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About cage53

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. cage53

    Exp Update 0.62.140401

    My head tracking doesn't work at all...never mind sluggish. It's frustrating cuz I won't play the game without it. Probably been two weeks now with no DayZ.
  2. cage53

    Head tracking

    tried 0.62.140267. No change.
  3. cage53

    Head tracking

    When I verify file integrity I get a ' 1 file failed to validate and will be reaquired' message. Anyone else have this?
  4. cage53

    Head tracking

    I think that's the update I'm on. I can't seem to enable head tracking in the settings.
  5. cage53

    Head tracking

    update is 0.62.140099
  6. cage53

    Head tracking

    Head tracking hasn't worked since the last update. Is it my computer or something with the update
  7. cage53

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    I've gotten sick in this update. I don't know if it's from drinking pond water or numerous infected encounters. Color is washed out and I am getting a 'I feel rundown' text message. We will see what happens.
  8. cage53

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    I'm finding that when I select 'play' on the server I used the last session I get a 'memory could not be read error'. If I then go into the server menu and pick the server I last played on than all is good.
  9. cage53

    Exp Update 0.61.136067

    Had some fun last night. New spawn and fought a few zombies until I was out of bandages and bleeding. Not finding any rags I finally decided to commit suicide by zombie so I took two on without really trying to defend myself. Just then a player ran by on the road, saying 'Hello' and kept on running, no offer of help. Having a possible source of salvation in the area I dispatched the two zombies and took off after the player. Unfortunately I couldn't keep up and lost him in a small village. I checked as many of the houses that I could, all the while asking for help. No luck and I went unconscious and then died. Did have some trouble picking some things off the ground. Also some doors didn't quite work and opening the trunk on a car opened the front doors, not the trunk.
  10. cage53

    Exp Update 0.61.136067

    Got a chance to play experimental over the weekend. Logged in and started collecting gear. I found a pitchfork but couldn't put it on my back or the ground so I ran around with the pitchfork in my hands until I found a shovel. I had some seeds so thinking I would eventually do some farming I tried to put down the pitchfork and take the shove. No luck. I had to log out and log back in to find the pitchfork on the ground and then I could pick up the shovel, which of course I could not put down or put on my back. About this time I ran into another player who said 'hello'. I said 'hello' back and moved towards him but he must have interpreted my shovel in hand as a threat and took off. I went into a house, saw a pistol and tried to put the shovel on the ground. Eventually I ended up pressing 'G'. The shovel flew away and I was suddenly laying down, half submerged in the floor. I couldn't crouch or stand up. I could 'swim' around though and swam up to the shovel but couldn't take it. I did notice more infected and more varieties of same so things look promising. I'll try again this evening and see what happens.
  11. cage53

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I will have to check which server I am on but it has rained steady for two real life hours this evening and pretty well the whole last few days. My barrel has persisted for a least a week so that's one good thing. But I haven't seen anyone else on this server in that whole time and I guess if it rains that much why should I? I hate changing servers just because the one I am on isn't giving me 'fun' conditions. I want to play the hand I am dealt so to speak. So like my barrel I persist and will log on again tomorrow.
  12. cage53

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Loving the game so far. Played the last three nights in a row and everything working fine. Yesterday I logged in to a torrential downpour. Couldn't see anything outside of a 100m radius (guessing at that). Frames were down to mid 30' but graphics were cool. Every time I put on my raincoat I got the heating up message so I had to move slowly. One thing I noticed is that during the first part of the session using the mouse to select something off the hot bar dropped me into the desktop. The game was still running fine and I could mouse click my way back in. I did this three or four times to verify. Later in the session the mouse click to the hot bar worked as previously but Ididn't really need it as the key press hot bar thing was smooth throughout. I don't know how many other players were on but I stopped in the middle of a field and grew some pumpkins...just enough to keep me going.
  13. Good advice S3V3VN. Even 'older' graphics cards are designed to take load off the CPU. Good advice to push your graphics card and leave the CPU to more mundane tasks. By the way I run an 'older' I7 but this chip overclocks so easily that I still run stable at 4.6 GH.
  14. cage53

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Played last night and was having a good time. Tracked down and killed a chicken with my machete. Night fell and I took shelter in a remote cabin. I decided to build a fire and cook my chicken. I set about divesting myself of various items and then headed out into the dark to chop some firewood and then POW POW POW . I don't even see my attacker or his muzzle flashes. I was able to run 15-20 m then fall unconscious. I wait to see if he might somehow or ever have a change of heart and bandage me or at least put me out of my waiting misery but no. After mins. of being unconscious I die. So here I am this evening, ready to start again.
  15. cage53

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Played tonight and it was fun. Logged on and of course my stash (barrells) are gone. So off I go exploring. Eventually I enter a house. I hear someone coming in behind me so I raise my hands and start saying ' I'm friendly' over and over. The KOS Kiddie only has a 22 bolt action and the standard motorcycle helmet. He starts shooting and loading and shooting and loading I am dancing around, arms raised saying I am friendly, I am friendly. He keeps loading and shooting until eventually I die. I was disappointed in him, whoever he is in real life. I could have changed all this by shooting him but didn't want to. And yeah I know this is a game and people can play it the way they want but an opportunity was missed tonight in my opinion. Question is who missed that opportunity? But what the heck, I re-spawn and go on.