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Everything posted by Vernon_Price

  1. Vernon_Price

    new map terrain issue.

    Matthew's videos do work. How did you load up this terrain tho? It doesn't seem like Buldozer to me.
  2. Vernon_Price

    I'm shallow in this game.

  3. Vernon_Price

    Question for devs: In game kill feed

    Im telling you what the devs have said, which is easy to say you don't know about. No need to be developer to pass the info from their official twitter or interviews. In every interview they were asked about this kind of stuff - They answer the same, they don't want DayZ to feel "gamey". (I don't need to speak about kill feed, cause that's just arcady.) Navigation bar would make compass (Or GPS if it gets added) useless, and there wouldn't be a need to navigate yourself in a natural way, how it is now, and that part won't change in vanilla servers. By saying vanilla I mean BOTH PC and XBOX official servers, that's what vanilla means.
  4. Vernon_Price

    Question for devs: In game kill feed

    There is no "kill feed" on vanilla servers. This is a mod. And no, we won't have that in vanila servers, as well as navigation bar on top of the screen, its breaking immersia.
  5. This stone is called a "stone knife" :)
  6. 1.0 - Provides BASIC and CORE features in a stable state with no major bugs. <--- DayZ 1.0 does that. 1.0 doesn't mean by ANY means "finall" "finished" product. Development doesn't stop here, its just a number that means they left Early Access, which this game didn't needed in its current state. There is still more to come.
  7. Well, now you know for the future! :-)
  8. No, its not a bug. Watch carefully from where the bleed effects its getting out of your body, cause you can have more wounds than 1. 1 bandage = 1 wound. In this case you had more than 2. :-)
  9. Vernon_Price

    Terrain textures not loading in Bulldozer correctly

    Did you convert your textures with "ImageToPAA" tool ?
  10. Vernon_Price

    Adding back weapons?

    All of old weapons are gonna get added in Post release (which is now.) and there are gonna be new. Nobody will tell you "when" tho, as nobody knows. We are supossed to get a road map at the beginning of 2019.
  11. Vernon_Price

    Guess when helicopters will be in

    As far as we all know (From what devs have said over these years) only animal companion is cancelled for now, so other features and content are still planned, as they were.
  12. Vernon_Price

    Guess when helicopters will be in

    I guess we'll know by the beginning of the 2019, as they want to give us a road map.
  13. Vernon_Price

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    Delete /my documents/DayZ and it will be fixed. I did that at the first patch they annouced it - worked. :)
  14. Vernon_Price

    Experimental Update 0.63.149887

    And THAT is what i call a good update. GG! :)
  15. Vernon_Price

    Gun jamming

    On PC you just simply hold the reload button... maybe try the same with your controller, cause unjamming is on both platforms.
  16. Vernon_Price

    Repair Bug?

    Tbh it was the same issue on exp on PC 2 days ago, try to drop the sewing/leather kit and put the cloth you want to repair into your hands, aim wit hit on the kit on the ground, it should work.
  17. Vernon_Price

    Surrender emote

    My bad then. :-) Thanks!
  18. Vernon_Price

    M3S vehicle?

    Parts are there, but vehicle isn't yet. They want to give it some time to get it working properly. We have only Ada (Lada) now.
  19. Vernon_Price

    Surrender emote

    it drops the item on the ground, its not deleting the item...
  20. Vernon_Price

    BI Needs to Postpone 1.0

    Chill. Nothing needs to be postponded and won't be. We've been at this topic already, get over it.
  21. Vernon_Price

    Goodbye Legacy Branch 0.62!

    The king is dead, long live the king!
  22. Vernon_Price

    DayZ > Fallout 76

    These are 2 different games that has nothing to compare to each other tho. You can't just say "Oh now I love you guys, cos this other game went down", that's not nice.
  23. Vernon_Price

    Bandages not working?

    If you weren't able to use bandage, that means both of your weren't bleeding. You cannot bandage yourself without bleeding status. If blood icon goes a bit down for few seconds only, it doesn't mean you're bleeding. It has to be droping down longer than that, and constantly.
  24. Vernon_Price


    Yes they are in the game. I've heared my or friend's character sneezing and coughing + It makes your screen blurry. Haven't died from that tho.
  25. Vernon_Price

    Rotate items inventory

    It is a planned feature as devs have said by themselfs (Eugen Harton) at the first 0.63 official dev stream, somewhere at the end. :-)