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Everything posted by ShaneRetter

  1. ShaneRetter

    Doors persistence

    I'm also trying to find a way to keep door states persistent on our server, and wondered if there was another way to do it other than 'storeHouseStateDisabled'
  2. ShaneRetter

    Using CeEditor

    Is this process still functional? For the life of me I can't get the areaflags.map to open for editing animal spawn points. I got the chernarusplus zip file, and extracted it to CeEditor, then launched the program, but got nothing. Just wondering if it's still a valid way to edit the map.
  3. ShaneRetter


    I've been trying to figure out how to delete this post, as I've since found the zip I needed.
  4. I've found a thread on the feedback tracker for this issue, but wondered if anyone here knows whats causing it. If I let the server list populate normally, it's fine, but if I switch to 'community', back to 'official', or type in an IP to search for, nothing appears in the list. When I close the game, my internet has gone, and I have to restart my PC to get it back. I have manged to connect with two random servers, and if I just hit 'play', I can join no problem, and play for hours ... but if I take another character, and try to look for a specific server I want to play on ... my internet connection go's again. I saw on the feedback tracker that I'm not the only one experiencing this, but there was no help on there for solving the problem. I should add ... it seems the DZSALancher does it as well
  5. Now infected are starting to swarm to noise .... maybe a way to distract / draw them would be a nice feature. Maybe the teddy bear can be given a cord, and it plays something humorously ironic in the Devs voices. Or, an a windup alarm clock. It's a cool feature in State of Decay that I would use often [clocks / dolls / firecrackers] to work around hoards, or groups of Zeds I didn't want to mess with. As I play solo mostly, I'm finding less opportunities for 'clever' play with large groups of infected. I just wondered if utilizing their attraction to load noises with delayed noise makers might be something fun for players to use. Either to move them from an area ... or to an area, depending on your plan.
  6. ShaneRetter

    No servers in list

    I've done the full dns flush / netsh winsock reset, uninstall / reinstall game, messed with server check boxes (ping etc), checked firewall exceptions (for Dayz, couldn't find a battle eye app in the list), even tried a Steam cache wipe, and made sure Steam is in 'full' online mode (had issues with my friends being 'unreachable. so removed the Steam file in My Documents, and launched Steam again to fix it) .... but still not getting any servers in the .63 experimental server lists. I can play 'offline' fine, but no servers appear when I launch 'online'. Is there a fix I've missed?
  7. ShaneRetter

    persistant legendary items

    What if .... there were legendary (named) items that never de-spawned. Like MrBlackout's Mosin 'Mossalina'. It would just pass from hand to hand over time ... become lost in a forest, until some lucky fresh spawn happened to find it again one day, traded, treasured, and lost again in a camp raid or firefight. Not a lot of things, but things like a legendary combat knife, sawed off shotgun, jacket ... even a teddy bear, etc .... all named by veteran players, and related to things they ether valued in-game as they played, or provided an epic moment. Just a thought I wanted to share ... even though it's probably not a sensible one
  8. ShaneRetter

    "World" script module

    Having issues with this launch error: Can't compile "World" script module! scripts/4_World/Entities/Core/Inherited/DayZInfected.c(29): Multiple declaration of class 'DayZInfectedCommandAttack' Runtime mode CLI params: mission .\Missions\dayzOffline.ChernarusPlus I've uninstalled / reinstalled, but it's still appearing when I try to load "play offline" in experimental from my steam library. After this happens, I cannot shut down the Dayz program (says 'still running' in steam library) and have to reboot my PC. Anyone else experienced this, and managed to resolve it?
  9. ShaneRetter

