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Everything posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    So ignore the artillery strikes and the lore conflict it seems to have caused. Pretend its an Mi-26. Either way you have dynamic toxic zones. My complaint with static zones is that it just turns into a player routine really quickly. You're playing on a modded server anyway which was my other point.
  2. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    Players - "Please give us more PVE!" Dev - "OK, here's some toxic zones. Some static one like were talked about years ago and some random ones to really keep you on your toes." Players - "We didn't want something that's random or you know... hard. We wanted something in the same place every time that we can run in/out without having to find NBC or care. We certainly don't want high end weapons to only spawn there. This ruins my build anywhere, unlimited stamina, trader/atm/banking, no shoe/glove/clothes damage, less zombie, bullet stack/stack, no infections server."
  3. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    This is a solid release! 29 new items, 2 new NBC zombies, animals, traps, weapons. Let's be honest, who expected this much in 1.14?
  4. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    The other gas mask has a replaceable filter. A setting for unlimited stamina?! ugh. How does that fit into the "realism" category at all.
  5. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.13

    very late to the reply, but not sure why you are picking on BattleMetrics. BM is just using a public API. Anyone could write a tool. This feature was there in a2 and dayzmod - take a look at gametracker and how it records player names + times. Your player name is NOT considered Personally Identifiable Information anyway since it can't be tied back to a person.
  6. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.13

    Meh. what "cascade of critical issues regarding security and how it was implemented" issues? Security of your gamer tag? You know server owners have that plus your IP right? and the steam overlay shows who is online? goto https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers and start clicking on servers for various games. Many, many games show the players online. This feature was included way back in a2:dayzmod and is in Arma3! It should be in dayzsa. I'd bet a few streamers complained loudly and maybe someone yelled GDPR! (ugh) and BI just decided to remove it rather than defend it.
  7. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.13

    I was getting this the other day in the woods, in Chernarus, building a shelter w/sticks. 2 of us getting the same behavior. I relogged to get it working.
  8. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.13

    didn't take long for the inevitable post about vehicles. Did you read the 1.12 release thread where a number of people decided to beat this dead horse again and again and again. Was it in the release notes that vehicle physics would be fixed in 1.13? No, then this isn't going to be the place to discuss it, harp on it, complain about it, etc.
  9. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    correct and correct. someone else mentioned they found one at NWAF, but I'm guessing the EXP servers weren't wiped. in types.xml <type name="PlateCarrierVest"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type> in cfgrandompresets.xml <attachments chance="1.00" name="HeavyArmorArmy"> <item name="PlateCarrierVest" chance="1.00" /> </attachments> and cfgspawnabletypes.xml <type name="ZmbM_usSoldier_Heavy_Woodland"> <cargo preset="foodArmy" /> <attachments preset="HeavyArmorArmy" /> <attachments preset="HeavyHelmetArmy" /> </type>
  10. helpthedeadwalk

    private car ownership

    never going to happen. dayz isn't about permanent ownership like that.
  11. helpthedeadwalk

    DayZ | +45 QoL suggestions | Part 2

    @Asmondian nice list! Would be nice to get an ACK from the dev team. 50 QOL improvements is a lot. What about some type of poll where we could prioritize. My list: 1) Gasoline Canisters | Make them explode when fired 4) Police cars wrecks in PD´s | Re-signifying Police Stations 10) Wet items/weapons | Possibility of malfunction 15) Military Tents | Carry as a backpack 22) Diseases Indicator | Different diseases symbols (Alternative Blood Test Kit) 31) Underground stashes | Bigger dirt pile and multiple stashes restriction 37) Epinephrine | Avoid fainting in flashing red blood 38) North East Airfield | Bring it back to life 39) Apartment buildings | Is there a good reason why those are empty? 41) Burying Dry bags | Make them take damage with every bury/unbury 50) Helicopter Crash Sites | Radio Signal
  12. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.12

