away.
    - The new server browser, while having a great design, works like crap. I am literally trying to join a server with a friend for over one hour right now and all time we get bugged out at place 1.


    • Beans 2

  5. 47 minutes ago, Guy Smiley said:

    The game didn't get an engine change because they made money.  It got an engine change because the original one was not capable of doing what they wanted it to do and because they made money off of the DayZ sales it gave them the opportunity to start over with a new engine.  To be fair tho, this should not have been called 1.0.  It's barely even beta material as it stands.  The original alpha that got released had more in it than this does but this version does run way better.

    True, it was planned from the start. However, if I am correct, the scope of the engine was increased significantly after the surprisingly huge sales.  I think that is something everybody can agree on. I'm fine with this version we currently have, but there was no reason to call it 1.0. Too buggy and it misses to much things. The Steam Forums have (unsurprisingly) been over-flooded with toxic trolls due to this.

  6. Just now, PongoZ said:

    Its not brain surgery. Who cares for the excuse, they could do an engine change half way through because they had a huge bank roll to do it and were still allowed to sell the over promised unfinished game for years in the state it was.  Clearly they were terribly dishonest with steam and every client not just at the start but for years afterwords and to this day to get this thing into early access. 

    Sorry it confuses your fan boi brain, but I can have played this game happily for years, gotten every penny and more out of the investment. And still acknowledge the fundamental dishonesty in the whole project. It is self evident.

    Time to start thinking with your head instead of emotions. I only point out the most logical things, while you are acting like a blind hater.
    The game got an engine change due to its huge success and I personally can't even understand in its slightest why anybody would have been against the huge change the game got this year. So you would rather had them finish this game back in 2016'ish on a shitty engine that was not meant for this game? If you call the devs idea to up their ambitions and bring out a brand new engine instead of finishing it with an old outdated engine for this game dishonesty, well then there is no point in continuing this.

  7. 2 minutes ago, PongoZ said:

    lol, 5 years later and we get 40% of the game.

    I have enjoyed playing it too, but this is a totally failed way to source a game. And the first example has turned out to be the best example of why. Motivating a company to do something they have already been paid for is pretty tough. 

    All the rest are uninformed fan boi excuses.

    Yeah, you do not think that it sounds reasonable considering an engine change more then half way through? A change that requires a re-do for most of the animations, features and content.

    It seems that you know more about their motivation then the rest of the community. Or perhaps you are just yelling things without any substance?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Jackfish said:

    Dont you think its funny that we have less content then 2 years ago?

    They focus on the wrong things here. Making the price go up? Its sickening. This game is not worth 40$+. 



    Considering the engine change and the fact that they have to re-do everything. No, I think that is pretty normal.
    And their decision to focus on stability is good since it helps development and makes the build more enjoyable. I do agree that currently it is not worth the 38 euro price tag

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Jackfish said:

    So.. instead of adding new weapons, new items fixing the missing gun sounds you focus on the torch and add a new animation?!

    Alright DayZ.. You are the biggest meme on the internet.

    If you actually followed the development you should know that the missing gun sound is fixed and that they focused on bugs rather than content.

    On topic: On some servers the performance is pretty bad while on others the performance is fine. Might have to do with player count. EDIT: Pretty sure it has to do with the player count. On high pop servers I have 30 fps while on low servers I have 60 fps.

    • Beans 2

  10. 27 minutes ago, Bob.E.Dazzler said:

    I wasn't going to say more, but as you asked it bothers me because it could of been so much more. If they had knocked it out the park with a feature complete 1.0 with all the guns, helis etc. then everyone would look again at the product and sales would pour in. This would allow them to fix/replace many of the terrible things in the game which without that budget will remain. As a small example but one I have always found especially glaring is who thinks that the checkered beds found in some buildings or civilian barracks are a acceptable texture object? They are awful and hark back to half life 2 era graphics. These and many other things could be changed with cash, but with no real momentum from a lacklustre launch all we going to get is maintenance mode and that depresses me.

