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Everything posted by Survivor1431

  1. Survivor1431

    Reviews starting to come out

    No one was discussing musical preferences sir, you have committed a red herring fallacy. My self is orthogonal to the quality of the article, I wish you a good day sir.
  2. Survivor1431

    Reviews starting to come out

    Grammar is orthogonal to maturity and reasoning sir, you have been debunked again. I suggest you read the text and notice that the author spelt 'what' correctly within that text. It was intentional for stylistic reasons.
  3. Survivor1431

    Reviews starting to come out

    A misspelled word, intentional or not, is not indicative of the value of a person, nor is it indicative of the value of the content they create. One can have poor grammar yet simultaneously create highly valuable content and be of large value to themselves or others, because value is orthogonal to grammar. If you read the text you dismissed so superficially, you will see that he spells 'what' correctly within that text, which demonstrates that the misspelling was intentional for stylistic purposes. You sir have been debunked by logic and facts.
  4. Survivor1431

    Poll: Favorite City to Visit

  5. Survivor1431

    Most popular locations?

    What are the top 5 most common places on the map to run into other survivors?
  6. Survivor1431

    Most popular locations?

    So far I've had most of my encounters at military bases. Some encounters on the coast too, but less often.
  7. For all the annoying bugs and lack of content I was reminded once again about the magic of DayZ. I looted up in Kamyshovo and was semi-geared with a loaded pistol as I headed to Staroye military base. After looting Staroye village I had a full backpack of various useful items. I then headed to the military base. Upon arrival I find some human flesh with magazines beside it outside the base. I had also heard a shotgun go off in the area a few minutes ago, so I was on the lookout. I circle around the base so I can enter from the treeline. As I approach the base I notice a semi-geared player looting the base. I hid and tried to watch him, but then he noticed or heard me. He climbed up a ladder onto the wooden platform and I lost sight of him. Then I realized he had hopped off the platform and landed outside the base to flank me as I see him show up behind me. I unload 15 shots with my CR75 but I was nervous and missed most or all with my shaky aim. He fired his shotgun and hit me. I was quite injured and limping. I desperately load the second magazine into my CR75 as he reloads, praying that I don't die. Finally my gun is reloaded and I fire a few more shots and see him fall to the ground. I am bleeding and injured so I immediately apply a bandage. I go to his body and confirm that he is dead. I could still feel the adrenaline coursing through me as well as excitement that I had survived. I looted his body although he only had a bit of ammo and basic gear on him. I retreat paranoid that someone else is nearby or approaching and hide in the trees to let my health recover. I then return and loot the military base and make it out safely, still feeling the adrenaline from a few minutes ago. There's no other game that gives me this intense rush and the sense that my character really matters, and the feeling that I can lose all the loot I've spent hours finding in a matter of seconds. I'm looking forward to when the major bugs are fixed and the new content gets added in.
  8. Survivor1431

    Intense encounter and firefight

    After an intense fight I will take some time to regroup in safe areas as the periods of calm are important to balance the intensity. I want to see the environmental survival aspects developed more for this reason, not that I think it should be easy to survive. In my view the possibility of losing your gear at any moment, combined with the time it takes to acquire this gear, are what give the character value. It is not that I want to lose my loot or die, but that the imminent risk of losing it makes player progression more rewarding. And each time I do die, I have something new to learn to reduce the risk next time.
  9. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    They're not actually cars. They're alien holograms with magnetic force-fields, left by the invaders as a death trap. Developers decided the lore needed a little more depth. Why else would there be so many infected?
  10. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Its likely to do with the net-code. But Eugen said server performance is currently only 1/5 of where he wants it to be, and its a high priority. I was just hoping the patch before X-mas would resolve it, but unfortunately it did not.
  11. Anyone else have slow stuttering infected on official servers (or elsewhere)? Doesn't matter if my ping is good or bad, they're still slow for me even after the new stable update, if I'm on a high pop server.
  12. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Any full/high pop official server that I join has poor server performance. I've tried over 15 different official servers on stable branch. Delayed door opening and slow stuttering infected and wolves which the devs have admitted is due to server performance issues. I haven't even tried community servers because I want the vanilla experience. Low pop servers the infected work normally and actions have quick response. I think their net-code needs work. I heard the dev in a stream after 1.0 say that server performance is 1/5th of what it should be.
  13. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    I get this problem too. I don't mind waiting for more content, but with server performance being so bad it really ruins what would otherwise be an enjoyable experience in 1.0.
  14. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Infected are still lagging and stuttering for me on high pop servers, even when ping is low. I get smooth FPS with intermittent drops on a high spec PC. I also noticed my hunger never seems to deplete despite running for hours. It is either set to deplete very slowly or is not working.
  15. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Does improved server performance prevent cars from flying or is that unrelated?
  16. Survivor1431

    Most popular locations?

    In 1.0 over the course several hours I've only had a couple encounters. First right when I spawned with other fresh spawns, and then at a couple military bases (though I did not engage). I'm looking forward to 75-100 player servers that perform well if that ever happens.
  17. Survivor1431

    Stable Update 1.0.149974

    Was performance good on a full server?
  18. Survivor1431

    Thank You Developers.

    Backlogged content I don't mind waiting for. But the major bugs like flying cars and poor server performance (causing laggy NPC's) need to be fixed ASAP. Once those are fixed the experience will be far better.
  19. So I was attacked by a few infected and killed them. I was bleeding so I used a bandage. But my bleeding continued, and I used another one. The bleeding still didn't stop. My screen was losing color yet surprisingly my health was full and actually increasing. I went searching for more bandages but then I fell unconscious. My blood icon was flashing red and my health icon was full and increasing. I awoke and kept looking for bandages, and then died instantly despite my health icon showing as full. I'm assuming this must be a bug?
  20. Survivor1431

    Be Bandit, Not a Hero

    This is my official recommendation. Do not extend compassion to your desperate human survivors. Kill them on sight. Survival comes first. If you do not kill, you will be killed. Plus you can always use their resources for yourself. In the apocalypse, it is not time to be considerate, it is time to ensure your survival at all costs. If you do not steal, you will be stolen from. If you do not punch, you will be shot in the face. In fact I even suggest you chop up their body afterwards and consume their flesh. Otherwise you won't stand a chance whatsoever.
  21. Survivor1431

    Zombies and other AI are laggy

    I have the same problem on multiple servers. It happens for me on full servers whereas on low pop servers the infected work normally.
  22. Survivor1431

    Teleporting zombies

    I made a video of the infected on my game...slow-motion and stuttering movement. They aggro on me after a delay and then they keep lose track of me when I move. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/348933652
  23. Every so often (once every 10 days) your character should be abducted by aliens in the night...an alien shows up in front of you then you fall unconscious. It could reinforce the lore because the aliens would be responsible for spreading the virus to humanity. Every so often you can find notes and other hints that suggest aliens have arrived. And there could even be alien ships that sometimes pass by. UFO sightings. And the end game can be to find the alien chief's secret underground base and kill him. And then you get his laser rifle which is epic for sniping. This would bring DayZ to the next level.
  24. Survivor1431


    Drag ammunition to the quick bar then hold down the key (1,2,3,4... etc) to automatically reload.
  25. Damn lol. I thought that may be the case, but wasn't sure. I even realized I could use my sewing kit to treat wounds but by then it was too late - _ -