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Everything posted by amadieus

  1. amadieus

    What's being worked on

    The status reports should give a good indication about what to expect in the next content patch
  2. amadieus

    Stamina Bar

    By jogging or just standing still. If you mean that the white bar does not fill up, it means that you carry to much heavy stuff. Some things still need to be balanced. I read on some places that mushrooms weight 1 kg at this moment
  3. amadieus

    This is the reason for the bacon bug

    Are we getting diseases that are more deadly and require more drastic actions to cure?
  4. amadieus

    Get off your fat 45535 and fix the servers.

    Because of the difference in engine.
  5. amadieus


    There will be an animation for grabbing weapons from your back or inventory. They showed it a couple of Status Reports ago so I would guess it will be in the next major patch. That should give you a bit of more time to react etc.
  6. amadieus

    Russian Helicopter Crash Site

    Hope they can do better than this. I agree with nl and would like to add that they should make some detailed interiors in the crashed helicopter and put the loot inside instead of strangely finding clothes and weapons in the grass
  7. amadieus

    Xbox news only ?

    I was wondering about this as well actually. I checked the Gamescom agenda but did not find anything like a PC games stream or something like that. Still there should be some information on the pc version according to the website of Bohemia: ''Key advancements have been made during the year thus far, and the game’s biggest milestone yet is just around the corner. The game will be leaving Early Access this year, and we now have an official date ready to share. We'd also love to talk about our new engine, as well as the current plans for the game - including the return of Survivor GameZ battle royale mode, modding support, post-launch development, and DayZ's imminent console debut.'' So yeah, I am really wondering when they will talk about all of the above.
  8. amadieus

    Can't find or connect to servers

    I think the difference in server performance between Dayz and Vigor is because of the engine. Vigor uses the Unreal Engine which obviously is very stable etc. and Dayz is their first game on their brand new self made Enfusion engine. This basically makes the ''alpha forever'' argument redundant as well. Doesn't say I am not disappointed though. As a PC player I hoped to have the content patch much earlier on experimental and so far it it seems they cannot get the lacking server performance and BE kicks under control. I still hope it comes before the end of August though, as Xbox game preview starts then as well.
  9. My urge to response to your earlier post was purely because of you using other games as an example and the experience you had with a friend. I am all open to talk about the bigger picture though. Everybody will probably agree with you (as do I) that the development cycle of DayZ has rather been poor and that it is a bad example for future games in development. DayZ definitely missed their time (when it was so popular) and it has also been perceived as taking too long by the masses. However that last part, being perceived taking too long by the masses, comes mostly down to being uninformed on game development in general. Most games take easily 5-7 years to develop, so far DayZ has not passed that yet. Still people complain that it takes too long, simply because they see the development instead of an company doing it all internally. I do think the new engine was an necessity for them to make the game much better than the 0.62 version. I have no idea how to respond to this sentence as there is no logic: ''.63, as almost anyone will tell you who has played both, does not feel that much different than the game was 5 years ago. It just doesn't. '' 0.63 feels completely different in the sense of animations, sounds and user actions, especially if you compare it with Dayz in 2014. Sure it is three steps back concerning features and development and brings bugs and instability, but that happens when you basically change the whole game and have to reimplement (hence the saying Dayz 2.0). You also showed some examples in later posts, but you cannot really compare the graphics of the Hunt:Showdown to a game that has a map muuuuuuch bigger with tons of more stuff happening on it. I mean, graphically Ark looks much poorer than DayZ. Sure some stuff is outdated, I personally really dislike the interiors of houses (too bright and not enough detail) but the open world looks simply gorgeous! Please name one similar MP game that has such realistic looking world. How you can describe 0.63 as clunky is beyond me, it is much smoother than 0.62. Besides, there is currently no other similar game that really challenges DayZ. You got Miscreated, which I do like by the way and Scum. Scum has not been released yet but it shows quite some differences in areas. Miscreated is basically a copy cat, and a good one as well but it lacks in certain points in comparison to DayZ. Now I do not want to discuss other games but there is still enough room for DayZ to develop and mature. With that being said, I am not blind DayZ fanboy. Better yet, I would see myself as a realist, but one that also follows the games development and knows what is happening. Point is, I agree with you on how to world sees the development of DayZ. I can totally understand that that people think: Oh there is a new engine, lets try... Oh shit, infected still go through doors, damm I got a bug that misplaces my weapon. Has this been five years in development?!? But just because people think like that does not make them right, and that was the whole point of my initial response towards you. There are explanations to why there are these bugs and why the development took this long. I understand that your whole post is about how Dayz missed its mark and that the masses think the development is slow and how the masses think that the 0.63 release is bad. From a business view this is of course not ideal for the moment. We can both be realistic here and agree on this. Now lets also both be realistic that the masses are pretty uninformed about the development of DayZ and game development in general, shall we?
  10. You suggest a lot in your response but completely ignore my arguments. Yes, I have read your first post when you started this topic and even read it again when you posted the message that I responded to. Point is, your first post has some valid points but the one i responded too barely any decent argument. Nevertheless, you should know that an new engine brings new problems. They recreated all the animations, sounds, rework the infected, vehicles and server and client side technology. You really think that it does not bring new basic problems? 0.63 is almost like Dayz 2. That you expected everything to be working fine while it is actually almost a fully new game is your own fault. Next time focus your response on the points given and do not put words in my mouth. Your whole post was basically that. Oh and btw, I'm no expert and will never claim to be, but logic thinking helps a lot.
  11. You come with arguments that have been explained countless of time. DayZ uses crappy old engine, has huge sales, bigger ambitions, want to make new engine, needs to develop new engine alongside the game. There! Thats the reason why DayZ has not that perfect development cycle like games as Ark, Rust or The Forest. You should know that games like Rust were made on a stable engine and the devs only had to add features and content. Now that we get that out of the way, what do you think happens when they come with a complete new engine? Exactly! Basic bugs, instability and performance problems. Things that will not occur with games that are made on an engine that have been developed and made perfect over the course of 10 years (Unity/Unreal). That people actually think that putting a completely new rewritten engine in place comes without new bugs is just shocking. They released it on experimental so that we, the players, can find bugs and other problems, while also enjoying the huge leap forward that 0.63 brings in tech and the stuff that is already there. If you done any research you would know that it lacks in content and features because it has to be re-implemented all over again! That you and your friends are clueless about that is your own problem and I could care less, but you actually come to complain on the forums without doing any research or basic thinking whatsoever. But here I am, now I explained everything to you.
  12. What lies exactly? I have not been following the development from the first day but the last 1.5 year I have not seen any lie. I do think that how they word things could be improved. Too many times it sounds like it is just right around the corner while it is not.
  13. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    Thanks for the detailed response! But I am playing the offline mode version of the latest stress test branch
  14. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.147489