    sneak up behind them, quietly and they are a silent one-hit and dead. There's your skill.
  13. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    When this is being discussed I like to remind people that they want unraidable bases (not you, others) but they also want helicopters. lol As for "count_in", I am a proponent of it. You want high-end weapons, but you don't need them. DayZ is about interaction too, so if you can't loot it, then raid or kill or trade with another player. Grinding out a barracks to get everything you want is just a participation trophy. All of this base building and cars and hoarding and wanting is partly because of the lack of PVE. Turning up zombie danger has helped. What else can be done? More sickness? Animals? Toxic Zones/Radiation? AI? You know what? a2:dayzmod had most of that (vehicle, ai, missions, helis, etc, etc) and players still want to just PVP.....
  14. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.12

    Is it jus me or is everyone crashing on exit with the latest patch?
  15. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.12

    i've found that you can sneak up very slowly or even sprint, but you have to get there before they turn around. Then its 5-6 hacks with an ax when it used to be 3. I'd say 50/50 you get cut now. Rags + blood bags are of great value! I'm very annoyed having to get used to it, but I think its a good change. I took a suppressed shot at one up near the ski hill and 4 swarmed me out of nowhere. I fought 2, went uncon and retreated into a shed and had to punch the last one. Damn, I haven't had that much zombie trouble since the first time I played!
  16. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.12

    Being a software developer for a long time, my understanding is that the vehicle engine code/physics were rewritten to the current server-basedmodel, by a different team, years ago. It sounds like it needs to be rewritten/optimized in the server or a completely new implementation done for the client. Everything is work and there is a small team with many priorities. You're awaiting the next DLC?! Don't hold your breath. There is no indication of any new DLC. The only DLC (Livonia) came out over a year ago.
  17. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    The community has been arguing for and against bases since arma2:dayzmod. I agree that there needs to be balance between construction and destruction, but to your point DayZ isn't meant to provide you with a permanent, unraidable base. When people complain about bases, I ask them for suggestions and to consider there cannot be "raid times" and there will always be a player or group that has far more free time than you. Cars, on the other had have always been useful for travel and for cargo. Getting the bus fixed up and providing rides up and down the coast! Driving a Ural through the forest, knocking down trees. A fix (presumably client-side) to vehicles is still required. As a server owner, I really want a way to despawn them based on lifetime and/or damage level (not ruined).
  18. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.12

    that was fixed in the previous hotfix. I know I was in a queue last night and I saw the number.
  19. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    you're forgetting that there is a large portion of players, especially newer players, that are on console and don't have mods.
  20. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    I think you might have added a 0 on the end there.....
  21. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    Seems like all the good will gained in 2020 by putting out the first sortof roadmap and goals and following through is quickly forgotten. Agreed its late but do you really think it will say much more than some high level concepts being worked on? It's not going to be a prioritized list of work for the year....
  22. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    geez, give them a break. Does it say vehicles were fixed?
  23. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    They have said something "With support from new additions to our team, we hope to resolve our ongoing weaknesses regarding some of the synchronization issues and physics-related problems with vehicles. " https://dayz.com/article/general/DayZ-2020-Year-in-Review I'd rather them under-promise and over-deliver - too much of the opposite happened for too long. Last year they told us "if it was easy, they would have fixed it already". The fact that they're working on it is enough for me. ps - i like the wheels idea. all vehicles can all spawn with wheels and no other parts for now.
  24. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    You seem to have inferred something that it doesn't say at all. Even if it did, too bad for thinking that backpacks are permanent storage.
  25. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.11

    And its been the elephant in the room for years. The current dev team even said last year that it was not easy to fix (they inherited this implementation). The DayZ 2020 in Review said they were hoping to address it with an expanded team, so it's like it was announced they were fixed. As for GTA - far more resources, a completely different engine and just different work. https://dayz.com/article/general/DayZ-2020-Year-in-Review "With support from new additions to our team, we hope to resolve our ongoing weaknesses regarding some of the synchronization issues and physics-related problems with vehicles."