    I totally agree with you on this. The current situation of the game does not bother me much, it is that they release a version that will be seen as a full release by basically anyone that does not follow this development thoroughly. That is what is bothering me as well. The potential will be ruined as the game will be flamed for its buggyness and lack of content. Ha! Don't start talking about buildings and most specifically the interiors. It is one of the things I simply can't wait to get reworked.

    Anyhow, I am confident that the game will see full development throughout 2019. What happens beyond that remains the question, which can be influenced by its reception. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, Bob.E.Dazzler said:

    Well that may convince you and approx. 2k people who will still be playing come January, but modern gamers will pass it by; too little, too late. That's ok for some, they've always seen it as a niche game; but I and others had hoped for more. What happened to the initial integrity of not releasing till it was ready? Sold down the river that's what...

    I was talking more about games within the same genre and not about the mainstream gamers that play any game that is popular. Why does it bother you anyway? Sincere question.

    I mean, as long you have a thriving community you should be fine and find enough servers to play on.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Bob.E.Dazzler said:

    New players will think it's 10 years out of date, with janky controls; it has not aged well. The market is awash with high quality games atm, do you honestly think dayz in it's current state can compete?

    Looking at similar games, there is not really a competitor that is of much higher quality than DayZ. Some competitors have elements that they do (currently) better and vice versa. But there is no game that makes DayZ abundant.

  13. 2 hours ago, freerider3434 said:

    No, I don't think so. But I can also not rule it out a possibility. Nobody can know what their plans are, but them. I believe Peter Nespesny and Eugen Harton want this game to become what we have all been, and are dreaming of. Wether they will be allowed to do so along with the rest of the dev team, is up to the heads of bohemia.


    Also, you haven't answered my question ;)

    Nothing in life is certain, except death and taxes ;)

    On a more serious note, they did state that they will keep the same team for 2019 and I see no reason to not believe that. Plus, you got their past post-development work of ArmA that has been pretty excellent, even though the ArmA games were more complete.

    Honestly, I could answer your question in so many ways, including/excluding factors. Management can choose to stop developing since it is 1.0, but they can also choose to continue to developing it as they said they would, and some good rep goes a long way.

  14. 2 minutes ago, freerider3434 said:

    Counter-question: If you were the head of Bohemia, what would your motivation be, to continue development of DayZ. Put yourself in the shoes of a businessman. And if you found that motivation, how much pressure would you want to put on the dev team? What would that depend on?

    You actually think they drop development and release some half-assed bug fix patches with some guns throughout 2019?

  15. 2 minutes ago, Robert Alexander Hedman said:


     but now with 1.0 ofcourse the development just stops completely with nothing new or nothing to add at all.


    Uhm what? 2019 will see loads of new features, content and improvements.

    Where do people get the crazy idea from that the devs stop development after 1.0. It comes close to conspiracy theories.

  16. 4 minutes ago, THEGordonFreeman said:

    Regarding persistence wipes and the 1.0 release.....


    Sadly it doesn't surprise me. Issues like this can just not be in a version that will be open for reviews and will be regarded as a 'finished' game by the general audience.

    I know that it will be fixed, but people who will buy it when it is 1.0 will not.

    • Beans 1

  17. 1 hour ago, McWendy said:

    Sure that makes it oké.....

    You obviously miss the point, considering your snarky remark. The whole debate is not about the content/features that are not in yet as they will be added after 1.0.

    The discussion is about the fact that the game is too buggy for a 1.0 release in a marketing sense.

  18. 1 minute ago, McWendy said:

    Goodluck Bohemia with your future businesses. You're credibility isnt worth jack anymore.

    Im wandering if opting for a refund is now possible?! Sure i had plenty of play time. But we also were promised a full product. Let me see what steamsupport thinks about this. 

    Plans change, we already knew for a year that 1.0 would not be the 'full product'.

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