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Everything posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    I agree with your 2 points 110%. I've run a server on an old PC for a few friends and even a public server on a VPS. You might want to add the "NoVehicleDamage" mod, but as long as its not overloaded or running a bunch of cpu-sucking mods (like some popular one), then it's fine. Yes, some type of detection system. I've never worked on a vehicle physics engine, but in terms of limits, how about: 1) wheels can't be >1m above the terrain 2) wheels can't be > .25m altitude from each other 3) wheels/vehicle can't be lower than the terrain. 4) wheels can't be higher in altitude than the vehicle (meaning flipped) Maybe those distances aren't the right ones, and maybe some of these things would make vehs a bit wonky going over cliffs, but some brute force here seems like it has to help.
  2. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    @ImpulZ a release today but no release notes?! 😞
  3. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    I probably end up dying with too many mags I never get to use anyway. I haven't had time to play much since the update but I'm looking forward to it. I suspect the food decay will be a bit harsh and need to be lessened a bit. I was playing on a hardcore server last week that didn't have decay times this short and it was a challenge.
  4. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.10

    If there was any question that DayZ was a survival game, there shouldn't be anymore. There's probably already an "UnlimitedEnergy" mod.
  5. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I won't disagree, but you have to remember that the team working on DayZ is not the team that implemented the server-side vehicles. On top of that its a much smaller team. They've already said if it was easy, they'd fix it. So is it a 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 6 month project? How much of the 2020 roadmap would we have traded? IMO, its a tough call. I could care less about any new gun or item. I'm far more interested in the survival, building and environmental changes. Yes, the server code needs to be fixed, but it truly is far worse on underpowered and overloaded servers (what many GSP offer).
  6. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I would have thought that timing was right a while ago, but Namalsk was announced for Dec 3rd and its depends on 1.10. Since releases come out in the beginning of the week and we'll inevitably need a hotfix or 2 after 1.10, we're really down to next week (16th) or the week after (23rd), IMO.
  7. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Well, first thing I'd say is that the current team != the team that changed the entire engine. You may not like that because they both worked for BI, but questionable decisions were made and here we are. Given that, the current team has a list of priorities and between the dev team + BI they decided that all the other things we got in 2019 and 2020 were more valuable. If you go back to the 2020 "roadmap", they really delivered everything that was mentioned and more. The game will not die quickly and in fact it has almost more players now on PC that ever before. I'm hearing the new XBOX actually runs it properly, so let's assume the PS5 will as well. There's another new market to maybe generate some funds to keep it going well past 2021. I'm not a hard core modder, but I've seen every type of mod possible - how does DayZ not allow proper modding?
  8. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    The current team has said that if it was easy they would do it already. While the implementation is not great, it is highly dependent on the server - fast servers, not overloaded with mods and players will do far better than oversubscribed VMs. Unfortunately, that's what a lot Of GSP will hand out. Just saying.
  9. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    If you pay attention there are many time when you can get a question answered. The feedback tracker, this forum, twitter, streams and podcasts. Why don't you ask a question instead of complaining that you can't get an answer.
  10. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    <cargo chance="0.25" name="food_T1"> <item name="HumanSteakMeat" chance="0.1" /> <item name="Guts" chance="0.1" /> <item name="Potato" chance="0.1" /> <item name="Zucchini" chance="0.1" /> <item name="Tomato" chance="0.1" /> <item name="GreenBellPepper" chance="0.1" /> <item name="PowderedMilk" chance="0.1" /> <item name="TunaCan" chance="0.3" /> </cargo> It partly depends on the nutritional value I suppose. the numbers are roughly twice as high as the previous release. <cargo chance="0.16" name="foodVillage"> <item name="SodaCan_Cola" chance="0.05" /> <item name="SodaCan_Pipsi" chance="0.05" /> <item name="SodaCan_Spite" chance="0.05" /> <item name="TunaCan" chance="0.08" /> <item name="SardinesCan" chance="0.12" /> <item name="PeachesCan" chance="0.10" /> <item name="SpaghettiCan" chance="0.10" /> <item name="BakedBeansCan" chance="0.10" /> </cargo> I certainly like the concept. There were also a few items pushed down to the lower tiers. Between the lifetime changes, "zed tiers" and item locations it feels like its all coming together to have the loot economy push you around the map. I'm sure it will need more fine tuning. TBH, just release a new set of mission files later would be a great option.
