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Everything posted by amadieus

  1. amadieus

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    The backslash is getting a bit out of hand now anyway. 1.0 remains just a number and if features are not ready then they simply are not just ready. Too many people are going too crazy about this number and the few things being pushed back. The only real problem here is that releasing 1.0 is a strong marketing tool that can be used to gain lots of new players. But the lack of certain elements make the overall presentation of 1.0 worse. Things like ragdoll, missing physics, lack of weapons, no vaulting (so we have a not so aesthetically looking jump). Infected and diseases also still need work. These elements reduce the overall presentation of the game when it gets released as 1.0 and thus might reduce the amount of new players coming in.
  2. amadieus

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Thank you, I'm pleased to see that horticulture will be in.
  3. amadieus

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Great post. I could live with some things being post-poned but this is kinda much. No throwing, ragdoll, small selection of weapons, fishing and (probably) horticulture. Currently diseases have barely any impact and other health related stuff like fractures will probably not be present as well. Kinda difficult calling it an 1.0. Looking forward to the future though, as a lot of things are looking pretty good such as basebuilding and vehicles etc. To be honest, I never understood why they called 2018 the year of DayZ. It seems to me that 2019 will actually be the year of DayZ
  4. amadieus

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Who cares what they call it. Everybody already knew that not all the stuff would make it at the end of this year. Is horticulture getting postponed by the way, or is it still in?
  5. amadieus

    Unlocking more rooms?

    Mmmh but the map designer had mentioned that some doors will be opened, just not all of them. For example: the remade fire station has many more rooms than it had before. Nevertheless, I hope that some bigger houses have more space and room for indoor PvP after the houses have been reworked
  6. amadieus

    Beta == 1.0 This year?

    Polished, I hope so. Its a neccesity. Feature complete no. There are features planned post 1.0 like barricading. Also some features like fishing from 0.62 won't make it before 1.0.
  7. amadieus


    No idea what it is, my friend has the same with every other game he plays. For some reason his games use a different gamma setup than when just browsing Windows.
  8. amadieus


    I don't think that DayZ is a good example of what the Enfusion is capable off since DayZ is still being hold back by elements of the RV engine. A possible Arma4, a game from the ground up, will be a real test for the engine.
  9. amadieus


    Yep indoor lighting is simply too bright. During the day it is not a big problem but during the night it just looks ugly and unreal. Problem is, according to the map designer, that old parts of the RV engine that are still in the engine block this from happening. If you want to check it out, Adam said this in a tweet conversation somewhere in the summer. They can make it somewhat darker by other means but not by the way you mentioned, if I am correct. Funny thing is that those new barracks at the NWAF from Arma3 are much darker inside during the night in comparison with other buildings. Might be a taste for what is to come when the building interiors will be redone. My screen is pretty dark by the way, during the night I cant see anything in a forest, a bit more in the fields. Its the same as the screenshots. My friends game is also much brighter and similar to you, his screenshots are also much darker.
  10. amadieus

    1 month of DayZ on Xbox One.

    Seems you are pretty poor in doing research then if you came to that conclusion. I give you a hint: clickbait videos on YouTube is no research
  11. amadieus

    Just found...

    Challenge accepted! I jumped into the offline version and thankfully found some deer (elk?) rather quickly. With my red hoodie I could come pretty close. So I don't think that clothing matters. Maybe they will in the future, since it should affect the infected's vision since last patch. I made two screens which you can see on my profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971506802/screenshots/?appid=221100 The second screenshot was made seconds before they run. (Edit: I might make more screenshots in the meantime, just look at the ones with all the leaves and guy in red hoodie) I tried to come from behind as you might see in the first screenshot, but they all stood up at one moment and walked right to me. Now I didn't test yet how close you can come by jogging but I'm confident that is not as close.
  12. amadieus

    Just found...

    In 0.62 I once crawled pretty close to some deers. Might be different at the moment in 0.63, but I am pretty sure that with 0.62 the player stance affected the detection zone.
  13. amadieus

    Population of infected

    Well cities are bigger than towns so overall there are probably more infected, but still not as much that it gives the same impression as it does with small towns.
  14. amadieus

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    Would be a kick in the nuts if they just brought back tents and barrels. That's no base building either, by my definition. And I'm not talking about those ugly kind of constructions you see in other games. No I just want the use the kind of walls mentioned by the devs, build a watchtower and place some lights with generators. And within the wall some tents etc.
  15. amadieus

    DayZ Youtubers?

    I did not see him get mentioned but BabyNades also makes some very good DayZ videos. I really like how you follow him through a long play session and he perfectly edits it into a 50 min video.
  16. amadieus

    Just wondering about vehicles.

    Vehicles will be coming to the PC version somewhere in the upcoming months. So there is a good chance Xbox will see it this year as well. Don't quote me on it though.
  17. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    I also seem to encounter less infected than before this patch. Might be just bad luck, will keep on looking. Also, with this patch my stamina bar and health, blood, thirst etc. icons are not located precisely in the left and right corner anymore
  18. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    Yeah I don't receive that one and probably missed that forum post, even though I check it daily
  19. amadieus

    Experimental Content Update

    They have to rework the whole interiors of many houses and industrial buildings and make them more lively. (Give the impression that people really lived and worked there, currently it looks to clean). Moreover, the houses are also too bright inside, especially during the night. Also, they should replace certain low poly furniture, floors and doors for example. The map developer of Dayz said a while ago on his twitter that revision of interiors of houses is on the to do list. So I am hopeful we will see some definitive improvements.
  20. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    Because they did not specify that it will be released today in the SR but did for server owners in the newsletter, which I don't receive.
  21. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    Yeah I also re-read it and I can understand why some might read it that way. Difference would be 'Within a week (7days)' and 'Within the next week (mo-su)'. I was just very surprised that I saw so many people on twitter going on about it.
  22. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    I know, but this week is not over yet, right?
  23. amadieus

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    Why is everyone thinking that the server files are being released today? They said this week, so sit down and wait.
  24. From everything we got so far, diseases is that one thing that is just too vague, even so vague that I almost do not even believe that there are like 5 diseases in the game. There used to be just one disease during the stress tests, cholera. Which you should get from drinking contaminated water. Well I never got sick during the stress tests, not even after drinking endless amounts of pond water. Now with the experimental candidate we are supposed to have five or so diseases. But I drinked liters of pond water and ate kilos of raw chicken..... and nothing! No sneezing or coughing as was mentioned back in July. No ill characters. Only a few times I randomly started to vomit. Its a disappointment because they said we would get diseases back, but in its current form it is hardly a feature.
  25. amadieus

    Experimental Content Update

    It is a bit strange. You got the white fog, which feels like real fog and happens not often and then you got this blue fog that varies in its intensity. Sometimes on the coast it is pretty clear but other moments the blueish fog can really reduce view distance. If you start up the offline mode the weather should be sunny without much fog and clouds, like the standard weather setting. It might give an idea how clear it can look, even on the coast. By the way, I do have a feeling that the blue fog happens much less often than the earlier 0.63 versions, which I'm very happy about. Might have to do with the latest cloud update. Have been shooting lots of screenshots with the sometimes amazing views. And like Pilgrim said, it happens a lot during the early morning. I can confirm this as well.