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About Mizev

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Mizev

    FileMode.WRITE Handle always = 0

    I solved this problem only with IDA Pro.
  2. Mizev

    Disabled the function "OpenFile"

    This caused big problems on my server. I had to solve it in a non-standard way.
  3. Why did you disabled the function "OpenFile"? Is this a temporary measure or forever? My server's mod was based on reading many arrays from files. Now I have to redo everything. :(((
  4. Mizev

    Modding standard features

    Thank you! Now I understand how it works!
  5. Mizev

    Modding standard features

    Да твой пример будет работать нормально. Дело не в этом. Я не хочу полностью переопределять OnRPC, а оставить классическую + добавить что-то свое. И вот тут начинается проблема. Если мы создадим класс modded class PlayerBase и добавим в нем стандартную функцию OnRPC(..., то два класса class PlayerBase и modded class PlayerBase не будут корректно как бы работать. modded class PlayerBase не видит остальные функции class PlayerBase, которые я не модифицирую. Я бы хотел добиться нечто похожего как с классами CustomMission и MissionServer.
  6. In creating my mod, I need to redefine the standard feature. modded class PlayerBase { override void OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) {................ For the experiment, I first took a fully standard function from OnRPC. But this led to the crash of the game client. Then I began to remove some of the string functions until the only thing left: modded class PlayerBase { override void OnRPC(PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx) { super.OnRPC(sender, rpc_type, ctx); switch(rpc_type) { case ERPCs.RPC_SYNC_DISPLAY_STATUS: if( GetDisplayStatus() ) { //GetDisplayStatus().OnRPC(ctx); } break; } } } This does not result in a game client error. If you uncomment a line: //GetDisplayStatus().OnRPC(ctx); Then the game client crash happens again. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? p.s. Sorry about my English.
  7. Mizev

    Street Lights

    This scripting language is no longer supported in the game.
  8. Mizev

    Debinarize scripts.pbo

    This works for the client, but you will have to disable the verifySignatures = 0 option on the server;
  9. Mizev

    Debinarize scripts.pbo

    This works for the server. Remove Scripts.pbo is not necessary.
  10. Mizev

    Debinarize scripts.pbo

    Why would I use that?
  11. You may not know, but you can debinarize scripts.pbo and create a scripts folder in the root of the game. To do this, you will need tools: PBO Manager or ExtractPbo Now the server will execute scripts not from ..dta\scripts.pbo, and direct from the scripts folder. So you can easily change the server scripts.
  12. Mizev

    How to display player count on your server

    It's complicated. There is a simpler method. Add the script to a file: ..\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\init.c override void OnInit() { GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_GAMEPLAY).CallLater(NumPLayersOnServer, 30000, true); // 30 seconds } void NumPLayersOnServer() { ref array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers( players ); int numPlayers = players.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { Man player = players.Get(i); if( player ) { string messPlayers = "Players on the server: " + numPlayers.ToString(); Param1<string> m_MessageParam = new Param1<string>(messPlayers); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, m_MessageParam, true, player.GetIdentity()); } } }
  13. Mizev

    SafeZone Script

    Better so: vector pos = player.GetPosition(); float distance = vector.Distance( safezone_center, pos ); if (distance <= radius) {... and it is not working. Disabled in patch 0.63: player.SetAllowDamage( false );
  14. Mizev

    How can I turn on Deathmessage?

  15. Mizev

    How can I turn on Deathmessage?

    I only know the project where it works.