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Everything posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    According to Sumrak on the Namalsk Discord, its a known bug in 1.11.
  2. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    that was added in the previous release, 1.10
  3. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    Didn't see that on twitter. Do you have a link? are you confusing ps and xbox last gen to current gen play?
  4. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    lol, come on, its not going to affect flying cars. Those are a function of server-side physics + any server or client lag [underpowered or overloaded]. Other than that, its a very good. things. All sorts of great loot table changes made over the last 6-12 months and now the team will see how they affect gameplay when everyone starts fresh (some people have forgotten part of the CLE design is to push you off the coast). Hard to really truly test that when merging changes and everyone is fully geared.
  5. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    or you could play on a servers thats not overloaded or underpowered. They aren't perfect, but they are 1000x better. Did you read the 2020 year in review where they talked about working on it for 2021? Did you read the release notes above that don't say anything about fixing cars? https://dayz.com/article/general/DayZ-2020-Year-in-Review
  6. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    This is the most ridiculous thing I've read lately. What sudden drop of players? https://steamcharts.com/app/221100 DayZ was thisclose to having its most players ever in January on PC and let's not forget consoles. As for consoles, you can look here https://dayz.com/article/general/DayZ-2020-Year-in-Review - "January to November, DayZ saw 4.1 Million new users, with Xbox leading with 2.5M" and lets not forget this part: " A roadmap for the new year is being finalized, and we are looking to expand our team.". You really should read the rest. As for "breakthrough updates and progress" - There have been plenty of solid changes in the last 2 years, but if you are expecting features outside of the vanilla dayz experience, its not going to happen. That's why there are mods. Vehicle issues? read the link. helicopters? - let's be honest, that ship has probably sailed due to the vehicle issues. More guns? whatever, they all go pew, pew, pew. What you and others can't seem to see is that there is a team again that cares about the game and the experience and is trying very hard (with limited resources) to fix bugs, expand on the systems in place and keep+grow the playerbase. Damn, the lead developer released Namalsk(for free), which is most likely the most popular map after Chernarus. As for hackers - let's all say it out loud and slow - "Every. single. PC. game. has. hackers." It's a cat and mouse game. Hackers sit around all day trying to figure out how to exploit some game issue or O/S issue or make some cheat engine (it's a cottage industry). The dev team needs keep releasing the game and play cat & mouse. Anecdotally it seems to be more region based, but there are community servers, even vanilla ones where you can play. That's not a perfect answer, but it works. DayZ is dying? lol. you're only the 1,000,000th person to claim that. The only thing I'll agree with is "let us wait and see".
  7. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Oh, with the "promises" again. DayZ has been 1.0 for over 2 years. 3 or 4 or 5 years ago during EA, helicopters and other things were "promised", because they were already in the engine.. Old dev team swapped the engine, didn't get it done, EA is over and now we have DayZ 1.x, with a new (smaller) dev team and this is DayZ. All previous bets ("promises") are off. [We can agree to disagree on this] Every single feature has to be designed, coded, tested and released. Nothing is easy. It's a complex system, I'm sure. Even the modders will tell you that they don't have to code to the same standards as official. All of that aside, I'd like to ask how you would balance base building and I assume base destruction. This is a conversation that's been going on since a2:dayzmod and we're all still discussing it. Assume you can't have raid time nor unraidable bases. I sincerely ask because just saying its broken isn't a solution. My pet peeve is hoarding. Due to a lack of PVE or other goals (trophies or missions or humanity or whatever) players hoard. No double carry of rifles on shoulders, no rifles in backpacks and no rifles in crates. Now, you need to make some decisions.
  8. helpthedeadwalk

