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Everything posted by amadieus

  1. amadieus

    Wosrst server hopping solution ever

    Is this current solution not a decent middle ground? I'm surprised that people who dislike the current method are rather in favor of private hives on public. I mean the current solution pushes players to remain on their server, but does give the possibility, if needed, to change server. Perfect middle ground for the private/public hives debate and solves a lot of issues as ThePugMan mentioned. I don't know which games you played previously, but I really can't see that much of a problem with it. I used to play Miscreated a lot with a friend of my. If a server was full you had to spam the join button to get in, no queue feature. But we also had no problem in joining a different server and continue on a different toon.
  2. amadieus

    Sick un heal able disease

    Odd, never read or heard anyone about this till now. Pretty sure that in 1.03 or earlier I ate raw meat without getting sick. Out or curiosity I will test it in offline mode.
  3. amadieus

    Sick un heal able disease

    Since when do you get sick from raw meat?
  4. Well it was put on resolved only on the 29th of July, so we can only know if it is actually fixed when it is actually deployed within a patch. I know it does not say 1.05 but from past experiences, when something is fixed it usually is part of the next patch, even though it says ''in the future''. Anyhow, just passing the message. 😉
  5. Is this reported issue the same as the one you are mentioning in your post? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133040 The reported issue in the link should be fixed with 1.05 or so. 😃
  6. amadieus

    Shoe Damage

    I use the Assault boots too on my current character that is traversing the central land of south Zagoria. So mostly grass and woodland terrain, with some concrete here and there. The amount of kilometers that I traversed is easily similar to crossing the entire map. Currently my boots are worn.
  7. amadieus

    Update delay

    It is confirmed that console servers will be wiped with the patch.
  8. amadieus


    Manners, youngling.
  9. amadieus


    Correct my fellow forum dweller. As a Dutch person, English is not my native language. Nevertheless, my skill in English is ranging from B2 to C1 in the various categories (vocabulary, grammar etc.). But a lack of professional use makes me rusty. Anyway, this is a forum and I assume nobody is that bothered by some hastily written posts. At least I don't, so I won't pick out your mistakes. Also, it was never my intention to be condescending in the first place. It was merely a reaction on your comment stating that I have a ''piss poor IQ''. I watched that gameplay, and as I said, I was surprised by how fluent the heli operated. But overall, mods do have a lower quality. And usually this has nothing to do with the skills of the modders, but rather with the limitations of the tools that they are working with. I keenly follow the development of the DayZ expansion mod and I am interested to see how it turns out. I mean, it would be a loss of face for the devs when the modded heli works flawlessly and their version is still nowhere to be seen. Nonetheless, releasing DayZ as a 1.0 on the consoles is of course mind-boggling. But in the end it remains a version tag and it would not change the game's state. It is hard to say if the devs could have foreseen the insane duping problems and what they could have done about it. The only hope is that the 1.04 patch brings significant improvements, because I can imagine that console players want a normal functioning game after all these months. The definition of ''reeeeeeee'' "REEEEEEE" is an onomatopoeic expression of intense rage or frustration typically associated with the Angry Pepe character and used by those who frequent the /r9k/ board on 4chan. The expression is often associated with the Autistic Screeching meme, however it is intended to represent the unique croak produced by several species of frogs when agitated. Additionally, the expression has been combined with the word repost to call out duplicate posts on Reddit, Imgur and other sites. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/reeeeeee
  10. amadieus


    My bad. Initially I thought you confused the mod stuff as official content that pc players are getting while consoles players still await 1.04. So I wanted to share that most of it won't make it to console anyway, to ease the pain you know. Now it is clear to me that your post was a mere simple "ModDERs cAN DO it, So wHY CAnt tHe DEvs..... reeeeeeeeee" So my main mistake was that I'd expected you to be a bit more brighter, so I will explain it to you. Game development is not equal to modding. Just because the devs don't push out a helicopter but modders do, doesn't mean the devs can't. Generally modded content is of a lower quality and additionally, the devs need to take into account other factors. Such as the impact on server performance, the relation towards other features in development and elements already present in the game. Modders on the other hand can only be restricted by the tools they have. And yes, I do admit I am surprised by how fluently the chopper was flying. Edit: just to clarify, with my original comment I ment that it is worse for the console players as all that stuff is modded. So you will never see it, with the exception of the chopper. If it was official, you would see it eventually. I can see that you missed that point because of the way I wrote it.
  11. amadieus


