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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Handicap menu.

    In the future, I'd love to be able to disable psychopathic traits, which currently seems to be enabled by default.
  2. dallas

    regrets? i have one son

    Please sticky.
  3. dallas

    Character wipe...

    This is all I do: post about WarZ and character wipes.
  4. dallas

    Character wipe...

    There are no wipes. There are only servers, that can't connect to the character server. This means, that you can't load your character progression, so the game spawns a new character on the beach, but this obviously also means, that if you continue playing on this server, that can't load you progression, all your new progression will be lost when you stop playing, because if it can't connect to load, it can't connect to save either.
  5. dallas

    Allow 2 seperate hand slots

    And while we're at it:
  6. dallas

    Too little too late sums up Dayz...

    Gotta learn to manage your expectations a little better.
  7. dallas

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?

    Dude makesa point. As an one rare spawn item maybe, but I'd probably still be worried about duping such an OP item.
  8. yea I was also struggling to wrap my head around the "broken alpha" part.
  9. dallas


    I'm very reluctant to put this so pleasantly, but you do know that in the time it took you to spawn 30 times, you could have reached Cherno and Balota. Seriously, we need to punish this idiocy severely, died of fall damage near a spawn zone, spawn 1,500 meters off the coast. Tis suppose to be a survival game, not a respawn lol game.
  10. dallas

    Night and Day, Why?

    We really need road flares and chem-lights back in the loot tables.
  11. dallas

    whats changed since this ?

    I figure one the complexities were that they were hoping for 250,000 sales in the first three months and ended up selling 1,800,000 copies in the same period. This has allowed them to expand the team vastly, but since new people have to be introduced and trained to the engine, even success comes with it's own set of challenges. When playing the Standalone, I often compare it to playing the mod. Like the mod, you play from update to update and sometimes a patch decreased the zombie threat, other patches set to zombie threat to Defcon Holocaust. If you played DayZ mod throughout the different development stages, you'll find that the development stages of the Standalone are similar and if you could get used to it in the mod, it should be easy to adapt to the Standalone too.
  12. dallas

    Night and Day, Why?

    Because it's built on the foundation of the Real Virtuality engine, which has a day/night cycle, seconds, minutes and hours, a calendar, a lunar calendar, a rotating star map, a sun and a moon that rise and set according to the calendar and clock. Because Real Virtuality provides a world, where not only time is a factor, but also distance. RV provides a vast landscape that takes time to navigate, but also can be navigated by the use of time. By combining time of day with the sun's location on the sky or combining the arms of your watch with the shadows on the ground, you can figure out what's north and south, just like by the use of Polaris, you can find north at night.
  13. I can't speak for everyone, but it seems 1,845,617 people thought the idea of an early release was worth $30.
  14. Tis what makes DayZ awesome. If you let your guard down, you become a liability. If you're a liability, you become a threat. If you become a threat, survival trumps new friendships.
  15. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Thank you all for keeping the spirit alive!
  16. A caddie bag is perfect for long rifles. I think the general loot table should be updated with a golf theme, think bags, awesome clothing and titanium zombie wackers.
  17. I'm terribly sorry to hear that navigating more than one site on the internet is too taxing for you, but I gotta tell ya, this internet is a pretty big and elaborate deal. In some places you can read what game developers write on their smart phones, on others you can watch cat videos and pony cartoons. You should really consider expanding your horizons, however I feel, I should also warn you about the darker sides of the internet. As Friedrich Nietzsche said: "When you gaze for too long into the internet, the internet also gazes into you."
  18. Who the hell cares, if you can figure out how to create an account on a forum, you should be able to bookmark Rocket2guns on twitter, reddit and the devblog on tumblr. Many active forum members are active on all sites and important information usually spread from site to site. You act like you're paying a subscription for your forum membership and was promised all information relayed to you in person. All sites have their purposes, advantages and disadvantages, no need to limit yourself to one platform, just because you're too lazy or too entitled.
  19. Dean kind of get himself in trouble for his ambition of regular updates and every time he expresses a desire to deliver them weekly, a part of the community considers it a legal binding agreement and gets very upset, when reality can't quite deliver enough hours in a day to allow Dean to push out devblogs. I'm not very active on reddit, however I did bookmark Rocket's page, so I can easily keep up with his postings on reddit and I did indeed follow him on twitter too. It's not really complicated and you don't have to reveal your blood type and darkest sexual secrets to bookmark Rocket on Twitter/Reddit/Tumblr. I just imagine that if they haven't got time to push out a devblog, that they are simply busy with more important things. Also I know, that no matter what, any devblog is always meet by a certain segment as a literal slap in the face, if it only contains 13 screenshots or one short 21 minute video.
  20. dallas

    Rocket at PAX, when is he on?

    Seems like you forgot about the water. Lakes and ocean is not invisibly walled off like in WarZ, you can actually travel the waters of Chernarus.
  21. dallas

    Was it a mistake picking up a press vest?

    Well if you run around asking people questions like: "How does the zombie infestation make you feel?" You're probably going to get shot in the face fast, no one likes journalists much.
  22. dallas

    Dear Developer-Team of DayZ

    I believe the same people, who are creating new item models are the same, who're also working on the server matrix, the netcode, cleaning the offices and making lunch for everyone, every day.
  23. dallas

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    In rock, paper, scissors, axe always wins.
  24. dallas

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    If it wasn't without risk, it wouldn't be any fun. I imagine even most medics acknowledge this.