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Everything posted by Vernon_Price

  1. Vernon_Price

    Next patch wipe

    Experimental brach wasn't wiped since like 3-4 months, I don't think 1.02 would wipe stable, if it didn't wipe exp.
  2. Vernon_Price

    Current form of testing.

    Hello... So yea, now, that we have that behind us, let's get to the topic, i'll try to keep it short. Current Experimental testing form is quite disappointing in few aspect of it, as far as I can understand, that developers want to check, if everything works without any blockers/major issues in the regular game, testing new stuff like cars, or basebuilding doesn't really fit into that way of testing, due its long-term "Search for stuff' part. Let's face it - How many of you actually tried to test new Olga (Sedan) or build a complete base in the experimental, and actually use them for more than a day, to expose bugs ect? Just to be clear - Building a base/completing a car takes from 2 to even 5 hours sometimes. Let's that say you've spent over 3 hours of collecting parts for Olga, and then car made both, you and your friend unconscious, and almost killed only by entering the car, then short after that, car disappears leaving only smoke after itself - That exactly what happened to me and my friend yesterday. We basically lost over 3 hours of our time, just to make this car disappear, and no one would be mad about that bug, cause we could easly report it and go find other bugs, except it took over 3h just to find this one. I'll give you some screenshots of that ofc. What's my point? In the Stress test enviroment, when the devs first introduced Offroad, we could find a car that has high ratio of spawn, enter it and just simply start the engine, and test it. It'd take 10-20 minutes to do so, and in this Olga's case, it'd take 10-20 minutes to find and report this bug, instead of over 3h, where we could just simply die and never get to reproduce this bug, to get more feedback for the developers. Now... as I said before, I get it that you don't wanna just make another car stress tests, cause of other game's parts, but no one would be hurt if you'd make at least 1-2 servers JUST for testing purposes for players, with higher car spawn ratio (Already packed together, ready to ride.), cause I'm pretty sure real number of players actually reporting issues about stuff like cars can close in about 20-30, others just get mad after dying to something, they don't wanna waste their time on. (So there is no report, no feedback, just frustration.) So what's the solution? - Consider having 1-2 servers with a higher spawn ratio of NEW things, and make them already packed together so players that wants to give you feedback, could actually do it. - Leave other servers with normal survival gameplay, so after finding some bugs in the servers mentioned above, we could try to reproduce them in normal gameplay After doing that, you'd have much more players actually testing what's new and giving you feedback. Please consider this suggestion.
  3. Vernon_Price

    Current form of testing.

    I agree with you, except the part about DayZCommunityOfflineMode. Most stuff behave differently online, than offline, so you most likely won't be able to find some of the problems. But yea, they NEED to do something with this test updates, cause i'm for sure not gonna just give away few hours to die by a new car anymore, and I guess im not alone.
  4. Vernon_Price

    Current form of testing.

    That's exactly why making another stress test wouldn't make much sense. We need normal servers, with normal spawns, but with much higher spawn ratio, so we can test them much faster than in hours. That is what i meant.
  5. Vernon_Price

    Add more nails

    True that. Nails are too rare.
  6. Vernon_Price

    Experimental Update 1.02

    I have the same issue, actually no idea how to fix it... 😕
  7. Vernon_Price

    [SUGGESTION] Inventory concept | Tab System

    Exactly, correct me if im wrong but where there was a 1st wave of feedback posted by Peter, me or someone else (can't remember) posted that scrolling trough the inventory is a disaster for the gameplay. Let's hope they'll think more about it, cause your idea is just perfect for that.
  8. Vernon_Price

    [SUGGESTION] Inventory concept | Tab System

    That would be very usefull tbh, we NEED that, instead of scrolling trough, not only our EQ, but stuff like tents ect. That's would be much more smoother. Very good idea!
  9. Vernon_Price

    Can Devs FIX In-Game Name please?

    You don't have use parameters. You can set it in both launchers, official one and the one for mods, problem solved. As far as i know tho, character creation is still a way long from being fully and properly implemented, so we gotta wait.
  10. Vernon_Price

    For update

    If its for PC, its for Xbox, but a bit later. Please understand, you develop games on PC, so if you want it or not, you can't have a console test to happen faster than PC... 😕
  11. Vernon_Price

    For update

    I know once they were planning Tisy (Military base up the north-west border) They were talking about it having a radiation zones and helis spawns (Down the line), but I haven't heared anything about that in about 2 years i think. There are mods tho, and some servers use them, there is one for example, where you gotta have a gas-mask before you go to the Prison Island, if you don't put your mas on - You're being slowely killed by a rad-zone.
  12. Vernon_Price

    Anyone else having problems with melee?

    Just open your EQ and put this item on your quickbar, then click it, as you just want to pick it from the quick bar. It works.
  13. Vernon_Price

    Anyone else having problems with melee?

    Yeah, that happened to me few times as well. Reported it already on the feedback tracker, tho you can fix it by symply hiding your wapon (that you're holding in that moment) and the issue fixes itself. Its very annoying, and I hope it will get fixed soon. As I've said, its already reported, so we can't do much than that about it. 🙂
  14. Vernon_Price

    Status Report - January 2019

    Yay. :D
  15. Vernon_Price

    PS4 Release?

    They never said that ps4 release will be out "soon after Xbox". All they've said is "2019", and that is the whole info we have.
  16. Vernon_Price

    I have nothing nothing nothing 😢

    Make sure you've joined the same server you were playing yesterday. And if you clicked "log out now" while ending yesterday's play session, it is possible that something could kill you in these 15 seconds that your characters stays in the game.
  17. Vernon_Price

    Car smoking?

    Car smokin'= Not enough water in the radiator. Try to fill it again till yo= get it.
  18. Vernon_Price

    Dayz Discord.

    When i copy this from their discord it says "This link will expire in 1 day" So that's not possible. Here, add me on discord and i'll try to invite you trough the private message. Cpt. Vernon Price#0337
  19. Vernon_Price

    Dayz Discord.

  20. Vernon_Price

    Let's talk about update 1.0 for xbox !!!

    There is no bows, boats or bikes on PC.
  21. Vernon_Price

    No interaction with objects. Please Help:/

    The second menu activated by clicking the item was removed with 0.63. Now, you interact with objects by dragging them into your hands slot, leaving the EQ and actually use them with animations. Game always shows you a lil tutorial (Bottom left, a bit upper than stamina bar) of how to use it, for example - If you wan't to open a can - Drag a can into your hands, then drag a knife or can opener over this can, so it will show you "combine" option. After doing that, your EQ will close automatically, then as i said before, look at the bottom left, it will tell you to HOLD left mouse button to open a can. Same with actually everything in the game, you do it with your hands, not some magic wand in your EQ liek before. :)
  22. Vernon_Price

    Died cause of multiple bug /w Video

    Correct me if im wrong, but in 0.63 nothing make gunmarks but shotgun, it seems to me like a rare issue with bullet register, not a hacker.
  23. Vernon_Price

    new map terrain issue.

    But... did you set-up everything in TB before doing that...?