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Everything posted by amadieus

  1. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.05

    It is at least better than the previous situation.
  2. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.05

    Not sure what the player numbers have anything to do with it, as they are pretty constant throughout 2019. But back on topic. I guess we mostly agree on things here. As I said, some tweaking and further development of the diseases should be in order. Diseases should always be hindering and some to become lethal or more dangerous as time passes. I do think that we more or less continuously need to fix issues with our character. At least that would make the game fun for me. The important point here is the size of those issues. Issues become goals, but should not always be cumbersome or annoying. Something that is the case now with the diseases, as they appear too fast and too fierce. Nonetheless, I do think that the disease and health system went a step into the right direction with the last patch.
  3. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Good points. From which some of them are longstanding issues. Especially point 3 and 4 need to see improvement ASAP. If I could add something: please balance base raiding with the 1.06 patch. I did want to comment on point 1 though. Tents should either not be damaged by projectiles and explosions OR should not be despawned upon being ruined. It has to be either one of them and preferably the latter. But right now I am very glad that tents cannot be destroyed anymore. It was just too easy to pop a few holes in it and have some poor sod lose all his stuff, including the tent.
  4. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.05

    To be honest, I think it is more of a case of getting used to. Diseases should be hindering or in come cases lethal. Sure some tweaking could be in order. Such as making the incubation time longer and adding gradations to the diseases. So that it starts mild but becomes worse over time when not treated. Blood loss is something similar with this patch. Initially I was pretty happy with it. I don't do much PvP so the most cuts I get are from the infected or in some rare cases, broken shoes. Usually I fix those cuts directly after receiving them. But I saw some PvP footage and how easy it is to get 4 cuts from being shot. In those cases the blood loss is a bit too much. Like IMT mentioned, I think the sweet spot is more in decreasing the blood regeneration speed while also simultaneously decreasing the fast blood loss rate. Shoes however, I haven't had any problems with so far. Usually I already traversed a good portion of the map before it becomes nuisance. Especially military boots can go for a very long time.
  5. amadieus

    New Players Be Warned

    Huh? They have supported each Arma game till its successor was released. Arma 3 has been already released since 2013 and still receives patches till this very day.
  6. amadieus

    New Players Be Warned

    Patches have been coming on a decent and steady pace during 2019. Sure development used to be slower, but without any context that always seems bad while there are enough reasons to justify it to a certain extent
  7. amadieus

    Bugged loot pos in 1.05

    Don't know if he is an actual dev or just the admin. Nevertheless, he works with the dev team and thus knows if something is intended or not.
  8. amadieus

    Bugged loot pos in 1.05

    Geez has said so in that bug report: ''Hello everyone. According to the designers, this is intended behaviour and everything works correctly in this case. With Regards, Geez''
  9. amadieus

    Bugged loot pos in 1.05

    Look I am just talking about the official servers/vanilla community servers. So I cannot say anything about Xml files on your private server. In some cases it does correspond to reality. Why should police gear not spawn in the garage of the police station? Sure the houses next to the hospital might be a bit more far fetched, but perhaps thats where the medical personnel lived. Anyhow, here is the link where the devs confirm it is intended: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T143841
  10. amadieus

    Bugged loot pos in 1.05

    The wire mesh barrier always used to spawn in industrial buildings. Nevertheless, the spawning of certain loot in different building is intended. In other words, garages at military bases offer military loot now as well. Garages near a police station contain police gear. Medical items spawn in buildings next to the hospital.
  11. amadieus