    Xbox Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    @lynn.zaw I was only able to get to this list via the link from twitter. There isn't a visible subcategory under Console Updates -> Xbox Experimental Updates where I would expect to see this.
  9. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    My thoughts exactly. How about this? - you can only carry one rifle on your shoulders. Rifles cannot be placed in a backpack nor a crate. I'm not talking about realism I'm talking about combatting the hoarding mentality and forcing players to make choices. I definitely think it would have a positive effect on the loot economy.
  10. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Any recent videos of this? Last ones I saw were at least a year ago and they were basic area patrols. DayZ Expansion is great accomplishment, but it was also going to have a trader w/inventory and then recently client side vehicles. The showcase channel on the discord doesn't have anything new since October. I see old videos of a motorcycle, gyrocopter, walls w/damage - all sorts of things. Which ones are even in the mod now?
  11. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    look up a few posts.... FIXED Continued damage from a fireplace or barbed wire after moving away from it
  12. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    I login, I play DayZ (on PC) and vehicles aside, I've seen tremendous progress over the last 2 years. Very few game breaking issues. A texture is wrong? So what. I fell off the ladder of the highest smokestack and its been like that forever. Well, don't climb up there. Tickets, Tickets, Tickets. Meh. Everyone on here obsessively staring at tickets is a side-effect of the terrible decision to open up the years-long EA process to the public. Nothing "promised" before 1.0 matters. Finally, everyone needs to realize that DayZ is much closer to the end of its development cycle than the beginning. Demanding large, complex changes or even hoping for them with the current resources is probably not worth the time. DayZ - the game everyone loves to hate, can't put down and can't stop complaining about (the EA).
  13. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    let's have this discussion - Epoch was never DayZ. Yes, it was built on the a2 and the original mod, but epoch opened up all the military assets, added skybases, traders, slow (or no zombies) and whatever else. DayZ is now a survival game, is not based on a2/a3 and doesn't have the military assets nor military engine functionality (like AI, sides, patrols, etc), so ai are going to have to be a mod. There are some out there, but rudimentary from what I hear. I just saw a2:epoch is going to release 1.07 so you can go back to that I suppose.
  14. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    what's your point again? Step back for a minute and look at what the current team talked about for the last year (really 2) and what was delivered. a few bumps in 2019, but 2020 was on track. Nobody can go back in time to revisit the poor decision to have an EA or fix the "broken promises" (in quotes because it was EA and things change in EA). "broken update"? again, which ones from the last 2 years? I can think of a few issues - persistence was a problem right in the beginning and some desync/lag for a release. No need to bring up cars for the 1000th time, so what else that causes you to not be able to play, not what you wish you had that was promised 6 or 7 years ago?
  15. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    considering that the vanilla game is the same on all platforms and the release notes for consoles say the same thing, I'd say yes.
  16. helpthedeadwalk

    Some Questions

    not possible.
  17. helpthedeadwalk

    Ports & Descriptions

    if you are troubleshooting and the server is already running , you can look at the DayZ_x64<date-time>.RPT logfile and find a line like ” 8:01:05.592 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(c0a80121,8716,2302,27016,3,1.07.153006)” – The 2nd, 3rd, 4th values are the ports being used and need to ne open/forwarded(UDP). If you are using the dayzsalauncher server side app, it uses gameport+10(TCP) which is 2312 in this example.
  18. helpthedeadwalk

    Official server raiding

    You can use melee, bullets or grenades (fastest). You can no longer cut locks.
  19. helpthedeadwalk

    drinks_T1 & cfgspawnabletypes.xml

    Tier1, basically the coastal area. These changes in 1.10 were done to make a set of zombies for the coastal areas that have a higher chance to spawn food than the ones farther inland.
  20. helpthedeadwalk

    Server shuting down but not restarting

    are your scripts and maybe BEC looking for the same exact executable(process) by name? DayZ_x64.exe? could they be getting confused?
  21. The Dead Return SA has now changed over to Namalsk! Get some col weather gear, start a fire and ride out the storm. Namalsk is a new/old map with an unforgiving environment. Survival is key, but will you work together to live or kill to take what you need? TDR Namalsk is lightly modded for variety and enhanced gameplay. TDR Namalsk has some extra gear, guns and vehicles, plus a few other surprises. Only some of the items in the mods have been added and they will spawn in line with the rest of the vanilla gear. A few extra vehicles have been added too. Overall, it will be just as hard. Steam Collection of Current Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2313132329 Visit the website for server and game info. Join the discord server to be part of the community and give feedback! Server Info: Active owner/admin Max Players: 60 Physical Server Location: NY Restarts: Every 6 hours (3am/9am/3pm/9pm ET) IP Address: Use the new and improved in-game launcher OR get dayzsalauncher and play The Dead Return Namalsk now!
  22. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    This was a very performance-heavy function, and removing it was part of our approach to improve the server performance fast with the least impact on survival gameplay. We will consider bringing it back once we have a better implementation in mind.
  23. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    Those metaphors don't even make sense. We're not talking about a game where a can of beans is the only food and one can fills you. The game has a complicated digestive system that apparently OP thinks was created by idiots. So, because you know how to use a shower, your plumber is an idiot?! Then fix it yourself. DayZ is a post-apocalyptic zombie game, so "realism" is out the door. There are functional elements that are realistic - running taking more energy than walking, opening cans, reloading weapons, eating bad food makes you sick, driving w/shifting and on and on and on... BUT, they have to not be too burdensome and they have to occur in game time (not IRL time).
  24. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    This is a interesting workaround for vehicles bouncing at restart, if not during the session. It doesn't have to keep the shape and I assume it would reduce some cycles.
  25. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    AH! another armchair developer. I'm sure you can developer a better game with complex food/water/nutrition/digestive systems. You also realize that while DayZ is realistic, things that affect you IRL time need to be accelerated to be Game Session Time. If you had to only eat+drink every few days, it wouldn't really make sense, in game session time. Scroll up on this thread and you'll find some explanations about how the nutrition + digestion works.