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Everything posted by Espa

  1. Espa

    Player Reward: Extraction

    My idea is that if a player logs 100 hours of game time with a character (no deaths) then they would be alerted to an extraction zone where they'd be given the option to be picked up by helicopter and brought out of the area, effectively winning the game! OR simply resupply if the player doesn't wish to leave. No matter the circumstances, when the player decides to respawn into game (after being Extracted or has died), they're allowed a full (basic) military build on from the get-go. (Assault Rifle, Canteen, Pack, Armor, few MREs) What this would do for others?: Perhaps when the helicopter departs with the victor it leaves a small ration crate of certain supplies. --They could also be attacked and killed for even better loot inside the helicopter, as well as maybe the vehicle itself if the devs allow these type of vehicles someday. What this would do for players?: An extra incentive to try your hardest to survive, to weigh decisions more carefully when dealing with zed or other players, heighten the Hero/Bandit/Murderer divide, allow for more personal attachment to your character.
  2. Espa

    Player Reward: Extraction

    Hahaha good comments, mates. I've only been playing this game for 4 days, but I can understand why lasting a long time is a rather difficult situation. - One I think should be rewarded, even if it's nothing to bolster your character. Take that as you will! Also, totally happy with how the game acts as of now with surviving and such as the main goal. There's no salt in my suggestion, just an idea. :)
  3. Espa

    Police Kevlar Vest

    I just don't believe a great population of people would even carry these in their homes. . Perhaps police stations, rare homes, military bases for sure.
  4. Espa

    Police Kevlar Vest

    I agree and wish this to be present in game, but rare enough that everyone isn't running around with one.
  5. Espa

    Improvised Gasmasks

    Can we please get a REASON to wear the gas mask? I would love it if there were sudden chemical gas waves in certain areas. . Signs that show so players could potentially get out of the area, but not if they have a gas mask. Idea: UN is gassing the area to subdue the infected. . And they have quarantined everyone else in the area as infected.
  6. Espa

    Player stuck feature

    Yes, please. There's been a few times that I've gotten stuck in reeds in a pond or behind a bunch of barrels.
  7. Espa

    different's character's spawn's

    I think what the poster is really trying to get attention towards is that every player starts with the SAME equipment and that it would add a bit of diversity if say. . Sam starts with normal clothing and one axe/hoe/shovel/etc. Denise starts with normal clothing and a canteen. Roger starts with normal clothing and a small pack. Wendy starts with raincoat, but no more. Nothing game breaking! Simply a chance to start with different items then the flare, rags, and such. This would give certain players advantages and disadvantages - It would also add variety. Note: All of these things are simple to find and pick up - It's just a matter of giving players more complex spawns. It would also assist players who are playing in groups to be on the ready quicker.
  8. I love all of these ideas! They'd really add more content for players to go after and seek out for survival. I would also like to see some kind of ALERT Event, that works in some way to draw players all to a central location for a certain goodie. . Maybe like Extraction Zone. And also something that makes players all run from a certain city or area. . Like acid rain, or chemical gas that the UN is putting down to subdue the infected.
  9. Espa

