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Everything posted by helpthedeadwalk

  1. helpthedeadwalk

    DayZ SA: Desolation RP will RETURN soon

    not that I care, but you posted this in the dayzmod forum, not SA
  2. helpthedeadwalk

    Stuck in loading screen/ kicked from every server

    Arma2/Arma2 OA/DayZ Mod connection troubleshooting based on info from VinylJunkie of Europa First, some quick things to try. **1. Are you getting a "Session Lost" error?** >> __Are you using DayZLauncher__? If so, The vanilla-based dayzmod servers require you to goto Settings and make sure to check the box "Launch DayZMod as Steam App". You also must have downloaded dayzmod via STEAM at least once. Make sure DayZLauncher is version or higher. Click "Update Launcher" if not. >> __Are you launching from STEAM__? If so, then you must use the Arma 2: DayZ Mod link (NOT the Arma 2 OA link) >> __Did you run STEAM as Administrator__ ? Right-click on STEAM and choose Run as Administrator. **2. Did you verify your local Arma2, Arma2OA and DayZMod files within STEAM? ** STEAM LIBRARY->Arma2->Local Files tab->Verify Integrity of Game Files STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead->Local Files tab->Verify Integrity of Game Files STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 DayZ Mod->Local Files tab->Verify Integrity of Game Files **3. Do you have an AddOns folder in your Arma 2 OA folder? ** If so, remove it. Back in the day players were told to copy their Arma 2 Addons in to the Arma 2 OA folder. Today this will render a "You were kicked off the game" error. Your Arma 2 OA folder is probably located here: ```C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead``` There is suppose to be an Addons folder in the Expansion folder, don't delete that. If you don't have an AddOns folder located in your Arma 2 OA folder, don't worry about it. **4. Delete any locally cached mission files from here: ** C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2\MPMissionsCache OK, if those things don't help, then its time to get serious **1. Remove and re-download Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA from STEAM. I also suggest a reboot afterward.** STEAM LIBRARY->Arma2->Uninstall STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead->Uninstall STEAM LIBRARY->Arma2->Install Game STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead->Install Game **2. Start Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA once time each to the lobby then exit.** This is neccesary to make sure both games initialize properly and write correctly to the registry. To make them load faster, add these launchparameters: -noSplash -skipIntro **3. Remove and re-download DayZ Mod.** STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 DayZ Mod->Local Files tab->Uninstall STEAM LIBRARY->Arma 2 DayZ Mod->Local Files tab->Install Game **4. Launch Arma 2: DayZ Mod instead of Arma 2 OA in Steam.** Once Arma have started press Multiplayer and you should see all vanilla DayZ Mod servers.
  3. The Dead Return is the best Vanilla+ server out there. Just a few scripts and tweaks to make it fun for everyone! The server is a little quiet during the day, but max'ed out on some nights. Ski Goggles is your owner/admin/dev. I'm always looking to add new features that promote better gameplay. The server is PVP and Survivor with a mix of heroes and bandits. No matter if you are new to dayzmod or a veteran, if you are solo or part of a team, you'll be able to get on, gear up, find vehicles and have some fun. Basebuilding in back! The Dead Return is based on vanilla with some mods: * Walking+Running Zombies - Sometimes they run just to keep you on your toes * DZMS - Highly Customized with 20+ AI Missions * DZGM - Group System * Just a few extra scripts - Suicide, bury body * Starter Loadout - Based on Humanity, but nothing crazy * Plenty of Loot - Much more than Vanilla * Increased Max Vehicles to 100 * Custom Spawn Inventory for all vehicles - More than Vanilla * New Vehicle Spawn Locations - More than Vanilla * Turned off the heat/temperature requirement Visit the website at http://helpthedeadreturn.wordpress.com - for info about rules, spawns, missions, weapons and more. Visit the discord at https://discord.me/tdr * Active admin. * Max Players: 40 * Max Vehicles: 100 (6 helis, 6 Boats, 1 Airplane) * Physical Server Location: NY * Restarts: Every 6 hours (3am/9am/3pm/9pm ET) * Battleye: Enabled * IP Address: Any questions?
  4. helpthedeadwalk

    New global update

    I agree on #1. IMO, after that, you need to think gameplay. New cars? Different attachments? limping? None of that really affects gameplay. Changes in the last few releases like vehicle spawn inventory, trees falling when wood chopped, base building, even putting a single backpack in a stash. They all impact the gameplay somehow. Those are the kinds of things that we need more of.
  5. helpthedeadwalk

