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Everything posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.17

    it was in cfgspawnabletypes.xml, but never types.xml.
  2. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.17

    you are incorrect. everything on the server is wiped/reset, including players. bases, stashes, loot on the ground, etc. everyone starts as a fresh spawn.
  3. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    All good questions that I don't have an answer. Maybe they have other anti-cheat, maybe those actions aren't as server cpu hungry (and lag sensitive) or maybe they just wrote better code Related to you question https://80.lv/articles/the-development-process-behind-bohemia-interactive-s-enfusion-engine/ "We decided a long time ago that our multiplayer architecture would be an authoritative server. Everything related to the state of the game is simulated and verified by the server. Clients provide inputs and sync with the server and interpolate the state while getting data from the server."
  4. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Ideally to prevent hacking. when the client is the source and the client (windows) is an open platform, its far easier to hack behaviors. With that said, you have to be able to overcome/handle basic client + server lag. Still hoping on this statement "We’re in the process of importing the latest version of vehicle simulation from a newer version of our Enfusion engine. We hope this will bring some much-needed stability to vehicle simulation in DayZ and expect to perform some public testing in the coming weeks." from https://dayz.com/article/developer-updates/DayZ-in-2022
  5. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.16

    I know that. My point is that this is a release thread, which starts off by documenting what has been fixed. It vehicles are not mentioned, then adding a +1 to the 5 year old pile of complaints doesn't help.
  6. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.16

    Didn't take long for the inevitable vehicle physics complaints again. Did the release notes above say they were addresses? nope. But there was something in the DayZ in 2022 blog post - https://dayz.com/article/developer-update/DayZ-in-2022
  7. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.16

    vanilla server? I refreshed mine and no issues. seems to be a lot of mod problems.
  8. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    I only say that when the armchair internet developers all claim that every fix is easy and could be done in a week. As for the rest of your comments, I agree. We waited patiently during the last 18 months when there were bugfixes and small changes. I want BI to dedicate resources to the big problems (vehicles and now security). These are engine level issues that I suspect the current team isn't well versed or isn't allowed to change. I don't care if we don't get a release until the summer. I could care less about guns since they all go pew, pew, pew. I haven't even tried the alarm clock - does it attract the infected? cute, interesting... I guess.
  9. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    ooh, now you're reading my post history. nice. I've always been up front. Not a game developer, but a developer of large complex, multiuser systems. Are you a game developer? developer? dabble in coding? what? Where did I say I could fix it? I said that its ridiculous for anyone not involved directly to make claims that all of "this" (whatever that is) can be fixed in a week. DayZ should be better, but put that on BI and the path that got it here, not the few people left trying to keep the development going.
  10. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    " how fast is to fix certain things"! Again, dayz is practically an open platform. Create a mod or post the fix. I completely understand this title is far closer to the end than the beginning and it has very few resources dedicated to it. I'm also a software developer (not a game developer) but I can appreciate that anyone who isn't part of the team, the company, the process and who doesn't have knowledge of the whole environment can't sit there and say anything is "easy to fix". Where is your easy fix? please post it. people are making petitions for security issues. I'm familiar with the problem, but I don't know enough about the server + engine to sit here and propose a solution. And while I want a solution to this security issue, PC is an open platform, so there's always another hacker around the corner.
  11. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.16 (Change Log)

    Excellent! it sounds like you an an expert Enfusion developer and can fix all the issues with DayZ in one week! Please do so. Complaining is one thing, but claiming it can all be fixed in a week is ridiculous.
  12. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.15

    agreed. its a known quantity and around a dozen "special" items that spawn there. once you get an NBC suit and done it once, there's no mystery.
  13. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.15

    I'd like an answer to the sudden inclusion of the hit indicator. It had to be the most controversial feature ever added with many, many players NOT wanting it and the messaging was that it would not be enabled. Now its going to be on every. single. server. Yes, the releases this year have been great, but you just gave yourself a blackeye right at the end of the year. please, turn it off. [edit - fixed to say "would not be ENABLED"]
  14. helpthedeadwalk

