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Guy Smiley

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Everything posted by Guy Smiley

  1. Guy Smiley

    You know youve played too much Dayz when.....

    You know you played too much DayZ when you look back at how much more content there was 4 years ago compared to the new alpha
  2. Guy Smiley

    Intense Moment

    I fire it up once in a while to check out the patches but I don't know how much longer I'm going to support this broken project for. 5 and a half years of bug testing an alpha is enough for me
  3. Guy Smiley

    Where are all the Official servers Gone?

    Which is why the whole shared character across official shards is stupid and should never have happened to begin with but at the same time with the way servers disappear(official) that would have pissed people off with losing their character.
  4. Guy Smiley

    DayZ version 1.03.151658

    Official or community? Chances are a there is still community servers that haven't updated yet
  5. Guy Smiley

    Where are all the Official servers Gone?

    Maybe Peter took them with him when he left
  6. Guy Smiley

    Where are all the Official servers Gone?

    Which server providers are they using now? I see Fragnet and Multiplay.
  7. Guy Smiley

    Where are all the Official servers Gone?

    Not sure what the issue is, I've got 65 official servers to choose from. Maybe fix your own shit before screaming
  8. Guy Smiley

    Engine models' similarity in all vehicles

    Look at this last update. Weight issues. How does that even get through for this "released" game. Instead of actually working on making the game on PC function correctly, they are more concerned about pushing half assed updates through so they can work on the console versions. Fix the main game and give the PC community a finished product then work on the console version. We are going on 5 and half years and what do we have? A tech demo with flying cars, bugged out infected, partial mechanics(survival), broken weight system, a glowing magical orb around the character because they cannot fix the lighting at night, and much more. On topic, again, engines are the least of the devs concerns right now and that is just a nit pick imo. I'm sure someone will mod different engines in for the devs
  9. Guy Smiley

    Underground Bunker

  10. Guy Smiley

    Engine models' similarity in all vehicles

    Devs have much bigger problems to worry about than engine types for the cars. I am happy that making the console push was so important to the development that they decided to screw the pc community over
  11. Because not everyone plays community servers and people want the DayZ that was advertised from the very beginning. The gritty hardcore post-apocalyptic survival horror mmo. Instead we've got Army Guy Hero with a couple of vehicles
  12. Guy Smiley

    Here is a thought...

    It's no different than everyone being an elite soldier with pin point accuracy
  13. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    Listen child. You've been put in your place. No need to keep trying to show how modded servers are fucked and you guys keep calling foul on the devs. Again, I cannot wait for your superior game. When does it come out?
  14. Guy Smiley


    Keep roleplay to the bedroom. Thanks
  15. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    He was using g a legit gun. Unlike Gews video where you watch the reload and the clip just magically goes in. Nice try tho 😏
  16. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    I'm talking about the difference between your video of the guy taking multiple point-blank shots to the face compared to the single shot in the video I posted.
  17. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    Start at 2:37. Explain how the side of the head differs from the front? And how he is only unconscious from a shot to the head lol
  18. Guy Smiley

    Servers are a Mess

    I get what you're saying but that's just how it works. If running a server was easily done people would be doing it all the time. Not to mention security issues involved. You'd be getting hackers galore
  19. Guy Smiley

    Servers are a Mess

    That's not a work around. What I provided you is how it works. Those are as simple as you can get instructions.
  20. Guy Smiley

    Just sayin...

    Learn to aim and git gud or write a letter to Bohemia claiming they're incompetent and you could do better
  21. Guy Smiley

    Servers are a Mess

    I gave you the answer to your suggestion. It's quite simple really
  22. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    watch the video and look at the reload mechanic. Didn't prove shit 😉
  23. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    au contraire mon ami. Perhaps go through some post history of these two outstanding forum posters and you will see a lot of hate directed at the devs. Maybe not so much by gews unless it comes to weapons. Then the devs are incompetent morons who have never fired a weapon before 🙄
  24. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    Let's see your game buddy. You and gews seem to talk shit outta your asses so much. Lets see your great army simulator with "realistic" gunz
  25. Guy Smiley

    No Face Hitbox

    a private modded server. Nothing to see here. Don't blame the devs for shitty mods.