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Everything posted by amadieus

  1. I'd expected the new content patch already a week or so ago on the stress test branch. Now tomorrow we will get the third status report since the patch got mentioned and I seriously hope they will not use the word "very soon" for the third time in a row.
  2. Oh yes! The devs really need to update the houses, give them higher textures, including the furniture and add some good shadow effects as they are too bright. The game looks gorgeous besides the ugly interiors of houses. I really hope they do it after remaking the entire forests as well
  3. amadieus

    Where is the DayZ population?

    Hahaha, that gave me a good laugh!
  4. amadieus

    The state of current gameplay

    We will have to see how it goes when diseases are in but currently with every play-through I never see my icons turn yellow. I just eat and drink everything that I find and it does not feel that it is a chore. I just go inside houses and look beneath apple trees. I do think that the amount of drink and food you need to get ''stuffed'' is too much, but I am sure this will be addressed when features such as throwing up and actual stuffed comes back .
  5. amadieus

    Status Report 3 July 2018

    To be honest, I think that overall there is too much fog. I don't mind it in general and it can even create some beautiful scenery, but the fog just happens too much. I rarely see rain for example. Since we did not get any new stress test with stability fixes so far this week, I think that the next stress test will be the content patch. Especially since they mentioned that the patch will contain numerous stability improvements.
  6. amadieus

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    Only reason that I could think of is that the upcoming content/feature patch is just around the corner
  7. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.147407

    No, vehicles like cars will come during experimental. Helicopters during beta and planes were aimed to come with 1.0, if I remember the 28th November SR correctly. Only two-wheeled vehicles will come after 1.0.
  8. You keep saying that you die of hunger but that is just your inexperience. Keep eating what you find till the arrows pointing upwards won't appear any-more. You can go on for like 1.5 hour of jogging without the need to eat.
  9. Dunno what to say actually... I mean there is enough food to survive and I cannot see how bambi's begging to get killed because they want to spawn near their friends is bad game design...
  10. amadieus

    The THIRST and HUNGER problems.

    When you spawn just move to the nearest town and look inside houses and check for water pumps. Other tips are not to run but to jog as it uses less energy. Also keep eating and drinking till you will not see any of the arrows pointing upwards anymore. If you do this, you will easily survive
  11. Expect for it to take the entire summer. Looking at the last Status Report it seems that content and features will be added rather quick with the first additions coming very soon in the upcoming weeks. Might see basebuilding or vehicles at the end of July or August. The way I see it is that they need to reach Stable in September if they want to release 1.0 this year with said content from the 28 November Status Report.
  12. amadieus

    Status Report - 19 June 2018

    Love the attention to detail you guys are putting in animations, sounds and visuals! Would be cool if our character would get a wet look when it stands in the rain though.
  13. amadieus

    Dying because of stairs

    This has been fixed in 0.63 experimental
  14. amadieus

    Is this even a game at this point?

    Where do all these people come from? It seems that the experimental release has brought the most uninformed people to this game again. I have read too many topics (Like this one) with the most stupid questions one could imagine. I mean it is "*insert bad language*" experimental. Did you actually think it would have been finished and done with this release? Sure there are enough things that need tweaking. The food/drink system is pretty fine, I can jog around for 1.5 hour without the need to drink or eat. And the stamina system is just fine, maybe some small tweaking but it is perfect in general.
  15. Dude, go and read about what an Alpha version means. Then do some research on the actual development before you start complaining about a stress test version that was just put on experimental branch of a game in Alpha
  16. amadieus

    Running speed / TAB

    Agree, running speed is too fast. I hope they reduce it again when they implement cars. Forbidding looting through the inventory screen would be problematic when looting a person though.
  17. amadieus

    Infected still weak. Bug with inventory

    I would be open for changes towards the way blocking works, perhaps by having blocking drain stamina and when it depletes you cannot block any more. However, this would not be that realistic in my opinion. Still I think that blocking is mostly fine and that the danger should come from being swarmed by multiple infected, which should be impossible to block against. Yes like I said, they get killed way to easily by bullets. That they get one shotted by the IHZ and other bolt action rifles is fine but against makarov's and smg's is a bit too much.
  18. amadieus

    Infected still weak. Bug with inventory

    The encounter against multiple infected outside the police station looks bugged, you were surrounded but received no hits. If it played like it was intended you would be dead. With that being said, I think that the infected are for the most part fine and that blocking works fine as well. Imo it should be that one infected is easy to get, two is doable but when it becomes more it should become difficult. I do think that the infected are too vulnerable against bullets, killing them most of the time in one shot.
  19. amadieus

    This is geting silly

    I know how you feel but I do have to point out the difference between experimental and stable release. Internally they aimed at experimental in the winter so not the beta release. With that being said, the way they communicated one would thing that experimental would not be far away in 2018. Now it is June and things are finally looking to come around this month but it took longer than expected. I have doubts that 1.0 will actually come this year (hope to be surprised). Nevertheless 0.63 plays great and is a big step in the right direction and it shows their commitment.
  20. amadieus

    persistence in offline mode?

    I doubt that the current stress test version will get persistence but if I am correct the devs did announce an offline/SP mode. Not sure when we can expect it though.
  21. amadieus

    Soft Skills

    Where does it say that you become worse in the thing you do not specialize in? Nevertheless, I see that even though some people are rather critical on the implementation, most do like it. While I am not that against the current implementation like some others, I do think that having to keep building campfires for example and to never touch sewing to increase the level of building is rather annoying. But even there could be possibilities, for example a certain skill drops much slower when it is a certain point like 70% and even more slower when reaching 80%. Like someone else mentioned, the grouping of sewing and building is an odd one and I would not even be against the usual skill tree. So that the player would receive general points when doing building, medical, sewing, fishing and horticulture stuff and he could then spend it the way he likes. I do think that nobody should become the best in everything though, people need to make choice in what they specialize, I like that aspect so far.
  22. amadieus

    Soft Skills

    Why are people so against it? As long as it does not impact gameplay/pvp too much, it can only be a small extra fun thing to work with. Otherwise just ignore it. The bonus effect of the current iteration is even so marginal that the effect is next to useless.
  23. amadieus

    Soft Skills

    Interesting to know that it stays locked when you reach the max of either side. I guess (and hope) that they will increase the benefits of choosing a speciality during the course of Experimental. With base building coming up I can see more benefits that specialization will offer (Constructions with higher health?)(Sewing wounds without chance on infection?) Nevertheless, I do like the fact that you have a choice all the way up till you max one thing out.
  24. amadieus

    Where can I check if Stress test servers are up?

    On their Twitter: https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam On the Steam forums. And last but no least, on these forums as well
  25. amadieus

    Awesome .63 Features

    All this talk about stamina but lets not forget that we run way too fast in Dayz. The insane speed already ruins pvp and should be brought back to realistic levels. When nobody can play a Tasmanian devil dodging bullets any more, THEN we can talk about relaxing the stamina mechanism.