  11. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Same as always - when its done. And as soon as its done, someone will ask "when is the next release?"
  12. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    100% this. While cars are wonky they are highly dependent on the server config. An underpowered server overloaded with mods or players is only going to make it 10x worse. Unfortunately, most GSP aren't generously giving out dedicated servers, just oversubscribed VMs.
  13. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Agreed, but its not broken, its a design decision and I've already posted my reasons on it being a good thing. get out and raid a base or kill another player. don't just grind barracks.
  14. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    No. And why? Let's analyze. EXP just came out this past week and has had a couple of hotfixes already. It will need a week or two minimum to test (IMO). This is also the last release of the year and they'd like to get it right, but you know there will be a hotfix after. I'd say the over/under is the end of Nov, probably the under.
  15. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I don't think its even recommended to go higher than 60 players. Even so, I get your point since it can happen at lower players counts too. Part of it is server specs and console is stuck with whatever Nitrado is renting.
  16. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    So, "reasons" is what you're saying. "But as it stands, the current mechanic just makes them not spawn at all. " - which is wrong. they spawn, they get looted, you have to find them and take them. How about we change this discussion to cars. Cars have a max per server. Sure they are harder to hide but, should they spawn unlimited? No and neither should certain rifles. There are plenty of guns, just not the one you **want**. That's the point - go and get it.
  17. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    @ImpulZ hmm, the version number didn't change.....
  18. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I've had this argument/discussion many times. DayZ is a slow survival game, not a PVP/BR game. Some items are rare on purpose. You aren't entitled to anything. Grinding out a barracks is like a participation trophy - you got it for putting in time. Killing another player, raiding a base or working together/sharing are just as valid to get what you want (which is different from what you need). So you keep moving, you keep looking, you keep doing those things that put you in jeopardy and maybe you get that elusive weapon or maybe you die trying. Now you're back on the coast and have to start all over again. They all go pew, pew, pew anyway, lol. Part of the problem is there is no other risk/reward system except survival and accumulate loot. So these few rare weapons have been elevated to end-game status that players just. have. to. have. Meh.
  19. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I like the lifetime changes. Going from hours to days was far too drastic, if only because of what players were used to. My suggestion all along is that you have to base these things on session time. What I mean is that if you assume a player session lasts 2 or 4 hours, then the last thing they want to see is the same loot laying on the ground at the beginning and the end of that session. Are sessions longer? Could it be tweaked up a bit. Ideally, someone would analyze all of those official log files and understand the average session length.
  20. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Did you play 1.09 EXP. All the loot changes were in the last release. The lifetime of items generally changed from hours to days so loot is not recycling as quickly on its own. It really forces you to get moving and look for a less-traveled path . And it does mean more starvation. IMO think it was too drastic, but here we are. Wait until Namalsk....
  21. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I never said DayZ wasn't part of the problem and I've been a developer and all sorts of other things right up through cloud for even longer. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, other servers have cars that work reasonably well (I know they aren't perfect). So go ask them what they run on? Linux? Agreed 100%, but it isn't going to happen so why bother bringing it up. A3 (and a2), again different implementation. Namalsk will be interesting but if anyone thinks 1.10 will be brutal to survive, wait until that comes out. There are a few other good maps like Deer Isle.
  22. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I run servers locally and publicly with less HP than that and I don't have flying cars. Also, Windows10 is not a server operating system. It is not designed for 10 people to be logged in at once.
  23. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    ok, I'll rephrase that "I know vehicles are far from perfect, but they get much worse on underpowered servers and/or with too many players. That basically describes most rental GSP.
  24. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    correct. I just tested it. You can still craft armbands.
  25. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I know vehicles are far from perfect, but they get much worse on underpowered servers with too many mods and/or too many players. That basically describes most rental GSP. I want to say Sumrak was asked about this on a stream or podcast and he either didn't have an answer or said that it was too complex to rewrite 😞