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Everything posted by barelyinfected

  1. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    But server crashes aren't the only reason why bases are wiped. I've had several reports now that disproves this.
  2. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    Let's be honest, there are also very few players on there atm. Backupping is good and awesome, and I'm all for automated solutions but it shouldn't be on the communities to develop this. The devs should build that into the product if this is the way to go. Edit: Also I have had cases where there was no crash and bases were gone.
  3. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    It might be a solution if it REALLY is more stable. ATM that doesn't seem to be the case. The reason why I say so is that if 6 clans are building a bases separately and the last backup is from 6 hours earlier. 1 clan loses their base. Is it really up to me to me to roll back and make the other 5 clans lose 6 hours of progress? Persistence stability is key here. It should be very stable persistent if you're running a pretty much vanilla server. ATM I get reports of lost stuff every day.
  4. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    They say it's up to the developers to fix. These providers are official providers appointed by Bohemia Interactive as a partnership. Backups are not a solution because wipes are area based. If we decide to roll back someone in another area of the map will lose progress too. Backups are only a solution if everything breaks.
  5. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    Can't you put a mag or ammo on the hotbar and hold the hotbar button? I think the r button is only used for cycling ammo for rifles or shotguns and unjamming by holding r.
  6. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    I understand. Thanks again for your answer I think a lot of people have waited on a reply like this regarding persistence.
  7. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    Thanks a lot for this extensive answer! :) One more question though. I think we all understand that some modifications cause more harm than others but can you guys confirm if the persistence issues are resolved with the Vanilla build? Or are we not there yet?
  8. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    You should decrease your gamma of your monitor or graphicscard settings.
  9. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    You are pretty open about this. But you should see it from our side ImpulZ. What you guys shared with us is this forum post: This post is very clear. You are talking about a system that is implemented to make sure it will never happen again. The next two patches though, there have been no notes about persistence specifically. So we don't really know what the state of things is right now. Have you made improvements? Are some persistence issues fixed or all of them? Is this system now implemented? We feel a little bit left in the dark here. On every patch note since this post we ask what's up with persistence and there is just no answer until you posted this. We understand what to do as server owners. But we don't really know what to focus on as players. Can we safely make bases now? Or not? If not, where do we stand?
  10. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    I know exactly what he's referring to. We've have multiple groups on a server and it hasn't happened since last patch as far as I can tell. Before that I had daily reports. It would be nice if the devs would be more transparent about this issue.
  11. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    You do whatever you want man, I'm just trying to help
  12. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    I'm playing now and monsoon is still there.
  13. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    If you report it to the server owners of the community servers they can send the persistence files to Bohemia so they can investigate of before and after removal of your base.
  14. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    When did your tent base or barrel last disappear? I haven't heard any reports of disappearing since before last patch.
  15. barelyinfected

    Experimental Update 0.63.149525

    Yes, please do tell us!
  16. barelyinfected

    To the Devs. Love, The Village.

    I can't wait until it is future! In the meanwhile the Village lives on. DayZ is already by far the best game I've ever played. Thanks for everything! René
  17. barelyinfected

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I am exited to roam the new world! :)
  18. René and FT answer a few questions and respond on a few comments from last time. After that they move on to a discussion on the First Person versus Third Person Camera. Looting is discussed after and they finish off with stories about some of their first camps. I hope you enjoy!
  19. barelyinfected

    Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

    At the moment when you get in or get out of a car there is a really slow animation which makes you make a predictable movement too so I've been killed multiple times because people are just waiting for me to get out and shoot me in the head. How is this going to be in the new player controller? Will it be more fluent? It would be nice if you could get out and hide behind the car without showing your head above the roof of the car for example.
  20. barelyinfected

    DayZ Altarcast #1 - The DayZ Of 2016

    Hello everyone, as everyone knows DayZ hasn't had an active podcast for a while. FT and I gave it a first try while playing the game at the same time. We hope you guys enjoy and let us know what you think, if you have any suggestions or remarks, let us know. We also started a discussion thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BarelyInfected/comments/5lihe7/dayz_altarcast_1_the_dayz_of_2016/ You can find the first episode here: We are also on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVB14ZOsiOrXXsOOBEO56Vg
  21. barelyinfected

    Friends in a Furnace - II - w/DannyBoyy & TheAdventuresofTwig

    Nice video! So who was on the radio the last time? :)
  22. barelyinfected

    help immediately please

    Please for your own sake type these kind of errors in google because if you'd done that, you would've found a possible solution already. It just makes your life easier. :) https://www.google.nl/search?espv=2&q=dayz+ERROR+cant+set+device+resolution&oq=dayz+ERROR+cant+set+device+resolution&gs_l=serp.3...5614.5614.0.5667.
  23. barelyinfected

    Exp Update 0.61.136796

    They were testing 75 man servers yesterday and they're actually updating it now to a new version.
  24. barelyinfected

    Exp Update 0.61.136796

    Yes, this is because they are literally running the same version right now. :)
  25. barelyinfected

    Searching for Salines [17:40]

    FT, Toby and I ran from Stary to Novy to get some more loot. Soon we ended up with a Saline Bag shortage. I hope you enjoy.