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Everything posted by OliverPlotTwist

  1. OliverPlotTwist

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Found a guy, we talked for a few seconds after finding out the mic icon doesn't show when speaking, we stood in silence for a couple of seconds, he punched me in the face, I died... I don't why I expected anything else.
  2. OliverPlotTwist

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    Everything you said plus: More Infected More vehicles Improved weapon mechanics.
  3. OliverPlotTwist

    Dead trees

    You mean something like this: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/31868783910740900/EF32BB28AD36B3D67BC8C11B07D372592B729937/ But yeah, seeing groups of dead trees would add to the immersion. Which is always good.
  4. OliverPlotTwist

    NPCs as immersion intensifier

    I believe the devs said there won't be any NPCs roaming around in DayZ. But I do remember Hicks saying in a Q&A that seeing Helicopters crash might in the future. Q - "Why can't the heli pilots NOT crash?" Hicks' A - "The way they work right now is essentially just creating the wreck. Initially we had ripped out any form of support for creating an actual flying craft with pilot AI that would fly a bit and then crash - we've looked at changing the way this operates in the future. I'd very much like to have the event created as a flying craft that eventually crashes, we'll see if we can get that done sometime before launch." Source for the Q&A -
  5. OliverPlotTwist

    The Frequency of Updates

    I don't understand why people think that because we're not getting lots updates to DayZ it means that the game isn't being developed. It's not the devs job to give us as many updates as possible. It's to get the game to 1.0 in the best way for them. Now I'm not saying I don't want more updates, I think everyone does. But if giving us an update every other week would slow down development towards an overall finished game, then I'm fine with having less updates.
  6. OliverPlotTwist

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    That's not what he said. He said that players will be the most significant threat. Not the only threat. *Edit* Actually, watching this again, Hicks does say that Infected will never be a threat compared to players. But that doesn't mean that the infected can't be a threatening force on their own.
  7. OliverPlotTwist

    OBS Streaming black screen due to new patch

    How do you do this?