Hey, I'm willing to help. You might have seen me around the subreddit with the username, BennyGoId.
About me: My name is Brian and I'm turning 20 on July 6. I play on the US West Coast (meaning I'll only be playing in Official Public SJ and WA servers because ping will exceed 60 if I play on any others). I'll be able to help new/existing/returning players navigate throughout Chernarus, teaching the basics of how to utilize their environment and where they can start off with some good loot. English only (direct and/or microphone chat).
Same as I do on the subreddit, I will offer my assistance with questions that new/exisiting/returning players may have (just PM BennyGoId on reddit if you have any questions/concerns and I will try my best to get back to you) <- that's an uppercase i, by the way.
In-game, I will do my utmost to allow new players/existing players to get accustomed to the harsh climates and unique player interactions between other players. I'll be your Swiss Army knife (can and will do anything to assist new/exisitng/returning players).