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Everything posted by Espa

  1. Espa

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I wonder if these guys stayed over the weekend to pump it out when this new blocker showed up >.< That would suck so much to be grieved with another bad bug after fixing a rather annoying one. Baty says it'll be about Wednesday before we really know more, but that doesn't include having the situation fixed. As much as we all want to play this week, we may be set back another if this Addon Verification bug won't settle down. . Granted, if given the chance, I couldn't care less about spending time trying to log on if it meant being able to see the new world! Here's really hoping they can produce a fix and a release by Thursday! God knows they probably want it released more than we do.
  2. Espa

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Any day this week, I'm feeling <3
  3. Espa

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Thanks veryyyyyy much for the update on .62! I had a feeling there was something I had missed! We are SO CLOSE, guys! OMG! It'll be like a reunion of all the cool peoples once more (And the people we shoot) :D Also. . Why are any of you speaking like you have sway over the Devs' actions? They were courteous enough to tell us they are like 99.99999% done and have pretty much figured the problem, awaiting release monday or soon after. . Go do yourselves a favor and go outside this weekend. . Because you won't be leaving your computer after this update comes out xD
  4. Espa

    Status Report and Walkie Talkies

    I'm with the idea, for sure! One thing that I'm a little worried about is the value of the Walkie-Talkie, where even starting with one won't warrant a player to just throw it out of his/her inventory right away - However, I do think there are steps in order to make them much more appealing and nice to have! Long lasting batteries (No brainer and more convenient for players) Lower-end radios to start with every player, with higher-end radios to scavenge in the wilds that have perhaps a GPS system for locating oneself on a digital map of Chernarus. New inventory spot reserved for radios! I thoroughly believe that if Walkie-Talkies were given their own 'place' in your inventory isle to rest, like attaching them to your belt rather than anywhere else as to never have to sacrifice the inventory space for it. With the .62 update, I'd really like to see this in action, even for testing purposes.
  5. Espa

    Status Report - 16 May 2017

    Ahhh, all of this looks so great :D I can't wait to try out .62 and try all this stuff! Here's hoping that server performance is bombtastic. As for radios, I think that's not too bad of an idea! If everyone started with one, I'm pretty sure most people would turn it on and give it a try. . Or scan and listen for other's locations. . ;D All for that ^_^ So. . We looking at Friday? Eh? Eh?
  6. Espa

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    I'm very optimistic for tomorrow's news! I hope that they've made a lot of headway with Beta and figured out what they're doing with .62. I'm not fully against them combining .62 and .63 into a larger update if it's more concise and finished, but I can't deny wanting to play some new and shiny now xD
  7. Espa

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    I'll source it in a minute, but they've only added the gunshots audio from Arma 3. They plan on delivering new sounds for forests, night time, new ambience, and much more. Check out the last 2 SRs, guys.. The reason .62 isn't here is because their new sounds were crashing the game on their legacy sound system and Eugen stated they had 3 options, but landed on building the new tech for Beta. https://trello.com/c/xxn9t08Q/56-new-zed-sounds-wip https://trello.com/c/nReWelTZ/79-new-ambient-sfx
  8. Espa

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    They've had to make a decision to Jury-Rig their legacy sound system to provide Directional Environment Audio, or have to build a completely new system for it for Beta. . It's likely they're building that new one. What worries me is they said they were supposed to have .62 on EXP the Second Week of last month. . Now it's at that point a month later. *Tired sigh*
  9. Espa

    Arma 3 Mod, closest to DayZ-SA

    If you want to join a new RP Server with an old community starting this Saturday (Week from now), come to http://aftermathdayzrp.com/portal.php and check out their new Arma 3 stuff! Pretty neat people, good friends from old communities come together.
  10. Espa

    Zombie type

    They aren't zombies, despite the common usage of Zed. If compared to anything, they're the Infected from 28 Days Later :) Which in my opinion is way scarier! As for custom zeds, just wait for modding! There'll be everything under the sun, then. I am in agreement that Night time should be tense as hell, in some form or another! I'd prefer the wolf packs just quadriple in population and stretch out to the south as well. They're strong and scary already and night hunting makes perfect sense.
  11. Espa

    Arma 3 Mod, closest to DayZ-SA

    Exile :)
  12. Espa

    Exp Update 0.61.138957

    Thanks Baty! :D We really appreciate these updates! Is there any word on Gas Lamps? I've really been wanting to use them again, but their lighting doesn't ever work for me for months! Will this be getting replaced or fixed? :o
  13. Espa


    As much as I hold out for positive development with DayZ, I feel like a lot of people feel this way - that things need to be done now. I think that even the Developers know this, as they have stated in such language that they know that SRs and Words won't do much to appease the masses - that work will need to be shown. Unfortunately, this company is not beholden to us who bought their game and their progress is at their own pace. If the game ends up coming out 5 years from now, that's their prerogative. But, it's Alpha. . So if you don't enjoy the game now, come back in a few months and don't worry about it. I have no doubt that DayZ will blow us away when they release their BETA.
  14. Espa

    Make Basic Medical Harsh

    Hey guys, I know we all probably have a grand idea and design for the Medical System of DayZ, but today I just wanted to look at the most basic of the Medical Practices we do in game and how we should fix them. If you're Bleeding, you use a Rag - Or sew it up, but it may give Infection. - Rags are what we use 99% of the time when we get hurt and I find that to be so lame when there's a lot more in this game that could be used. For instance, if you're shot - You just use a rag to fix it. That is so far from realistic that it's just dumb xD My suggestion is to only allow rags be used for Splints/etc - Forcing players to sew themselves up and be at that risk of Infection so much more, or be forced to find bandages in hospitals. This would not only make the game much harder for everyone, but it would also raise the value of Medical items by a considerable amount. It would also give value to Alcohol Tinctures, which need to be used to cleanse the sewing kits/bandages to not become Infected. Lemme know what you think! If this makes the game too hard, or yada :)
  15. Espa

    Stable Update 0.61.138792

    Thanks Baty :) Can't wait to see what .62 brings soon! Hopefully that's coming along like next week <3
  16. Espa

    The Visitors Part I, II, & III

    Greattttt roleplay!! I just joined this community on their website http://remnantsdayzrp.com/ and went through their easy application process! Come Beta, everyone's going to want a Private RP server to ACTUALLY play on! These guys have great potential :)
  17. Espa

    BETA in 8 months or less.