    You do? Not entirely sure why you are "at a lost for words" then.
  12. amadieus


    Even worse for you, those are mods
  13. amadieus

    The effect of intoxication for fun gameplay

    Wasn't alcohol planned for the game? I mean, there are cigarettes and weed in the game files. Would also expect for alcohol to have a blurring effect with unconscious/throwing up after too much intoxication.
  14. amadieus

    Have we discussed what the DLC will be?

    In the Status Report, the highlighted post also said: "While we aren't ready to share details and specifics, as hinted on Twitter, the central piece is a new terrain, and it isn't Namalsk" So pretty sure it is a new map.
  15. amadieus

    Have we discussed what the DLC will be?

    Just like Derleth said, exploring a whole new map will be perfect on itself. So I am not too picky on the location. I do prefer a more North-American terrain (too similar, I know) or southern Europe like Altis. Anyhow, besides the map the things I'm interested the most in are possible cross-map improvements. New assets, props, objects for the new map that might be used for Chernarus. We all know that Chernarus looks gorgeous but also has certain ugly objects that are from the Arma2 era. I see this DLC as the perfect opportunity to update Chernarus as a free platform update, similar to BI's style with Arma3 DLC. A new map for people that are willing to pay and improvements to Chernarus for all players. Not sure if it will happen, but we haven't had a map update in a while, even though we still have all these theme park props, overgrown buildings, doors and Windows(?) that have to be re-done and a NE airfield waiting for a rework. All this might happen in some sort of pre-Christmas patch + DLC. Of course, just speculating for the most part.
  16. amadieus

    When can we expect 1.05 experimental?

    Patches are coming on average every six weeks, so next week could be a possibility. But the week of the 5th of August might have the patch as well. No, we only know that vaulting/climbing is in the works right now and thus might come with 1.05.
  17. amadieus

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Well yeah, because of console specific issues that they want to fix. Feel free to criticize them if it stays like this, but the reasons why console players have a longer wait this time around, is clear. No, I'm on the pc. But we also only know that a new patch is inbound because the Twitter account says the experimental servers are going offline.
  18. amadieus

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    Jeez relax.... They have said why the console versions will have to wait longer for the patches and they have answered console specific questions tons of times. And you should know that they most certain submitted the patch for verification last week for an expected release this week. So no, you don't need any _real_ information. It drops when it drops.
  19. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.04.152166

    Those animations look better than the current ones from Dayz... Only the running animations look a bit odd, as the upper body looks a bit stiff. Are these improvements coming to the base game @ImpulZ?
  20. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.04.152166

    No, we only know that vaulting/climbing is coming soon.
  21. amadieus

    Status Report - July 2019

    What a nonsense.... You build a base that you spend many hours on to just be dismantled by some griefers within 15 minutes. This has nothing to do with hardcore, only unbalance. Also, It is impossible to hide a base, it will be find eventually. Raiding should be difficult and time consuming. Raiding a base should be (time-wise) just as intensive as fixing up a car.
  22. amadieus

    Status Report - July 2019

    No reason to jump to conclusions. However, it would be great if Impulz could give a comment on what we can expect from the list on missing/upcoming content, and if anything is being scrapped.
  23. amadieus

    Status Report - July 2019

    What does this mean though? Is stuff being scrapped that was on the list for 1.0 and post 1.0 content/features?
  24. amadieus


    Bipods and the tpg-1 are not in the original game at the moment. Both the weapon and the bipod are from mods. So it completely depends if that mod supports a bipod function.
  25. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.04.152076

    Ha, I am on the RunningmanZ server and it rains non-stop over there