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Everything posted by Vernon_Price

  1. Vernon_Price

    The state of current gameplay

    Speed of getting hungry/thirsy is by no means final, so don't worry, there is still a lot of balancing to be done. :-) The other thing, its actually pretty easy to find food, which is not going down as fast as water is, you just need to know where to look for it. Try to search carefully every corner you encounter, every piece of clothing on the ground, kill some infected, cos the food drop rate is pretty hight from them. (Or at least i have some great luck.)
  2. Vernon_Price

    New player

    As much as I would love to play with you, I just kinda prefer to play with my close friends only. BUT! If you have ANY questions related to the game, feel free to ask me here, i'll try to help as much as I can. :-)
  3. Vernon_Price

    Character Creation is broken af.

    You're welcome. :-)
  4. Vernon_Price

    Character Creation is broken af.

    It works, but whenever you join the server, you already have a living character that you gotta kill to get the one you made. About naming, yup, there is no option to do so, cos there is no need to. You cannot check pulse yet, but its gonna be working soon. Besides that, I don't think that this is kind of a 'priority" for now. Its just how you look.
  5. Vernon_Price

    pls add the american 180

    Can I have a large cola and some pancakes please? :3
  6. I wouldn't go that far... 1, 1,5 half monts at max.
  7. Vernon_Price

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    But your character does not save on offline mode, everytime you leave the game - you start as a fresh spawn.
  8. Vernon_Price

    Is this a Bug? Play offline?

    They annouced it after the first stress test.
  9. Vernon_Price

    0.63 exp review after 1650 hours in dayz

    Well, if you would spent 10 minutes once on listening devs, you'd know what to expect from first experimental. There is A LOT of sources that can explain to you why its like this. Fe. DayZ.com/experimental and https://dayz.com/blog/0-63-stress-tests + More than a half of what you said in this post is total BS.
  10. Vernon_Price

    Blocking not working for me

    You're welcome. :)
  11. Vernon_Price

    Blocking not working for me

    First, you don't raise your fists with spacebar, but with RMB. Then just go backwards, it works on the new version of the game (Experimental/Stress test). After that "spacebar" I assume you have 0.62 installed on your device, correct?
  12. Vernon_Price

    Help please!!!!

    You need to switch back to the normal version of the game, not stress_test, or experimental, just out of beta programs. You can set it in properties, see the picture? :)
  13. Vernon_Price

    Weapon firemode single?

    X works fine for me.
  14. Vernon_Price

    0.63 Night looks awful

    Eugen Harton already said on the last stream from 0.63, that all the issues we have (gamma fe.) will be fixed during the experimental of 0.63.
  15. Vernon_Price

    knife crafting

    You can do it in 0.63 buddy, just put the knife in your hand, and drag the clothing into "combine", and BOOM, you can cut it down.
  16. Vernon_Price

    Pleasure to meet you, Beta.

    Catch ya in Cherno then, buddy! :-)
  17. Vernon_Price

    PLEASE -don't- change the new reloading mechanics!

    Yes, new reloading mechanics are the best <3 Let's keep them. I'd write more about it but i'm kinda in the middle of a match in lol, sooo. :D
  18. I can run the game smooth at laptop with ^ these above ^ at 60(less and above sometimes.) fps on medium/high setts mostly. So I guess you should be fine buddy.
  19. Vernon_Price


    That would be actually great! + to that idea from me!
  20. Vernon_Price

    Low recoil in BETA

    No worries. :-)
  21. Vernon_Price

    Low recoil in BETA

    I already told you that it needs balancing. You can't just make thing "perfect" from the beginning, first you need to make it working, then you can balance it properly. I'm sure it WILL change a bit in the final version or even experimental, but it won't be the old one, where AK is flying like an Eagle in your hands. Trust me, it's gonna be nice.
  22. Vernon_Price

    Low recoil in BETA

    Wow, hold up your horse buddy. Insulting someone for a "bad aim" after first response isn't a good idea.
  23. Vernon_Price

    Low recoil in BETA

    tbh 0.62 recoil a was piece of s... :D Remember that you're watching DEMO of Xbox version, its still to be balanced.
  24. Vernon_Price

    Icons Feedback

    For me those in game are more... eyes friendly. But that just me! You did a great job with these as well buddy! :)