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About rhinocrunch

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    City of Angels, California
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    Weight lifting, Motorcycles and Youtube.

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  1. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I hope you all get off DayZ ( and my nuts) with the personal attacks and stop pretending to actually know what Rocket's intentions are from a twitter update, (lol) I will not be watching these forums since its pretty clear that the community has gone south for awhile now with mob mentality group think, conformity, etc etc. Maybe since the WarZ failed or perhaps Redditors came through here or even one of the most popular DayZ Youtubers shows the community its okay to Hack and make videos about it. Regardless, the hyperbole of attacking me personally when I state simple facts like: You are blinded by the hyper fangirlsm, wake up dudes. Bohemia only cares what corporations care about: Money. (are you surprised?) Which includes playing you little DayZ cheerleaders to the bank. (Kickstarter perks bros! get em while their hot!) Also, if you guys are really mad at me, feel free to rage on this forum more, I assure you I will read your comments and lose sleep over them.
  2. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The fanboyism and group think is strong in this thread. Have a real discussion about the tactics of a companies game release? Ain't nobody got time for that.
  3. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    At this point its pretty clear that the idea of a "Minecraft" model is a marketing strategy. As well as the talk of a "Kickstarter". Gangas gonna gang but I hope Bohemia realizes that their strategy to make the game more accessible by stringing us along for a few months is losing the players that were around early on. You want to release in a year? Cool. How about 2? Even better. Stop giving us 6 month dates when all they are doing is using A2OA assets ported to the A3 engine while marketing for another year. Its one thing to make a release date. Its another thing to keep pushing it back under false pretences. I am so gullable to think this game would be accessed by Dec and now June? Seems legit.
  4. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    They need to do something. The videos are awful and unbearable to watch. I am not the only one that feels this way. Maybe give the Reddit mods the ability to record next time.
  5. Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
  6. rhinocrunch

    DayZ King of the Hill

    Yeah he is a total a**hole IRL too. I 100% agree man. We should ban together and boycott his videos and spread the word? You down?
  7. rhinocrunch

    DayZ King of the Hill

    He's a pretty big asshole dude. I don't think he can apologize enough tbh. I mean don't get me wrong, I think he is "ok" but damn dude, total Bandit tool. Like, if your not going to let me shoot you in the back after you blood bag me, then just don't play at all, right? I mean, if you don't help me find a gun to kill you with, you are a complete a-hole in DayZ.
  8. rhinocrunch

    DayZ King of the Hill

  9. rhinocrunch

    DayZ King of the Hill

    I thought I would bring this back with the addition of machete's. I will probably be doing a Hunger Games next saturday. Watch the steam group, twitter and fanpage for invites. Enjjoy!
  10. rhinocrunch

    The Notorious Can Incident

    So, lets recap. -New Dev does noble thing by implementing community driven easter eggs in the form of in-game food (Removing what could potential become corporate sponsorship?) -Stampede of jealous and bitter Redditors spread mis-information and mob Reddit and forums screaming like children until they get their way claiming immersion when there are so many ridiculous illogical concepts in DayZ their argument is lunacy -New Dev doesn't stick by his guns and removes aforementioned implementation to remain political to a small minority of people (weak) Create a poll already so we can bury the hatchet. Hey look, a pun.
  11. rhinocrunch

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Welcome to the late show ladies and gentlemen I am David Letterman, here is our 10 features in DayZ that broke immersion for Redditors: 10. Having a knife you cant stab with. 9. Finding infinite amount of ammo, food and water bottles everywhere. 8. Not being able to fill a water bottle in a giant lake. 7. Being able to fix a pair of broken legs with a shot of morphine. 6. Being chased full sprint by Zombies until they come in doors. 5. Being able to use a keyboard to communicate with people. 4. Starting a fire with no kindle just a book of matches. 3. Being able to carry an engine block in your backpack. 2. Living after a gunshot wound to the chest as long as a non-licensed medical doctor administers a random blood bag that may or may not be your blood type to you. And the #1 Reason Redditors believe immersion has been broken is......................................... 1. Weird names of the brands of food we find.
  12. rhinocrunch

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    If Razor/Rocket released a statement saying they can't get the actual product licenses (Coke, Pepsi) and they are using made up names, nobody would have made the connection. The parties upset have some ulterior motives (jealousy, envy, spite, hate) and contributing to our community does not consist of whining until you get your way on Reddit. I firmly support the use of DayZ Moderators, Community Hero's (and Bandits), Youtube Celebrities, Rockets Mom, Griffs dog, Matt's favorite color, spike the lizard and anybody or anything else the developers see fit in paying homage too for the success of something they achieved. Everyone else, back off, grow up and get over it.
  13. rhinocrunch

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Wow, I am really sad that I didn't get a model made :'(
  14. rhinocrunch

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    This has to be the most enraging f***king thing I have read within this community. You mean to tell me a portion of people who play a mod (that is free - kind of like the rent you don't pay or the meals you don't cook at your Mother's house) are actually complaining about something they should have no right to complain about? This mod was released for free. These forums are free. The people who support the community since Day 1 earned the right to be a mod. They put their stripes in. What did you do, you whiney, jealous, undeserving little brat? They stood by the project before the bandwagon came through. Are they lucky? Maybe a little. But it has nothing to do with the fact that this mod, regardless of what right you think you have or voice you want to contribute is a privilege to play. Furthermore, if you think that names of in game food have any effect on anything other than your own jealousy, you are delusional. What you fail to realize is that playing this mod is a privilege. I don't care if you bought Arma 2 to play DayZ, you didn't buy DayZ yet so stop your crying. Finally, it is the developers discretion to put in anything they want, hence they are the developers. If you are so fu***ing cheeky and jealous that you actually wouldn't buy the standalone because of some in game food items named after people who supported the mod before you even knew it existed then let them get their reward you jealous, undeserving, whiny, fickle person, you. Anybody can see, you are just jealous and you should be happy for them, ashamed of yourself and apologize. Also, I said this before and I will say it again, fu** Reddit and the whiney little kid mods who run the DayZ subreddit. edit: Also, cut the crap with this "immersion" argument bullsh**. DayZ is played by people from all over the world with different types of food from different places so half these names could have been real food somewhere in Europe and I wouldn't have known the difference. There is some products here in California that you wouldn't have any clue were real or named after moderators if people hadn't said it.
  15. rhinocrunch

    I have a dream.

    Baby clowns bro....seriously. Thanks alot...... Who needs to sleep with the lights off anyway...... -_______- I don't think any of these are too unrealistic but yes, very time consuming. I think the market is there to make the project I mentioned a very successful MMORPG but who knows if we can ever expect to see it.