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Adventure DayZ #2! So I've really gotten to love the game and it's different options for players, the infected, the guns, the gear. . But it definitely feels like a work in progress! However, that does not remove any sense of wonder I have while exploring and learning more and more about how to interact in the game world. Today's adventure was slightly shorter, but full of fun and excitement! I first spawned in at the top of a building in which I was surrounded by more than 20 zed. SCARY. This looked bleak. Right away, I begin firing off and killing as many as possible. . Till I make a mistake and fall off a ledge. I hit the ground and go unconscious. . 5 seconds later I received a You are Dead message. DARN IT! Hehe. So, I respawn and decide that it was a fluke. I proceed to loot and gear myself for the times to come. . But I'm in an area that I don't recognize, which delights me to no end. I find the road and begin trekking to where I -believe- would be more familiar. I get to my main town that I've spent time in with the glorious church and the statues and slowly make my way around for food. I then suddenly see a blaze of fire in one of the little shops! I get excited because I think that there must surely be players who want to talk and help each other. I head towards it, not realizing that my gun is unholstered as well, and there comes a spray of bullets all around me and I drop to prone. I hear multiple voices, curious and some malicious, and I respond that I'll comply with their wishes. They go through my gear and take some food but leave the rest to me. - I decide to see if I can go with them! Bandits and I go traversing and they end up wanting to go Zed hunting. . I'm extremely apprehensive about this, but I go with. We find our first group and they blast off. . And a whole horde comes running around the corner! We're all running and shooting and whomping with axes till we're run out of the area. I think somebody got left too. . Poor guy. (This is the DayZ I love) While the bandits regroup and talk about going after other players for gear and such, I make my get-away. Just a little while later, I hear a mousey voice asking to please not kill him. I state that I'm only here to help and can give them my extra canteen and some food! - They're like O.O! So I invite them along and we go exploring through a few cities. . We shoot off some zed and make it to the airfield after tons and tons of arduous walking. He thinks it'd be funny to handcuff me and go prone to wait to shoot someone while I call out for help. . I'm actually a little irritated at not being given the choice of the matter. I shuffle out of my cuffs and he begins firing on me and before he lays a shot, I've sprayed and prayed his area effectively ripping him to pieces. . While we both giggle on Steam Call. We've made plans to enter back in the game and try a real attempt at survival and possibly at fixing a car. This game is so much fun. . Please, more people play with me! I love the RP dynamics of banditting as well as being a hero for those who need help surviving.
  10. Espa

    INFECTED Updates/Improvements.

    Thanks! I'd really love to see the infected in the game become more fearsome in ability, mass, and appearance. It should be a scary decision to have to make to go into the city at night for supplies. . And also scary to stay in one place for too long.
  11. Espa

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Hello everyone! So, I played for the first time for real last night and I ended up on a 9 hour binge on the Experimental server! I wanted to write about how things went and my perspective so far. . So I enter the server and know that I must find certain gear to survive the weather, the zed, and the bandits around. So I start my search from house to house working out the kinks of the controls and such. . No zombies yet. Success finds me very quickly and I've got myself a magnum with a few clips worth of ammo, a RAK with ammo as well, a coat, some armor, a pack, and multiple canteens! I'm feeling super lucky! I hear gunfire outside so I lay prone in the house with my gun and inquire in the open space if the guy's cool or not. - He responds he's alright and I give him a canteen, he ends up giving me a fireaxe! Soooo KOS situation turned to discussion and exchange! Wootz! I continue on, improving my gear steadily as I slowly move from house to house. I've seen multiple people get shot while running in the streets, though I've not shot at anyone. A few nights have been survived. . It feels super spooky haha. I've noticed that beyond the food and water and protection. . There's a sense of loss as well. It's scary being alone when you're in a building and you see a crowd of zed outside, or hear zipping shells as you traverse the city and beyond. But there's also adventure! I've seen a police station, a warehouse station, tons of farmhouses, a FEW pleasant people who have actually stopped and chatted for a moment, a super cool derelict ship.. And Oh! The Eastern Orthodox Churches. Super nice touch. Someone tried to stab me today and wouldn't listen to my calls so I shot them dead. The day went strangely. . I wanted for not with supplies and simply traveled about exploring, but as the night came I began hearing groaning and writhing all around. I was starting to get pretty freaked out while sitting at the top of this three story complex. . So I decide to go down a floor to check it out and sure enough, a few zed see me through the window and I hear them bounding towards me. Not thinking, I unholster my gun and fire at them! This alerts more. I'm running away now and I've taken a sledgehammer to about 5 in the process. I'm bleeding out but have gotten away. . I bandaged myself and have eaten enough while staying still in a shut church that I'm finally healing and getting out of this faded vision. The sun is coming up. . I decide to go for another adventure through the forest till I'm too tired to play. Deeply impressed and had so much fun! I hope I get to team up with people some time. . I had an amazing time, but found myself super lost! An aspect I actually liked haha.
  12. Espa

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ooooohhhh. . New version being tested! I'd be so so so happy if we got to play and see zombies again once it's done! Just bought the game today and already love it :)