    1.05 Bleed Rate is Ridiculous

    Somewhere I do agree, but I do think that the current situation is better than it was before. I tested around a bit and found it pretty difficult to even get 4 cuts. Infected usually just give one and by running around bare feet I got two more cuts. Admittedly, you do lose blood pretty fast and do need to bandage quick when having three bleed effects on your character, but I still had some spare time before my blood level would hit red. I do like the second suggestion with keeping the same blood-loss rate but expanding on medical items. Nevertheless, I can't say it is that OP as you can obtain rags with ease and usually stop a first bleeding effect the moment it happens. Maybe this will change when rags have a chance on giving an infected wound (If I am right this will be the difference between rags and bandages eventually) and you need a bandage or alcohol on rags for safe bandaging. And as I mentioned before, It is an achievement to get more than two bleed effects, so I can't see it being a problem most of the times. If I might add another suggestion. Perhaps increase the amount of blood for the red status state so a player would not fall unconscious as fast but the keep the blood-loss rate of the current earlier stages. This way players would still experience a black and white screen and no health regeneration by not bandaging soon after multiple cuts.
  12. amadieus

    Stable Update 1.05

    Just press G once to move in throwing stance. Then use the left mouse button to determine how far you want to throw.
  13. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    What do you expect from bug-fixing patch?
  14. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    The Alpha is open to everyone now, you can just download it through Steam.
  15. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    I never messed with the files so I might be wrong, but with the offline mode the 'overcast" setting makes the thunder appear when near 100.
  16. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Weather and its effects on the player still require some work before it becomes a serious element of the game. As another user mentioned, we will probably see an update that expands on all the systems connected to weather. Perhaps we see it in a succession of a few patches. That we can wrung out pants is a first small step. What is still needed: - being able to wring out other clothing - Fix the weather system so there will be actual storms (heavy rain and thunder) - Tweak the temperature system accordingly - make some clothes rain resistant (raincoat) - tweak and further develop diseases such as the common cold and influenza, which are acquired by being cold and wet
  17. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Wasn't rVn doing mostly the modding related stuff on the Feedback Tracker? Anyway you should know that Geez is always handling the tickets on the tracker. Concerning that ticket from Wiidevil, it is a duplicate. The original ticket is acknowledged.
  18. amadieus


    House interior tweets: https://twitter.com/adamfrancu/status/1156276607482585096 Plant Growth: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/468086358?t=02h06m25s He talks a lot about the game in his streams, it is pretty informative in general.
  19. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Perfect changes to the medical/disease/health system, thank you! Just had a small try and got Salmonella after eating raw meat, had to throw up and lost a good portion of my hydration. Went from just white to red. Finally it is something to watch out for. Also, I like how when hydration is red that you will stop regenerating any blood. A few suggestions: - Stop health regeneration when blood is red - Perhaps give diseases a longer time before it appears after eating raw meat or drinking dirty water. Now it happens mostly instantly - I still would like to have a disease or two that can kill you when not treated
  20. amadieus


    Adam the map designer mentioned in one of his personal DayZ streams that plant growth on buildings is still on the table, he was currently prototyping it. Also, on his Twitter he talked with some players about things he wished to change/add to the current interiors of structures. Can be an interesting read if you like. I really like Chernarus and I am pretty interested to see what he can do more with the map, Namalsk and the new terrain as well (if he makes the new terrain that is).
  21. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Currently we run way too fast uphill. This surely needs to be tweaked. Obviously not the walking speed from 0.62.
  22. amadieus


    My idea is that the new map comes with new assets, props, models that will find its way to the Chernarus+ terrain as well. Replacing the old ugly stuff with fresh new models, maybe new structures or existing structures that received some attention (plant growth, new furniture models, more dirtier look). This way all DayZ players receive a 'platform update', as they call it with Arma, and also include an optional map for those willing to buy it. Just my theory.
  23. amadieus

    Lore thread

    Probably the conflict that happened in Arma 2. Timeline wise DayZ happens somewhere after that Arma story.
  24. amadieus

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Nice patch. The Sarkan sedan vehicle is added as well. Aiming through windows works better now. The character is less inclined to hold the weapon up. Was the sea chest already spawning? Just found one in a shed.
  25. It is confirmed that it will be a new terrain. Really wondering where it will be located though....