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Everything posted by philippj

  1. philippj

    BEC Scheduler

    No there isn't
  2. philippj

    Gaming Deluxe Server

    Every server has the capability of being modded. You should consult your GSP support to find out their stance on adding modding support to their system.
  3. philippj

    Auto Restart

    MOTD=Message of the day => Messages being displayed in an interval after the player has joined (Done via server configuration) Player announcements => Sent to all players when player connects (RCON tools) Welcome messages => Private message when player has connected (RCON tools) Sooo. Which one?
  4. philippj

    Auto Restart

    BI set the default value for displaying server values to false. Your players have to manually enable them again.
  5. philippj

    Auto Restart

    [Bec] Ip = #ADD YOUR IP. Port = 2302 Remove the "#ADD YOUR IP" and you should set a new RCon password since you uploaded your current one
  6. philippj

    Auto Restart

    There is an "#ADD YOUR IP" behind your ip address in the configuration file. Remove that
  7. philippj

    Auto Restart

    Still the same issue?
  8. philippj

    Can't craft on my server

    Yes its the update
  9. BEC, Battlemetrics & Omega are all offering whitelists (maybe more dont know)
  10. philippj

    Auto Restart

    You put a domain name or localhost as ip value. BEC doesnt support that
  11. philippj

    Vehicles in my own EXP server?

    PlayerBase player.GetBleedingManagerServer().RemoveAllSources(); // Remove all // True&False are "inverted" PlayerBase player.GetBleedingManagerServer().SetBloodLoss(True); // Disable blood loss PlayerBase player.GetBleedingManagerServer().SetBloodLoss(False); // Enable blood loss
  12. philippj


    I think the main issue here is the actual amount of vehicles spawned. @kmiles1990 only because you added coastal spawns doesnt mean that they are spawning there. Those are only potential spawnpoints. You have to increase the number of overall vehicles spawned.
  13. philippj

    Vehicles in my own EXP server?

    The DaOne safezones arent actually safezones either. Its just setting your health to max and as its not negating damage you cant block onehit kills. And its not actually recoded its made from "scratch"
  14. philippj

    Scripts dont Work After Last Update

    Coloring the motd is not possible with the base version you would need to create your own motd implementation to have it coloured. The "s " infront of every message is a bug. I dont know which airdrop plugin you are using but mine is working: https://github.com/cf-tools/omega-scripts/blob/master/betterairdrop.c
  15. philippj

    Vehicles in my own EXP server?

    In that case https://github.com/cf-tools/omega-scripts/blob/master/admcmd.c
  16. philippj

    Auto Restart

    Have you tried following this guide?
  17. philippj

    Kill log

    -profiles Go into your scripts directory and add a adminlog message in your PlayerBase under EEKilled I think they switched to the BohemiaInteractive UID as their main identifier to implement into their own system. With a complete new engine being released their web stuff completely restructured that actually makes sense. Planks Nails and stuff is all available and spawning on my testing server.
  18. philippj

    Vehicles in my own EXP server?

    https://github.com/Da0ne/DZMods --> https://github.com/Da0ne/DZMods/blob/master/mpmissions/DayZSurvival.chernarusplus/ScriptedMods/Modules/AdminTool/AdminTool.c Its not actually an admin tool, you just have some ingame commands.
  19. philippj

    Kill log

    I guess they removed their kill logs but you can easily re-implement them. The ID is the BohemiaInteractive UID => Base64(Sha256(SteamID64)) and there are tools to reverse those.
  20. philippj

    Kill log

    You set your logfile directory via the -profiles launch parameter. For adminlogs to be enabled you need to add -adminlog aswell. The adminlogs are being written in %yourprofilespath%\DayZServer_x64.ADM
  21. philippj

    Auto Restart

    You have some options for doing this. (All require you to have an auto start/restart script) 1. Windows Tasks to automatically kill your server at certain times 2. Install BEC and setup the scheduler 3. Other tools that can issue a server restart
  22. philippj

    Fragnet server hosting

    Just curious. Are you actually moving GSPs because they didnt respond to your support ticket in 24 hours?
  23. philippj

    Can't restart my server

    It's #shutdown It only shuts down your server gracefully. You have to start it up again manually or with a restart script/application
  24. Omega compatible server plugins: - BetterAirdrop BetterAirdrop sends a plane after a given initial time or interval. The start position is random. It selects a random airdrop location from a defined location pool. Link: https://github.com/cf-tools/omega-scripts/blob/master/betterairdrop.c Compatibility: [Requires OmegaSC] Plugin events to live feed & Plugin events to server log
  25. Added OmegaSC. Primarily focused on Omega users but should be more stable & informative then a basic batch script to non Omega users.