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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Use tinypic instead and copy the link with the tags.
  2. dallas

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Radios could provide for some imaginative gameplay, but there's no way to avoid the elephant in the room(external voice programs).
  3. dallas

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    I never in a million years thought I'd recommend someone to pay Hammerpoint cash money and go try WarZ, but there you go, Bob's your uncle. :D
  4. dallas

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    Best Christmas ever. Orlok I don't see why Rocket wouldn't hire you to pitch LegoZ to the Lego people, when the standalone is released. You'll see a good chunk of $$$ when the Lego people buys a DayZ license.
  5. dallas

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    This is how I chose to remember Lego:
  6. dallas

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    Holy sweat mother of all that is square and plastic, that's pretty awesome orlok.
  7. dallas

    Auto-Walk Key

    I've stacked ten coins on top of each other and taped them together, then I used them to weigh down the W-key. Obviously I didn't start out with the taped version, I'd simply stack ten random coins on top of my keyboard, but every time I had to react to an emergency, the coins would scatter all over my floor.
  8. dallas

    Why remove the 50?

    Sniper rifles need to work as sniper rifles. The effective rate of fire is way too high on the DMR, ever heard a lolbandit sniping with one? *Bang* *Bang-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bang-ba-bang-bang-ba-ba-ba-ba-bang-bang-ba-ba-bang* pause *Bang-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-bang...* 1-2-E 1 .o.XxXeLiTe1337sNiP3rXxXo.: "lol n00b u just go snipe'd lika pro!!!111oneone" Also NVGs have to work correctly, which means No you can't focus through a DMR scope, while wearing a giant dildo shaped light enchancement system on your face. Anti-material rifles either have to go completely from the game or they have to affect your mobility and accuracy like a motherfucker, ever seen a lolbandit dodging and weaving in a CBQ dance with a AS50/M107? That's just silly bro.
  9. dallas

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    In that case I got great news for you!
  10. dallas

    Pay a development company to make DAYZ

    Defiance kind of look like War Inc.
  11. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

  12. dallas

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Thanks for the correction, I might have jumped a bit on it. Still I think he's better off revisiting his whole attitude towards the standalone, as is seems everything about it offends him.
  13. dallas

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Are you seriously still suck on the Christmas sales? Here's the deal. Rocket said in August: "The standalone has to be ready by the end of the year." He never said anything about the Chrsitmas sale. He said this in August, two months after the first WarZ announcements, at this time gaming media was eating up all the lies from Sergei Titov and only the most crazy DayZ fanboys were calling out bullshit. Rocket and BI were forced to consider WarZ a serious competitor and knew they had to attempt to beat WarZ, who were getting a lot of media attention. In the following weeks/months Rocket did qualify his statement and also said he would not compromise quality for an early release. I guess that was easier to make that statement after WarZ released their early alpha build, which were completely devoid of content. I don't know how much WarZ's quality affected Rocket to decide to go for a major engine overhaul, but as WarZ released a clusterfuck of an abomination at Steam's Christmas sale and was promptly taken down by Steam, I figure that if Rocket and BI weren't already in emergency mode, they certainly would be now. They received solid confirmation that being first with a product doesn't mean a thing, if your product is worthless. Now DayZ fans where divided in two camps, those who wanted to play the Standalone in their Christmas holiday and those who wanted a quality product. The first group began speculating that Rocket/BI withheld the Standalone for January 7-8th, so they didn't have to give their fans a Christmas discount, while the other group repeated to post quotes from Rockets saying the Standalone would be delayed if wasn't ready. gummy52 I think you're going to confirm that the Standalone will fail, because your rigid thinking has made you blind to anything DayZ provides you. You've not been able to move on from the Christmas delay and because of that, anything DayZ related will continue to offend you. You remind me about the other guy, who never fails to remark that vehicles wont be included at launch. If you're unable to forgive Rocket for delaying the Standalone, maybe you should simply move on. There are many other fish in the sea. If you can't change your distorted perception, maybe you should stop placing yourself in a position, where you're constantly unhappy and causing unnecessary grief to yourself and us. No matter how bitter and persistent you are, you can't somehow turn back time and allow Rocket to magically release the Standalone December 2012. It's time too look forward buddy.
  14. dallas

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Financially and ideologically DayZ has been a complete disaster from day one, if you don't take incredible sales and critical appraisal into consideration.
  15. dallas

    Retarded Russians

    Clearly not Russians, since you lived.
  16. dallas

    Alt F4 Effect and morality

    Plays survival game. Aborts game to survive.
  17. dallas

    choose what type of person you spawn as.

    Abrams column commander.
  18. dallas

    DayZ getting infected

    nvm... see above.
  19. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Usually I'm not very gay, but...
  20. dallas

    Familiar Faces

    Tacticool bird and glasses. I never KOS, but Mel_Gibson.face tempts me.
  21. The loot isn't that much better at NWA, the chance of actually getting top tier loot is slim to slim, but people also go there because NWA offer 70 local military gear spawns, while NE only offer 9-ish. DayZ appeals so broadly because Chernarus has room for both PvP and PvE and big surprise PvP players congregate where other people and loot is the most common, while PvE players are attracted to exactly the areas, where PvP players aren't. In DayZ PvE is avoiding PvP. PvE players might prefer the east coast because you have to search a larger area to find good loot, while PvP players prefer Cherno, Elektro, Stary and NWA. This is good for both parties, because if you want to spend your time picking flowers, you know you can dance around in the fields fairly safe in the east and if you absolutely have to kill everybody, you got a pretty decent idea, where you can find a lot of targets on the south coast. When you get tired of shooting n00bs at the beach, you can always compete with other killers at Stary and NWA. As it is now, If you want top loot, you have to compete for it. It's a bit like WOW, the best gear is in the raids and if you don't raid, you don't need top tier.
  22. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

    And Snoww takes the lead...
  23. The can of beans in the picture, was that one you brought along or something someone else had placed placed there?
  24. dallas

    We Need New Maps - Seattle

    I'd love BI to give Ivan a few idle map creators and give them time to experiment with the Seatle map. I'd change the textures, add a few craters and ruins, but leave Seattle to have been swept by a raging fire and left the surface more or less barren. The surface will be mostly for travel and for hunting, not many roaming zombies due to the fire and only a few loot spawns. Then I'd drop a shit load of instance entrances to malls, banks, subways, sewers, access tunnels, car tunnels with military barricades, electrical tunnels, church catacombs, subway commercial area, under ground car parking, well you get the idea.