    The most we know is that it will likely come out this year, as the Devs have stated they wanted to have 2 Big Updates this year. I assume that is .62, and .63 (Beta). Who knows how far along we are at this point. . But if you are getting frustrated, it may be better to just play another game for the time being until it comes out. I do that often.
  18. Espa

    The Visitors Part I, II, & III

    Appreciate it! :D I'll go ahead and go through the app/process, as most places that are worth it have these! You guys look like a fun group ^_^
  19. Espa

    The Visitors Part I, II, & III

    What server was this? :D I love RPing in DayZ!
  20. Espa

    Severe Weather Warning!

    Just. . One question. . When do we get the. .
  21. Espa

    Just for fun:)

    Eventually, probably when modding is out, I would love to find a cellphone and be able to text others, play games on it, or even call!
  22. Espa

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Ooooh man, this is exciting! I would LOVE to hear more about the Map Design and such! :D Questions!: 1.) Are you guys done with your final Iteration of Chernarus? Or will it be extended? 2.) What challenges did you face when trying to make the Map Design work well in a MMO setting like this? 3.) Can we expect to see any other great changes to the Map, or the flow of the Map?
  23. Espa

    Stable Update 0.61.138602

    Thanks for the clarification :) I hope you guys figure it out soon! Can't wait to jump into more fun stuff when the bugs are squashed!
  24. Hey guys, a lot of you know me, played with me, or have been killed by me <3 I'd like to simply discuss what we know about .62, the time it is taking, and how things will change when it hits EXP/Stable. First of all, this is not a flame thread, nor a rant against the Devs. DayZ is already a good game and I've gotten my money's worth. Anything who thinks otherwise is insane after playing hundreds of hours. With that said, we all know what we would like, and we can see visually how the Devs are putting it together on their newest SRs and Vids. I think beyond what anything else desires, the Devs want this game to be legendary more than anyone else. And it is and will be. .62 So, let's start off with what we know! Updated Forest Visuals, Roads, Restructured Train Tracks, Restructured Terrain (In some places, Western), Updated Cities (A few) Updated Audio for most actions, as well as Forest Audio. The Promise With these things listed being added into the game, there are a whole mess of reasons why this patch could be a HUGE evolution for the game world and how players go about their time while playing DayZ. The massive changes being taken place will essentially make it so that most of what you see in game, what you hear around you, and how you get from A to B will change and be that much better. Such a large change will no doubt allow players to go 'explore', despite being regulars or having the map in your head. New Adventure through unknown and better looking lands. Pleasant on our ears, as well as possibly more realistic. Perhaps the finalization of loot distribution if the 'Visual Overhaul' is only picking at a few cities in changing. The Fear With all that said and the hype that comes along with envisioning the future Chernarus, there are still factors that weigh heavily on the player's mind and the prospective consumers that may wish to buy this game. There is the obvious and stated officially idea that this game will never finish, even to the point where they asked the question in a few of their SR Vids. This is not a good statement to hear or even be identified by the Devs, but it is out there and believed. There is a certain 'Face' that must be maintained in the business world and if the Devs take in that kind of insult to their efforts as true belief, it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy and I don't want to see that. Still, there are frustrations in the time that it is taking to pump out their efforts. I am not a game designer, animator, or have any business connected to whatever they may be doing in their efforts, but from an outsider's standpoint, there is a caution I feel towards raising my hype towards development. With about 3.5 months into 2017, there is still no ETA for .62 - a patch that was supposed to be changing only forests, but as time mounts more and more keeps being promised and added. While I'm relatively optimistic towards DayZ's future, I am just not seeing how the things involved in .62 are taking this long. . They're replacing textures and sounds in systems that they already have working as operational. So why then have it taken this long to arrive on Experimental? My fear is that they're afraid of letting it loose too early because they have an incredible amount of work ahead of them for .63 (BETA). Not wishing to make the players wait another possible 6-12 months for Beta to come out, they could perhaps be holding it to the point where they have approximately 4-6 months wait. And in doing so, they keep adding what's going to show up on .62. While this may sound nice to some, it is delaying progress and giving uninformed players the impression that the game 'will never finish' or 'is too old'. In general, at this point, or hopefully Beta, updates should be coming quicker. . But time will tell. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, if you have an idea or want to comment on this, feel free. Just please no flaming the Devs! It is pointless and some of us are defensive of this game we love :P
  25. Espa

    I am looking for crash, can you help me?

    Last time it occurred would have been this last Thursday, the 13th of April. -- I'll be sure to send it in. I am unsure how others have experienced it, but I was in the Queue to join a High Pop Server (US Underground) and was a few people away from getting in when it randomly froze my game, then exited the client. This was not a horrible thing to endure, as some may suggest, but it took me an extra minute to get back in. (AKA Did no real damage to my experience) The worse bug would be the 'Lag Bubble' one, where you enter a certain situation and you're suddenly encumbered by a large resource load.