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Everything posted by Blafirelli

  1. Blafirelli

    Status Report - 8 August 2017

    Yes! Finally the aiming will be more natural. Hopefully it will be set realistically to get proper gunfights, as pistol shooting a person at 50 meters should not be an easy task, more so when the target is moving. Indeed, looks pretty. Just the smoke from opened bolt is missing.
  2. Blafirelli

    gameplay over realism or other way around?

    For me the more realism the better.
  3. Blafirelli

    Can I Run With This Specs?

    Lots of models (buildings, props) to render -> less FPS. However engine optimizations are to be expected down the development roadmap.
  4. Blafirelli

    Aiming through windows etc

    ArmA 3 has it done nicely. Imho the best cover/lean out system was in Red Orchestra 2 (at least from what ive experienced)
  5. Blafirelli

    Being able to strike with a firearm

    It's planned. I would kindly advise reading status reports.
  6. Blafirelli

    physics engine?

    Afaik rigid body physics behaviour is also heavily influenced by the server performance. I would expect improvements in both areas once the game reaches beta phase.
  7. Blafirelli

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Hi Sumrak, not sure if this falls in your responsibility, but Q1: Is it (will it be) possible with Enfusion having some randomized map features that are generated upon starting a server? Q2: Have you considered procedurally generated building models to counter town uniformity we have now? (i mean the few buildings repating over and over in every town). And what was the outcome? :) Thanks in advance!
  8. Blafirelli

    Primitive Firearms: The forgotten Survival Weapons.

    It's worth mentioning there are also modern black powder muzzleloaders available, which are pretty popular nowadays.
  9. Blafirelli

    [0.62] Early Preview Broadleaf + Grass Shader

    https://trello.com/c/wEQy4IqL/146-visual-update-forests Them preview pictures on Trello seemed somewhat nicer, but imho we should wait for the final version..
  10. Blafirelli

    Is the graphic engine still being worked on?

    It has been stated the current state is just a starting point for further improvements.
  11. Blafirelli

    CR 550: Discussion

    Cool. The rifle is being made in wide range of calibers IRL, are different caliber variants planned to be included in the game as well? (I just realized the question is probably applicable to firearms in general and therefore might have been already answered elsewhere, in such case please ignore me :))
  12. Blafirelli

    Can someone explain this phenomenon to me ?

    Because empty box (simplified to paper in this case) may also have uses - starting a fire, making notes etc. And i suppose more options will arise down the game development...
  13. Blafirelli

    Physically Based Rendering

  14. Blafirelli

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    - Complex melee combat system :P https://youtu.be/aXcRyrxDcAc?t=3m39s - Larger map with realistic wilderness (mountains and stuff) - Dynamic and destructible, thus believable enviroment (physics applied to many small objects)
  15. Blafirelli

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    It is also important to remember not all bullets are going supersonic.
  16. Blafirelli

    New Trello Additions

    New particles! \o/
  17. Blafirelli

    Status Report - 11 Oct 2016

    Afaik they have already switched to Bullet library from standard RV physics used in DayZ mod and previous titles, while Arma 3 uses Physx. This means DayZ and Arma already separated their ways of dealing with vehicle physics.
  18. Blafirelli

    gentlemen's suit

    Also don't forget bowler hat!
  19. Does it mean infected will also despawn in case no player is in proximity?
  20. Blafirelli

    Ringing Ears!

    I indeed didn't think about that. Thanks for bringing in new perspective...
  21. Blafirelli

    Ringing Ears!

    Just a quick suggestion - while i understand it would be annoying to have the ringing after every shot outside (and also not entirely realistic), would it be possible to introduce it only for situation of shooting larger calibers indoors?
  22. Blafirelli

    Ringing Ears!

    Yup. Once i was on a shooting range and i didn't manage to apply ear plugs in time when like ten 7.62 assault rifles opened fire at once. It made me run away with an earache... I would like to join to recommendation of the guys above - Don't do that, really, you may easily get your hearing damaged permanently. For shooting without protection i recommend Flobert rifles :)
  23. Blafirelli

    Ringing Ears!

    Afaik this might get resolved via Arma 3 audio module which is being ported to DayZ as we speak :)
  24. Blafirelli


    Yup, however as Gews said, it was just a hole in ground covered with a concrete panel.