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Everything posted by dallas

  1. There's a big difference between donations to run servers and then selling items to make a profit. No one is selling ghillies and AS50s to provide a better service, they are just exploiting a free mod.
  2. Pay2win. Admins charging money to add a line of code for a free mod seems hypocritical and unethical.
  3. dallas

    Elevation and bullet trajectory

    As Yossarian said in Catch 22: "In order for the tail gunner to hit intercepting fighter planes behind the bomber the gunner has to aim in front of the target, but in order to aim in front of the target the tail gunner has to aim behind the target."
  4. There's no predictable pattern in the dev blog updates, Fridayish is the most accurate. Also I wouldn't bet all my belongings on a June release, before Rocket has provided solid proof that he survived his trip to Mt. Everest. We're also dealing with software development in general and with Mr. Indie-rock developer of 2012 in particular, so your guess is as good as mine. Although I did predict BI wasn't holding back the release to January 7 to avoid the Steam holiday sales.
  5. I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant.
  6. I think Rocket is looking into something similar for the standalone, where the default stance is lowered. I'd really like to see holding a weapon raised affecting your stamina and accuracy. So if you raise your weapon for long periods, your aim will be affected. I'd also like to see running speed and distance affected by holding the weapon in your hands or shouldering your rifle or holstering your handgun. This will add a reason to travel in a less threatening manner. I hardly ever get KOS'd in Cherno. I always break line of sight and find solid cover, which means I can't get easily shot and I can't easily shoot you. This defuses a little of the tension, when meeting a stranger and when people are carrying loaded guns, less tension is always good.
  7. The more gear available the more we move towards a respawn simulator, instead of a survival simulator.
  8. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

  9. dallas

    Want to know why banditry is rampant?

    Probably because it's so easy to recover from dying, that people don't really care much about life/death.
  10. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Nothing gay about two men dressed as wrestlers dancing the tango.
  11. dallas

    Your most satisfying kill

    Investigated the Berezino supermarket after a couple of friends got killed there. Crossbow bolt barely missed my head and when I was about to fire back, I saw someone else flank me out of the corner of my eye. So I sprinted out of the market and headed straight for the hospital ladder. One of the bandits followed me up and got a three round burst welcome straight into his surprised face. I figured he thought I was unarmed or out of ammo, because I just ran for it. Below his lady friend was pushed up against a corner by a few zombies, while she was reloading her crossbow, gentlemanly as I am, I pressed F and dropped a m203 40 mike mike on her head killed all the zombies around her.
  12. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Tyrion Lannister in his skycell from Game of Thrones.
  13. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

  14. dallas

    I'm new, hello.

    I'd probably tell you to get your feet wet on a public server. Either to get a feel for the players dynamics on populated server or get a feel for the survival aspects on a less crowded server. If you get too much grief on a public server, I'd start looking for a private server.
  15. From that perspective I can definitely understand a higher desire of more updates, maybe it would be worth expressing as constructively as possibly, how maybe just a weekly standalone screenshot, would help the DayZ fan/news sites generate a little activity. :)
  16. dallas

    When did DayZ public die?

    Since last May, private servers mostly and my group stopped, so one man wolfpack. Yes, I'm looking forward to rediscovering Chernarus+, but I try keeping my expectations in check. Mostly I'm curious to see if the standalone can take off like the mod did, go viral again or if the moment has passed. I think that no matter what happens to the standalone, Rocket has proven, there's a market for authentic and challenging gameplay, where players themselves fill their worlds with their own lore and stories. What I'm looking most forward to is a realistic, more western/modernized map, I'm a bit worried about Chernarus+, as we all know it's basic geography in and out by now.
  17. I think Rocket intended to release an update weekly, but then reality caught up with him and he realized there weren't time enough to reserve every Thursday to compose a dev blog. He probably simply found himself busy with more important stuff to handhold the community on a weekly basis.
  18. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Someone done Scream already, I can't recall?
  19. And Rocket responded to that a while ago, having to constantly brief an outsider would be more of a hassle than a benefit, also he wants to learn from the process himself for future projects. Anyways Matt releasing four new screens and 35-40 minutes of new footage still wasn't enough for some poeple and every time we get a new update, people browse through it superficially and then complain about the lack of new content in the updates. You just can't please everyone all of the time and some people, you just can't please at all. They want to keep the team small, because they want to focus on development rather than on management, they'll update us when they have time and something interesting to show. You can't both demand updates every Friday and at the same time expect them to be huge and filled with new features. There's a reason, why they can't just reveal everything(no one mentioned WarZ) and how many mo-cap videos do we really need.
  20. I think some of you guys really need to keep your expectations in check. Some of you are still hung up Rocket going to gaming conventions, which have proven to be essential for DayZ's development and for DayZ's future development. Both BI and Rocket stand to gain crucial support from the close connections they've developed with Steam, some of which might have been developed face to face at various conventions. Rocket can't both be serious about the standalone and at the same time chose to ignore networking with the major players in the industry. I suspect the advise and support Rocket has received from Notch, Steam et al is invaluable. I also believe it's hard to criticize Rocket for spending time with his family over Christmas and it's absurd to expect him to reschedule a $100,000 trip, which we all have known about since last summer. Rocket let it all hang out there, his victories and mistakes and this has been a learning experience and it will continue to be. Rocket's not going to change and the development style of the standalone has always been two steps forward, one step backwards. If you can't accept this guerilla style of development, maybe you're better off with some of the predictable AAA titles. This disappointment and outrage is on you. Rocket has laid down a timeline and the timeline has been revised before. You should know by now, not to cling to specific dates both in general with all games, but this is certainly nothing new in the mod's or the standalone's development.
  21. dallas

    Don't worry! I'm a "Hero" ;)

    The lesson isn't heroes are bad, but that bad decisions gets you killed. 1. Anyone who asks you to disarm wants you dead and should be killed on sight. 2. When in a group don't bunch up and present an easy target. 3. Stay near solid cover and get in cover, whenever you meet a stranger.
  22. dallas

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    If you have to fire your gun, you might as well do it correctly and aim for center mass.
  23. dallas

    [Stand Alone] No Cars in Alpha.

    Be awesome if you could tie rabbits or hens to your feet and use them kind of like rollerblades.