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About Buakaw

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    Bean King

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  1. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.20

    sadge, I read they even fixed it for Arma 3.
  2. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.20

    Has the issue with rate of fire (it's limited to 600 or 900 rpm due to server fps or something) been fixed? I assume no?
  3. Buakaw

    Looking for server which cuts out running sim element

    just install offline mode. teleport to any location at the press of a button.
  4. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.20

    I am glad to find that newer versions of Reshade seem to work now. 👍 saves me from having to install geforce for nvidia filters.
  5. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.20

    Suggestion: Change the ADS while prone'd logic to maintain your previous aiming angle. Its kinda silly how it always levels with the angle of the floor, so you aim at the sky or floor when at the slightest incline
  6. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.19

    Great patch! The only bummer is, the loot respawn issue seems to still be around...(the one where it spawns multiple items of one type in the same location, which turns trying to find said item into a needle in the haystack kind of situation). Thats a major impact on gameplay that should be addressed asap.
  7. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    I don't fully understand CLE configuration and whether restock timer is bugged or not, but changing some values might fix the issue. We'd just need someone to test it.
  8. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    I found a detailed explanation on how this works on steam forums. /app/221100/discussions/0/1640927348828219479/ After doing some more digging, a ticket for this had been submitted 2 years ago already, unsolved. So the devs either don't care to fix it or think it's fine.. or it's working as intended, and the restock behaviour is controlled via RespawnTypes & Respawn Limit: from the official CE Configuration on bohemias website. I unfortunately don't have my own server to try this.
  9. indeed. DayZ received several "improvements" for the worse since around 1.0
  10. yep, aimcone needs to be bigger so its less reliable past 30m (I mean, right now there is no aimcone anyway)
  11. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    I found a detailed explanation on how this works: https://steamcommunity dot com/app/221100/discussions/0/1640927348828219479/ Seems wierd that this is still set to 0 by default, when it's obvious that that's causing issues with loot distribution. Edit: and I also found a ticket https://feedback.bistudio dot com/T152626 Edit2: removed links because for absolutely no reason whatsoever the official steam website is still blacklisted? edit: whatever, just not posting steam links I guess
  12. Buakaw

    Stable Update 1.18

    edit: nvm, servers I play on are just very foggy since several days for some reason
  13. Buakaw

    Eden Map What happened?

    thats my "source" btw. guy is the creator of Iztek. didn't feel like posting it tho with people being rude
  14. Buakaw

    Eden Map What happened?

    you should take your own advice.
  15. Buakaw

    Eden Map What happened?

    Keep waiting then.