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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Imagine if all 1st person players joined 1st person servers, instead of joining 3rd person servers and complaining about it? I play 3rd person, because I've always enjoyed BI's simulation approach to a military shooter. To me it's not about FOV, it's simply that I accept and appreciate that 3rd person is a part of BI's battlefield and BI has even offered a solution for servers to enforce their own mandatory difficulty settings. Some people simply refuse to accept that BI games are what they are.
  2. The real problem with 3rd person servers isn't that a legit feature is somehow attempted to be described as an exploit. The problem with 3rd person servers is that they fill up faster than 1st person servers and since most players select their servers based on population, rather than difficulty settings, means that all you scores of 1st person players, end up joining servers with settings you disagree with. The problem is also that ArmA/OFP and even DayZ was not designed as being an exclusive first person platform and the decision to cut an existing feature from DayZ and based on server population, the most popular feature, must be considered with extreme caution. I equal removing 3rd person view from DayZ as extreme as removing PvP. Dslysexi does not bring anything new to the table, he repeats that a feature that's available to everyone on the server is somehow unfair and disagrees with Bohemia, which implemented this feature in the first place, simply because OFP/ArmA was more than a first person shooter. ArmA and DayZ is a visual experience, where your player model is inserted in a very vivid world, but while first person may be more intense, third person is a much more pleasant experience, because when you turn your head, you're not staring down your headless torso. DayZ is also a grind, designed like an mmo, where you really have to invest hours worth of travel and scavenging and this can be extremely taxing in first person. Instead of forcing 3rd person players to fill up 1st person server, why not simply implement a 1st/3rd person filter in the server browser. This way 1st person players can locate near full 1st person servers and join these, instead of lazily join 3rd person server and then proceed to complain about the server settings?
  3. dallas

    Matt and Dean

    This is one of those questions that can be answered with both a yes and a no. Yes they are. Or No they are not.
  4. dallas

    In-Game store with hats!

    Rocket talked about it last spring. He also talked about dogs! AND A DECEMBER RELEA... never mind... got a little out of hand. SRY
  5. dallas

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I hate to crush your investigating efforts, but release date is probably mandatory information you have to put down in order to submit a review.
  6. dallas

    DayZ driving should be link this...

    Would be cool though, one can always dream.
  7. dallas


    I tried to implement my own little monetary system in the mod, whenever I stole NVGs from a tent, I'd leave 5 empty tin cans as compensation. Unfortunately it didn't catch on. :(
  8. DayZ is what you make of it. Search work sheds, industrial areas, barns and farm houses for axes.
  9. I'm not playing DayZ for the pvp, but Rocket will probably never be able to provide game mechanics so advanced, they'll never become predictable at some point. It's not that we're geniuses that can figure advanced mechanics out in no time, but gamers are quick to find the path of least resistance, if a drop of water or a plant can grow it's way through the sidewalk, so can we. Other players and the threat of pvp will keep everyone on their toes, even after you've gotten somewhat used to the zombies.
  10. Just a little pre-alpha porn.
  11. dallas

    DayZ SA.... Mod or game?

    I threw one vote on mod, poll was set up so you could cast votes on both and I wanted to get all my money's worth. It doesn't make sense speaking about ArmA 2, ArmA 2½, ArmA 3 or ToH, because they've been ripping this engine apart since last year and have had programmers from ArmA 3 working on specific content for DayZ. This engine iteration is now the DayZ engine, which is redesigned as a MMO engine. ArmA 2, ArmA 2½, ArmA 3 and ToH have nothing to do with MMOs. Sure there are similarities, but it's still completely different games, just like Take on Helicopters isn't the same as Take on Mars.
  12. dallas

    DayZ SA.... Mod or game?

    Voted for both. Why? Cuz I can cuz!
  13. dallas

    Green mountain

    We dun go there no mo.
  14. It can not come as a surprise to anyone, that Rocket will make a few mistakes, because he's not shielded by two layers of PR managers, who filters and censors everything he says, to make sure he isn't offending the delicate sensibilities of his potential consumers. Whenever Rocket posts or speaks we get unfiltered access to his aspirations and philosophy, which always inspires us, but also get him into constant trouble, because an idle gaming community will interpret every word as if it was a newly discovered Jim Morrison poem. It seems like Rocket has learned the necessity to chose his words with more caution, but it seems like some people are still stuck taking every word uttered by Rocket so very literal, that they relive the December release date trauma over and over again, also known in psychology as Delayed Release Date PTSD.
  15. dallas

    Forum fame

    Fraggle is like the Beibs of the DayZ forums, which is totally undeserved.
  16. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