    "World" script module

    Ok, found the problem. Just in case anyone else has this happen, I wanted to share the solution ... and maybe let the Devs know what happened at the same time. Delete the "scripts" file from your Dayz root directory, then launch the game without that file. I never thought to remove it before, because each time I reinstalled the game, that file would be there, so thought it must be required, and / or intact. Seems odd that an unrequited file is still in the directory, and also causing issues for only a few players ... but my game launches, and plays as intended now.
  10. If the 'healthy' status returns, I'd personally like to see it become something that is quite difficult to reach if you're a lone wolf type, etc. I like the idea of there being a noticeable benefit to forming a stable group .. but also, as a more solo player myself, I'd like to see some real accomplishment in surviving alone, or even in a duo for a long period of time. I wonder if having the 'healthy' status effected greatly by how well you eat, etc, might be a good way to do something like that. My idea is adding 'substantial meals' to the crafting list. Potato + steak / fish + tomato / pumpkin = one serving of stew / casserole, then four servings could be placed in a cooking pot at once. If each serving gave a large health boost of some kind, then those in larger, more established groups would have a very good reason to farm / hunt, as the whole group could be able to maintain a good healthy status, and maybe even be less susceptible to infections, diseases, and illness, as well be fitter to defend their base / camp. This would also make being a healthy lone survivor something to be pretty proud of ... as it would mean you've not only managed to survive alone, but have survived well. Just wondered what others think of this idea of making good health a real achievement, and the mark of a player with a more broad skill set. Any thoughts?
  11. ShaneRetter

    If the 'healthy' status returns. Stews / casseroles

    I play a lot of The long dark, so I'd have to disagree with it being a sandbox thing ... that game is all PvE, and it is brutal. I'd say it's more that 1/3 the DayZ community think hardship sucks, 1/3 think it needs greater hardship, and 1/3 are in the middle somewhere. This is why I think modded servers will fill those wants for everyone. I just wondered if it could be a feature that may add a little more to the base game ... without being too punishing on people who just want to spawn, loot, shoot, die, spawn. More of a perk for those who play the long-game ... like soft skills will be.
  12. ShaneRetter

    If the 'healthy' status returns. Stews / casseroles

    @Parazight I don't see those benefits ... as I said above, I've survived months running alone, and find it very little challenge after the first 30 - 60 minutes, because I've found that basic civilian gear is really all you need to stay alive. I know once modded servers become a thing, there will be some pretty brutal ones around that offer more of challenge, but I just wanted to the idea out there in the wider community to see what others thought of having some harder to obtain perks.
  13. ShaneRetter

    If the 'healthy' status returns. Stews / casseroles

    No, as I stated, I'm a solo style player myself. I personally don't find much challenge in being solo vs being in a group .... actually, I find I'm at more risk currently in a group, because there's more chance people will get bored and look for a fight to give them something to do. I'd just love to have some kind of real achievement for being a 'long lived' solo player, as once I have a courier bag, boots, and a fishhook, I'm at peak chance of survival. If I can survive 30 - 60 minutes, I can go for months with just the basics. I want 'solo survival' to be something to be proud of.
  14. ShaneRetter

    Gamepad question

    I currently play with an Xbox one gamepad, and use Xpaader so I can map everything I need to. I was just wondering, with a console version coming, will there be full gamepad support on PC? I don't mind continuing with third party software, as it lets me add every key on different mapping sets, and even multiple key combinations to a single button .... but I do get some input lag (being third party). I was just curious about gamepads in 1.0 etc.
  15. ShaneRetter

    Setting Spawn

    I always wondered about carrying a friends spawn point with you. Not for a fresh spawn (after death) ... but a login thing. So, say your friend logs out for the night, but you keep playing ... when they log back in, they log with you again. I wondered if it could be something you actually had to carry, and had weight maybe .... so it became a slight inconvenience if you were not really committed to playing with that particular person. I think the randomness of fresh spawning, after death etc, adds value to life .... in that, you die, you may be a long way from your group of friends. Log in point on the other hand, could that be portable?
  16. ShaneRetter

    Freelook toggle

    Hey guys. I play with a gamepad, and Xpadder .... I used to have 'freelook' set so it would automatically disengage when I released the bumper button [hated forgetting it was on, and not being able to turn]. I haven't been playing in a while, and lost my saved Xpadder profile from my PC, now I can't for the life of me figure out how I made it so 'freelook' was no longer toggled on and off ... just on as long as the bumper was held. Anyone able to help?
  17. ShaneRetter

    Freelook toggle

    @nuggit, You're a star .... unbinding 'freelook' altogether did the job. I knew I did something like that last time, just couldn't remember exactly which keys bindings I altered. Thanks man!
  18. ShaneRetter

    View backpack contents

    'Mod' kind of says it all. I'd say Dayz SA vanilla will be something that has to appeal to an average player base ....additions like this one would probably be implemented via mods later. I could be wrong though.
  19. ShaneRetter

    View backpack contents

    Too much realism for many players I think. I love the idea personally, but it's more of a hardcore realism addition I'd say.
  20. ShaneRetter

    What Makes PVP Fun?

