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About Blafirelli

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Blafirelli

    Finite Fuel

    Yay, woodgas cars FTW!
  2. Blafirelli

    Make DAYZ great again!

    No hablo espanol 😕
  3. Blafirelli

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Damn, it's even smaller than standard Chernarus map, i was hoping for something bigger 😕
  4. Blafirelli

    How to increase the CPU & Memory Usage?

    I recommend running Prime95. Hahaha, im so funny!
  5. Blafirelli

    Generic item labeling instead of fantasy names

    Well... it seems :)
  6. Blafirelli

    Generic item labeling instead of fantasy names

    Afaik, the issue may be that apart from license to use RL product may charged, it oftens also come with restrictions of how/in which situtation the product is/isn't allowed to be displayed. From what i heard it's often an issue in racing simulators, where some brands tend to provide their license only under condition there is no damage model, and their cars always look pristine in the game. I assume it may get pretty complex to deal with all those requirements from different companies 🙂
  7. Hi, i would like to get your opinion on following - Since some items (mainly guns and cars and few other stuff) in game can't have their original names due to copyright issues 😕 , would it create better experience for you if some kind of generic naming is used (in a same way e.g. food items are named), instead of completely made up fantasy names as it's right now? Please find below some proposed examples of what i mean. Left side is actual name of the item in game, on the right proposal of what the label could change into. Gunter 2 (originally Golf 2) -> German hatchback CR75 (originally CZ 75) -> Czech police pistol SG5-K -> Short german SMG Pipsi -> Cola etc. hope you get the idea. Why is this an issue? At least for me (this is admittedly very subjective), seeing these made up lables sticked to items i encounter and refer to differently IRL is simply damaging the immersion.
  8. Blafirelli

    Status Report - January 2019

    Backlogs, backlogs everywhere!
  9. Blafirelli

    Just a Simple Question

    Afaik it is supposed to be some kind of infectious prion diease affecting human behaviour... For this reason we were supposed to get some observable lifecycle of infected (eating, drinking, sleeping etc.)
  10. Blafirelli

    I too am nervous about 1.0

    I think it makes sense that all the remaining time devs have, they rather invest in bugfixing and polishing instead of writing reports and communicating on forums. However don't worry, i'm quite nervous too, so you are not alone :)
  11. Blafirelli


    This sounds quite promising :)
  12. Blafirelli

    PC 1.0 Release Date Announcement

    I have bad feeling about this 1.0 release. And the launch trailer actually quite supports it :/
  13. Blafirelli

    Clothing in 0.63

    Not sure what exactly you are asking about, but i didn't notice any significant change in clothing.
  14. Blafirelli

    Status Report - 14 August 2018

    Fabia confirmed? :) Btw, is "sight misalignment" going to be introduced also for weapon sway when aiming?