  17. Does this mean that the December 2012 release is definitely out of the question at this point?
  18. Modern day dev diaries share some of the same trades as motivational speeches in pyramid scheme meetings. All the nerdy developers have clearly had a visit from a stylist with a preference for clean clothes, they are all about as motivated and sincere as Tom Cruise on Oprah and the video is cut and edited worse than a MTV video, because the developers can't act worth a damn and can't both remember more than a line from the script they are asked to read from the PR department, who demands they have to used the word amazing, immersing, story line, sandbox, cutting edge, sandbox, story telling, innovative, mostest awesommest, sandbox and sandbox in every sentence and maintain the enthusiasm of a five year old on Christmas eve, hopped up on Ritalin and too much sugar.
  19. I consider it a cross server reputation system. There's a reason, why the bandit skin was initially introduced and there's a reason, why it returned after it was removed. When players aren't tied to a geographical location and when it's really easy to recover from a death, like rushing back to Cherno or Elektro, the consequence of risky behavior is rewarded and there's no disadvantage to constantly seeking out conflicts. Victims and perpetrators aren't limited to a server, so switching server means a mass murderer instantly sheds his reputation. Killers don't really care if they die either, because you can just commit suicide if you spawn at Kamenka. This means that mass murderer, who'll fairly quickly get a reputation or fairly quickly bring on their own demise, can simply respawn or relocate to another server and suffer no long term consequences for terminating another person's progress. When there's no consequence to killing or dying, there's no incentive to long term survival and then killing escalates as we've seen before and when everyone KOS, some of DayZ's magic disappear. Instead of a survival oriented game, it becomes a respawn oriented game. DayZ is great because if brings PVP and PVE players together, which creates a psychological aspect to both PVP and PVE. -As a PVP player, you're not limited to sniping, twitching or KOS, if you maintain a neutral humanity, you're also able to create more elaborate and evil betrayals. -As a PVE player, other players also makes the fairly predictable game mechanics more challenging, because you can never fully predict another player's motivation, being friendly and trusting always comes with a risk. I like humanity indicators, because so far it both promotes PVP, but also keeps it from infecting the entire player population. I love that humanity also affects self defense kills, which means that if you constantly put yourself in dangerous situations, you will be affected yourself and you'll have to accept turning into a killer or become better at avoiding conflicts. People, who earn a reputation for being indiscriminate killers(KOS) and earn a bandit skin, will also get KOS'd by friendly players and since KOS players, play solely for killing, they can't complain about taking return fire. I actually think the humanity system is a fairly advanced psychological aspect of DayZ, the mechanic might be very simple, but I think it's a major mistake to think of the humanity system as broken. I'm not saying it can't be refined, but it gives players a motivation to play as actual survivors and not just a gamers playing a game, where death is just a minor inconvenience. As of now, you can easily ocver up your bandit skin with ghillie suits and camo clothing and a hero skin is never something an experienced play is blindly going to trust either. People who force their will upon others also dress or use tattoos to intimidate. It's not only about the violence, sometimes the intimidation is enough.
  20. dallas


    I personally believe ArmA 3 DayZ will be much better than the standalone, because the zombies will be base coded as future Iranian soldiers and also such as hover tanks with rail guns.
  21. I've decided to open a roller disco in Berezino, for the money I got from my prostitution ring in Kamenka.
  22. dallas

    DayZ is draining at first...but it's fun.

    If you don't like getting shot, maybe you should attempt to make it harder for other people to shoot you. You might want to consider a couple of things. Cover: Any object that blocks a projectile's path. A window will deflect the trajectory of the bullet, might also reduce the damage slightly. A door is better and brick/concrete wall best. Always keep cover close, you always want to be in sprinting distance from cover, so if the first shot misses, the bandit has only little time to make corrections, before you disappear from sight. Concealment: Any object that blocks angry eyes from seeing you. Hiding in a bush will prevent a bandit from seeing you, however a bush will not offer much cover, if you've already been spotted. Movement: A moving target is hard to hit. Moving along walls will also provide cover and concealment. Moving unpredictably, instead of long straight lines, will also make it harder for snipers to predict how much to lead you as a target. Generally you want to switch between couched and standing running, based on how close you are to zombies, how exposed you are to sniper positions, how far there are between cover and depending on the surface you run on. If you run from a patch of grass across a road, you want to toggle to crouched running to reduce your noise/sight signature. You want to change direction often, so you don't expose yourself to one direction all the time, but rather present a moving target, appearing and disappearing around corners and walls, so the window of opportunity for a shooter is as small as possible. Looting: You want to loot fast and be aware of your surroundings. Taking forever to loot a pile of trash in a supermarket with your back against the wall, is asking to get killed. Loot with your back against the wall and always be ready to run. Always be aware of your access/escape routes and seriously next time you come across an obvious trap, instead of stilling still in front of what you know is a deathtrap, don't get so tempted by the cheese, that you willingly spring the trap.
  23. dallas


    Of cause not all bandits are less intelligent, anti-social trolls with major personality disorders, some bandits are well adjusted, functional and productive members of society, who rollplay less intelligent, anti-social trolls with major personality disorders very well.
  24. dallas

    I'm new and need tips

    Just remember the first thing they teach is, that if there's any doubt, then there is no doubt.