    How did you get sick? I ate like 7 pieces of raw deer meat and drink gallons of river water but I was completely fine. I did throw up because I was stuffed though.
  15. Go to your Steam library > right click on DayZ and then click on properties > Then go to the ''BETA'' tab > choose experimental from the drop down menu.
  16. It is not delayed. The stress test comes this Wednesday
  17. Probably won't be today as they have another play test with new fixes this day. They have more info on the patch with today's SR according to Twitter. Hopefully not a delay
  18. Well it can be today, tomorrow or Thursday. Probably not Friday as it borders the weekend.
  19. amadieus

    I know, but be patient.

    I do not agree. It is fine if a gamer does not care about game development, but then also don't buy an Early Access game that is in actual development and then start to complain.
  20. Considering there was just one nasty bug left last Friday I expected to see a stress test today or at least tomorrow. They might talk about the experimental update instead of the stress test version.. But oh well, we will see what happens
  21. amadieus

    Status Report - 17 July 2018

    It would not surprise me if we spawn on the NW Airfield with tons of cars around for some vehicle deathmatch during one of the stress tests :P
  22. Looking forward to it! Keep up the good work!
  23. amadieus

    Gamma exploit still under consideration?

    While I can see that my sentence can be read in two ways, there is no reason to act like some wannabe wise ass. I only shared my experiences while asking for his. Obviously I know you can do it through your screen but I simply have not tried it myself.
  24. amadieus

    Gamma exploit still under consideration?

    I tried to up the gamma through both Windows and Nvidia control panel but both to no avail. Could you effectively increase the gamma outside the game then?
  25. amadieus

    Status Report - 17 July 2018

    Glad to see the content patch coming now! It looks like it will be a Great patch with lots of content and fixes. Well done!