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Everything posted by philippj

  1. philippj

    Battleye BEC getting no response on some servers ​🤔

    BEC aka Battleye Extended Controls is a 3rd party tool which has no association with BI and got discontinued in 2015 as the creator decided to drop it. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/170107-bec-battleye-extended-controls-admin-tool-for-dedicated-servers/?do=findComment&comment=2808894 That you are not into the manager needing Steam credentials is fine. It requires those to automatically download and update the DayZ server files via SteamCMD, which is the core functionality of the manager. In some form you also need Steam credentials to run your servers, even when you are downloading the files locally and uploading them onto your Servers, it's still a requirement. When you are just looking for a pure RCon administration alternative: - Omega https://omegax.cftools.de - BattleMetrics https://www.battlemetrics.com/ - battleWarden https://battlewarden.net/ - infiSTAR BRC https://infistar.de/eng/product/infistar-brc You can also create something that exactly suits your needs, yourself with the vast information available about BattlEye RCon.
  2. philippj

    Could someone share how to access the SQL database?

    (Obligatory AFAIK) The database implementation is inaccessible via scripting.
  3. philippj

    Cftools + DZSA - how to ignore a mod.

    You are using the long deprecated Omega ServerClient which requires additional escaping around the -ignoremod parameter. eg. "\"-ignoremod=@KillFeed_ServerMod;@UltimaServerBankForTraderMOD;@BaseBuildingLogs\"", Consider upgrading to https://www.reddit.com/r/CFTools/comments/a9orll/omegamanager/
  4. philippj

    How to put the players.db data to MySQL?

    You simply can't. The current publicly available "public" branch, for whatever reason, doesn't offer the option to choose another database backend, it is always using the SQLite storage.
  5. philippj

    Updated item id's from 1.03?

    https://pastebin.com/pYn3g9aU This should be all of the new items.
  6. philippj

    Server ADM logs

    If logrotate has been activated all logs are being moved to the "logs" directory before the server is being started. So they wont be in the profiles directory
  7. philippj


    The adminlog does what it should and the BI UID does as well. You can identify a player based on the ID and that is it's primary use case. That doesn't make the logs any less useful. If you want to have the Steam64 and with that the Steam identity of a player you should have to put in a little effort as you are literally reverting privacy changes BI made. And it's not like there is nothing out there already available for this use case. I think DUG has Steam64 logging somewhere in their modpack. Also there are 3rd party admin tools which do this.
  8. philippj


    To make it short: You can't "convert" the BI-UID to any other format. You need a rainbow table or adjust the server logging to output the Steam64. The base format for the BI-UID: base64(sha256(SteamID64))
  9. The ADM file is written as soon as the server internal writer has enough data. If you are with a GSP they might only provide the ADM files after a restart.
  10. philippj

    Server question and port

    Set `steamQueryPort` to 27016. Afterwards create following firewall rules: - Inbound UDP 2302 - Inbound UDP 27016 - Inbound TCP 2312 ( Only if you plan on using the DZSALModServer )
  11. philippj

    Server not showing in server browser

    I dont know where you got those ports from but they are wrong. Set steamQueryPort to 27016 inside your serverDZ to ensure that it stays on that in a multi server environment. Inbound UDP: 2302, 27016 Inbound TCP: 2312 (When using DZSALModServer) When you decide to launch a new server try to follow a +100 schema for the gameport eg. 2402 (2412), 2502 (2512)...
  12. philippj

    Two dedicated servers

    Generally you need to open specific ports in the firewall for servers to be playable and/or appear in the server browser. The default settings are: - Gameport 2302 [UDP] - SteamQueryPort 27016 [UDP] - DZSALModServer 2312 (Gameport+10) [TCP] When adding additional servers I recommend setting up different root directories and always working with instance id = 1. Best practice is to add 100 to the Gameport to ensure no other port crossing. When you launch a new server the SteamQueryPort will increase by 1 for each running server. It is recommended to hard configure this in the serverDZ.cfg as certain tracking software like Gametracker or BattleMetrics has some issues with this. If you are not against 3rd party solutions I would recommend https://www.reddit.com/r/CFTools/comments/a9orll/omegamanager/ It handles everything setup wise, so that you can focus on actually playing on/with your server.
  13. You need to create a ticket in the SupportCenter as your service expired.
  14. Thats part of Omega, the main administration tool.
  15. philippj

    Way to check for updates with an external script

    ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame Is not an endpoint to retrieve the app version, build id or manifest id for any game, it returns the user stats schema for the game. This functionality isnt being used by DayZ and since the DayZ server has no user interaction, the server app won't have it either. If you want a version check you can do HTML scraping (which will be easier for you) or make a connection to the Steam CM network and retrieve the app info that way. ( I would strongly recommend having a look at this: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ ) An already existing software would be this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CFTools/comments/a9orll/omegamanager/
  16. philippj

    Expansion-Chat / RPCFramework / Omega ADM Script

    Just type commands in direct chat.
  17. philippj

    Run DayZ Server without the need of the DayZ Client

    You can download the DayZ server package using any Steam account you like. Anonymous downloads have been disabled. The game client doesnt need to be present on the system the server is being run on.
  18. philippj

    Own Server Config

    Set quantity only works for internal quantity values eg. items that have actual quantity like ammo and stackable items like rags. If you want to give out multiple items like a suppressor you have to create multiple in the inventory.
  19. OmegaManager - DayZ server automation tool Knowledge-base: https://wiki.cftools.de/display/CFTOOL/OmegaManager
  20. philippj

    BI is Making it Harder to be an Admin...Why?

    This does backups for your and automatically recovers persistence after crashes:
  21. OmegaSC version v0.45 offers further improvements to the recovery system and additional RPT parsing Omega now is DayZ 1.0 compatible
  22. philippj


    The server under the official tab are the official servers "maintained" by BI. It's not possible for a community server to appear on that list. Currently only GSPs have the option to host public shard servers which will possibly not change.
  23. philippj

    Server global text chat

    Even though the chat appears to be global via RCon the messages are not global. Only the one logged-in admin can send into the actual global chat.
  24. philippj

    Game development - Version tracking.

    May I? https://git-scm.com/
  25. philippj

    help Bec

    That is wrong. BEC (BattlEye Extended Controls) is a software that utilizes the BattlEye Server RCon protocol to achieve certain things. The issue is most likely client side eg. Firewall/Routing or general connectivity issues. Antivirus software also be something to look at.