    For me, pvp is a massive part of the survival aspect itself. I'm not at all a 'shootie, stabby' kind of person ....but I look forward to the day that this game becomes so difficult, that I consider in-game murder a personally justifiable survival tactic. I will say though, I think once the difficulty level increases, or more rpg aspects are included, you may see a more 'realistic' kind of PVP develop, as even hostile players will be more invested in their characters life. This is a post apocalypse simulator after all ...and when you play it as one, the pvp threat becomes a lot more fun, even if it's not your individual play style.
  21. ShaneRetter

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    OP Apple solution? ....diarrhea! Eat to many, and you'll have to find new pants :) . I thought about the seasonal produce thing as well, as it could facilitate the need for preserving food (canning, salting, etc) in the future maybe. I try so hard not to use apples, as they make hunger and thirst pretty easy to combat....but I still always seem to end up in an orchard regardless. I'm heading into .61 for the first time tonight
  22. ShaneRetter

    Simple list of suggestions for Infected

    I know I bang on a lot about modding, but it's for good reason. When developing a game like this, you are never going to fully realize every persons unique difficulty requirements, and that's just a plain fact. I would never expect any good development team to do anything other than provide a 'fun' middle ground base game. The fact that the Dev team are talking about mods in the future, tells me they understand this concept also. I'm no game developer, but if I was, and I wanted to see future sales increase, I would build based on the idea that a large portion of people would buy the game to play 'as is', and others (like myself), would be buying the 'base game' so as to play with a range of difficulty mods installed. Something like infected 'gabbing hold' is a core aspect in another game I love dearly (State of Decay), but within the base game, it is not inherently difficult to counter in itself ....but, when I modded the game, it became a much greater threat to the player. What I'm saying is ....base aspects maybe could be added, but not fully realized within the 'vanilla' experience, so as to keep the base game fun for the wider player base. But then, those aspects could be utilized by modders as a way to provide a far more brutal experience for those who want it. Don't get me wrong, I love the base game, and the core Dayz premise ...but I just understand how mods will play a large part in customizing the survival experience for a wider range of players, and it may be nice to have some code perimeters in there that may just be set to '0' in the vanilla files. Being tripped, or dropped to the ground is actually frustrating more than anything else, as it periodically disengages the player from the combat flow. Holding on to the other hand feels fully engaging, as you are still actively fighting to break free as the rest of the mob closes in. It just feels less like 'being bullied' by the game, and more like the game is actually giving you an opportunity to 'fight harder'.
  23. ShaneRetter

    Hypothermia(Stable) Bug?

    As someone who has had to deal with avoiding both these conditions daily in real life (New Zealand bush is not a friendly place), this terminology is common among people who are continuously exposed to cold / wet conditions, and heavy exertion in hot conditions. "Freezing to death" is the state before Hypothermia sets in. Hypothermia is when the body starts to shut down in order to preserve core temp, and is very difficult to survive on your own, unless you know it's coming, and have prepared for it. Once it sets in, the body restricts blood flow to all extremities (hypothermic circulatory arrest, or, Vasoconstriction), and you become pretty much immobile, then catatonic. Be thankful that the 'remedy' in-game is as simple as getting warm ....in real life, just 'getting warm' can also kill you if not done right (cold blood coming from arms and legs as blood vessels open again when warmed). I will say this though, it's quite unrealistic how quickly you reach an extreme state in the game ....just as it's pretty unrealistic how easily you can recover (death from Pneumonia, or Heart failure days after recovery are a real threat). I'd like to see it reworked a little, and see the process of becoming Hypothermic more gradual, but actually stop you moving once it fully sets in, and then becoming unconscious in rare cases.
  24. @Arthur Dubrovka I agree with everything you've said. It fills me with more hope for hardcore servers in the future when I see more like minded players. I'm just killing time in vanilla until the game files are released for us mod creators to play with.
  25. ShaneRetter

    Simple list of suggestions for Infected

    For me, I'd love to see infected able to grab, and hold onto the player. Not in every situation, but have a high chance if you allowed yourself to get into a tight spot. There would need to be 'break free' animations added for both player, and infected though, as you wouldn't want it to be certain death ....just a really, really bad thing to happen as a mob closes in. If two or more get hold of you, you better hope you have a buddy close by to help you out before the hoard over whelms you.