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Posts posted by philippj

  1. It is not really a secret how the data is stored and there is no encryption. It is a simple raw dump from script.

    The stored blob is based on the hierarchy root eg. player. From then on it goes through the OnStoreSave functions of all lower lying objects. It all starts in 4_World playerbase.c 

    You need to know what is saved to build a reverse mapping table of how to parse the bytes and in the same order the data is actually being saved in script. Besides scanning basic information and lists of item names and logical placement on the player, it is way too much effort to actually build it.

    Once you start modding a server, and there is any mod in use that has custom items or changes to the saved data, you need to adjust your parsing entirely.

  2. Introduction of Context Actions / Dynamic Actions

    The release of GameLabs v1.81 introduced dynamic actions that allow mod developers to embed custom actions into their mods, which are then available through the CFTools Cloud web interface.

    With these options, you can not only better interact with dynamic content from the live map, but also manage your server with custom actions to your liking. We have also introduced a new set of standard features that allow vanilla servers to easily access base systems, such as manipulating weather and time.

    To allow team members to use dynamic actions, a new "Use Dynamic GameLabs Actions" permission has been introduced and can be found under "Servers". Static actions still retain their current permission, even if they have been implemented as dynamic actions.

    A minimal example of how mod authors can implement these actions has been posted on the GameLabs GitHub page, available at https://github.com/CFToolsGameLabs/game-plugin-dayz/tree/master/examples/dynamic_actions.

  3. The DayZ server basically uses the ports you tell it to use.


    The primary game port can be controlled by using the launch parameter:



    The Steam query port can be controlled via the server configuration file using the setting:



    Relative to that, BattlEye will spin up an RCon interface on (gameport+2), should RCon be enabled and no explicit RCon port has been configured. However, BattlEye will also listen for the RCon protocol on the game port should RCon be enabled.

    RCon can be enabled/disabled by having a `BEServer_x64.cfg` in the BattlEye path. The RCon port can be controlled using the setting:

    RConPort <port>


    A tip, you should always hard-set the Steam query port. Otherwise DayZ will choose one randomly with a base of 27016 (+1 for each individual instance run/occupied port). Also, keep a safe-port space between server instances. I generally recommend 100 ports.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Kent Gissing said:

    Yes, it is on my LAN. Oh really? 😮 It doesn't show up for you in the communities either? Do you run the game on the same pc you use to play on? Because I have mine running locally on the same rig that I am playing on. Do you have the same setup? I have mainly watched a bunch of youtube videos about porting forward in dayZ where they have checked in game to see their server showing up in the communities tab and I much assumed that it would work for me in the same way. But they might have run it on a separate pc, come to think of it.



    You mean the whole  "steamQueryPort = 2305; // defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser"  -thing that is an extra parameter you can add in the serverDZ file?

    Because, yeah, I tried that too but it had no effect.

    When on the same machine as the server, you will never be able to see it on the community tab.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Kent Gissing said:

    TCP: 2302,27015-27030,27036-27037
    UDP: 2302,4380,27000-27031,27036


    Those ports and not "correct". Do not forward random ports especially not if they are from some random "tutorial".

    You essentially have two ports per server instance that are required for full game availability. For once the game port and the steam query port. The default values for those are 2302 and 27016 (Both UDP). 

    When hosting from a residential network you need to forward those ports in your ISP issued router aswell.

    If you forwarded all those ports correctly in the servers Windows firewall and in your router and no other external firewall is in effect, your ISP might block inbound connections on that port. In that case you are just out of luck and need to rent a server or switch your ISP.

  6. 13 hours ago, remoz said:


    I've tried with RestrictRCon 0, but after this setting (was 1 before) everybody get kicked at join cause not whitelisted... there are a way to enable it without enabling whitelist? Or whitelist "ALL" but who is in bans.txt file...



    RestrictRCon will just enable 3rd party tools to use the BE RCon commands to kick, ban etc. 

    I don't know which admin tool you are using. Go into the configuration for whatever it is and disable the whitelist.

  7. Public branch DayZ servers do not yet support MySQL as database backend. All data is being saved locally in a SQLite database. Nitrado just provides a MySQL space for almost every game server, so even though you dont need it, you have one.

    And the SQLite database will also be inaccessible for quite some time as console server access is heavily limited.

    • Beans 1

  8. You have to rent a "Public Hive" server at one of the original/official game server providers:

    - GameServers

    - Vilayer

    - Fragnet

    - Multiplay

    (I might have forgoten one though)


    Those servers are limited in terms of customization/administration and afaik dont allow any modding.

  9. On 7/17/2019 at 6:53 AM, Aussie Cleetus said:

    But ignoredmod is defunkt with the new signatures as verifysignatures=2 and 3 are equivalent to equalmodrequired=1 in built.

    It is still required to hide them properly when using the DZSALauncher. (Afaik. Not sure whether or not it is already supporting and handling the serverMod parameter)

  10. That is not the use-case of the servermod option. 

    -servermod is for mods that are only required server side. Killfeed or log base building are prime examples for this. Every mod requiring clients to have assets loaded or code executed locally must be added as client mods. 

    -ignoremod makes the mod optional for clients. So administration stuff like COT or Zomberry should be added to the mod list like normal and added to ignoremod aswell.

    • Thanks 1

  11. On 7/9/2019 at 1:16 AM, ICEMAN-FMCS said:

    I would love to replace Bec with this tool, if that is there can be made Omega Manager server client to have all the features eg, whitelisting, game messages, welcome messages, schedules, local banlists with ability to upload/download to update bans etc,.. match what bec does in its simplest and you will have my patronage, being a free tool for DayZ server dedicated hosters as myself,.. I cant use the website feature as Im on a dynamic ip and I would find updating my ip kind of annoying everytime it changes and rcon not logging in on webside, Besides, I want to run maybe ten or more instances so I will be busy enough as they wont all be the same, some vanilla, some pve/rp, some modded, some pvp, some exp and some testing, so this is my need, and the webside only supports 1 instance from my understanding. love what the manager can do so far for dedicated hosters, it just needs that bit more to bring it in front of bec in regards to features and Im all in.


    The OmegaManager is intended and designed to start, update and monitor the game server process with optional cloud-syncing functionalities.  While major feature and functionality updates are planned for it, server administration will not be a part of it.

    The primary feature of the Omega RCon tool is its global database and the transversion systems. Removing those two, by putting them into a local and self-hosted environment would seriously cripple the administrative capabilities. Relying on API connections, with its benefits and shortcomings, to achieve this, would not be feasible nor possible under the current circumstances. 


    You can use the Omega RCon tool even with dynamic ip's as it accepts DDNS, which several others are utilizing aswell.

    Since all this is free and resources are limited, only one service can be acquired manually. Up to 14 additional services can then be received by requesting via ticket in the SupportCenter.

  12. BEC aka Battleye Extended Controls is a 3rd party tool which has no association with BI and got discontinued in 2015 as the creator decided to drop it.


    That you are not into the manager needing Steam credentials is fine. It requires those to automatically download and update the DayZ server files via SteamCMD, which is the core functionality of the manager.

    In some form you also need Steam credentials to run your servers, even when you are downloading the files locally and uploading them onto your Servers, it's still a requirement. 


    When you are just looking for a pure RCon administration alternative:

    - Omega https://omegax.cftools.de

    - BattleMetrics https://www.battlemetrics.com/

    - battleWarden https://battlewarden.net/

    - infiSTAR BRC https://infistar.de/eng/product/infistar-brc

    You can also create something that exactly suits your needs, yourself with the vast information available about BattlEye RCon.

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