    DayZ | 50 QoL suggestions | Part 3

    Another well thought out set of suggestions. Here's the ones that jumped out at me: 3) Add the existent rusty textures to functional vehicles - No, its too hard to distinguish the wrecks from teh spawns already. 5) Make the tents placement less restrictive in relation to irregular surfaces - agreed and 1.15 is adding some server configs for this. 7) Increase the speed and traction of the M3S truck within realistic ranges (Prague V3S) - yes 13) Allow to cut medical scrub t-shirts into rags (Consistency with pants) - yes (general issue with many cloth items) 17) Disable the ability of burying ruined items or containers - yes, containers AND items should degrade 20) Reduce/differentiate the lifetime of the packed tents form the unpacked ones - (general config issue with deployed items) 27) Allow to add full backpacks inside vehicles - no, goes against my ideas to prevent hoarding. 33) Clothing state should also impact on their max cargo capacity - yes, this is a great PVE feature 34) Enable vehicles respawn time base on inactivity (or reduce its lifetime if it is actually working) - YES! we've talked about this. 39) Communication devices should relate with the dynamic events - yes, there needs to be a reason to use the radios 42) Contaminated areas vs. Air Strikes, a more dynamic approach to toxic zones - great idea on the dynamic zones. as for the static zones, its not that hard. needs improvement. 44) Add vegetation on roads. dayzsa raods are so much clearer than a2:dayzmod! please don't do this UNTIL vehicles are improved.
  15. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    stay the course. If the indicator gets added to the game, it will 100% be on official servers and only the few true HC servers might turn it off. Nobody asked for it and the community is split. That doesn't bode well statistically. Maybe the dev team should use this an example of ideas they should put out there first before coding them.
  16. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    @Kyiara I'm just going to leave these here. The minor 1.15 release and the new hitbox indicator has generated the most "discussion" in recent memory (ok, there were 42 duplicate posts asking about the Halloween flies)
  17. helpthedeadwalk

    Update 1.15 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    IMO, DayZ just isn't a base-building game. IIt never was back in the a2:dayzmod days either and sa has about the same constructs. Once you start adding more complex base building, players are going to want raid times, unraidable bases, sleeping bag base spawns codelocks, cement walls, multi-story and all sorts of other things that are either impractical or just too permanent. dayz is always temporary. base building is something todo, but it's not supposed to last.
  18. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

    agreed 10,000% please, please, please remove that crap.
  19. helpthedeadwalk

    Update 1.15 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    you need to read this - Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=DayZ:Gameplay_Settings)
  20. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.14

    and the version number on the executable didn't change. it's still 1.14.154258
  21. helpthedeadwalk

    Stable Update 1.14

  22. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    if you goto the dayz facebook page (ugh), it says there will not be a wipe. Not sure why it hasn't shown up on twitter or here.
  23. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    They are in events.xml just like many other things. set to 0 or remove. The json is for locations.
  24. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    I like your ideas, but I see the dynamic zones as simply pushing players around the map and discouraging bases in certain areas. Why go into them?
  25. helpthedeadwalk

    Experimental Update 1.14 (Changelog)

    I have some thoughts on this. 1) You need the gear before you can enter the zone, so you aren't going from freshie on the coast into Rify to get an M4A1 or whatever. 2) Removing the server max and replacing it with those weapons spawning in the contaminated areas was a tradeoff I suppose. I've argued FOR having weapons with a server max for a while and not relaxing those configs, but alas nobody listened to me. Most of the people complaining play on 100x loot/trader servers anyway so keep vanilla HARDER! 3) Agreed that some testing is needed, but that can't happen in EXP. They have to make an educated guess and tweak it later. The nice thing is that it's simple changes to the mission files. I don't look at these changes making the game "arcadey", I look at them as forcing different movement around the map. That's what PVE is supposed todo. Now maybe if we could get some care packages and/or infected camps (ala arma2:dayzmod) with more rare gear, we'd get even more movement.