    DayZMod 1.8.8

    The SQL files are in the server download - at the moment those files in the github are correct as well. A wipe is not necessary, only some of the meta files changed substantially to add spawn locations, spawn inventory and bug fixes.
  6. The Dead Return is the sequel to The Dead Walk. The previous server host sucked, so I moved and rebuilt! If you played on the old server, then The Dead Return will look very familiar. Ski Goggles is your owner/admin/dev and I'm always looking to add new features that promote better gameplay. Gameplay is PVP and Survivor and the server has a decent mix of heroes and bandits. No matter if you are new to DayZ Mod or a veteran, if you are solo or part of a team, you'll be able to get on, gear up, find vehicles and get have some fun. Traffic has been a bit light since the summer started, so come on over now and get going! We are always looking for new players. The Dead Return is based on vanilla with some mods: Walking+Running Zombies (sometimes they run just to keep you on your toes) 20+ AI Missions (Customized DZMS) 20+ Map Additions (New Cities, Towns, Military Bases and more) Starter Loadout (based on Humanity) Plenty of Loot (Much more than Vanilla) Group System (DZGM) Increased Max Vehicles to 100 Custom Spawn Inventory for all vehicles. New Vehicle Spawn Locations. Turned off the heat/temperature requirement. Added all allowed vehicles to the game and missions. Visit the website at http://helpthedeadreturn.wordpress.com - for info about rules, spawns, missions, weapons and more. Active admin. Max Players: 40 Max Vehicles: 100 (6 helis, 6 Boats, 1 Airplane) Physical Server Location: NY Restarts: Every 6 hours (3am/9am/3pm/9pm ET) Battleye: Enabled IP Address: Any questions?
  7. helpthedeadwalk

    Wanted: Tool to kick all players

    we just warn them at 15/10/5/1 minutes and 30 seconds before restart. If they don't logoff, it's their problem.
  8. helpthedeadwalk

    Instructions for setting up a DayZ Mod Server?

    You have multiple dedicated servers, but not a hosting provider to setup the game? I suggest setting up a personal test server first and getting to know the setup, battleye/etc, directory structure, database, settings and then the scripting. I used the "Pwnoz0r pack"(google it) to start and then upgraded to the latest. If you are going to fully manage this yourself, doing by hand will help.
  9. helpthedeadwalk

    Database Tutorial

    That's a good way to put it - the db is a save file. On top of that, most of it only gets read during a restart (everything except the player info, which gets read on login). So any changes you make, don't happen right away. I suggest creating your own test server and messing around with it. I have one on an older PC. For scripting there are guides out there, but visit opendayz.net and you'll find some pre-made stuff. Unfortunately, arma2 is years-old and people aren't very actively modding it - they've moved on. You'll see more questions that answers, but plug away. That's what I've been doing for a while now.
  10. helpthedeadwalk

    DayZ Mod

    I know it might be a while for 1.8.7, but what about a minor patch for The loss of backpacks when putting on skins is the most requested fix. I was looking into the code and if I read it correctly, is this all in player_switchModel.sqf? If I read it correctly, it looks like the file changed completely for 1.8.6 and then in github I believe it was reverted back. This file is in the client, so I don't want to have to patch the mission. Do I have this right? I guess I'm asking for which would be a client-only patch.
  11. helpthedeadwalk

    The Dead Walk

    thanks for calling out our server. Here's a few more details: [dayzmod]The Dead Walk has been around for a while and we're trying to get some more regulars playing. There have been times when we've peaked at 40, but we're more likely to have ~20 on a busy weekend. It's based on vanilla, but I recently added a bunch of buildings from ixxo and the joker packs. There are a some new spawn locations for vehicles (so you can't just rely on google) and all of the vehicles have a custom spawn loadout (possible with 1.8.6). The Zombies walk so people are your problem. The loot tables have been tweaked so there is plenty to be found. Don't get me wrong, this is not epoch, but you can get going quick. Finally, missions are enabled. Once in a while we'll turn on the AI (with notice). Active admins. Info: Max Players: 40 Vehicles: ~75 (~6 helis) Physical Server Location: NY Restart timer: 6 hours (3am/9am/3pm/9pm ET) Battleye: Enabled 3rd Person IP: 23.229.0..3:2402 Any questions?