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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Just saw Rocket again.

  2. To render a helicopter unflyable, let the guy on your team, claiming to be a "pro pilot" fly the helicopter for 5-10 minutes.
  3. I'd love if sustained depleted stamina radically increases hunger/thirst, so there'd be a significant difference between walking and running. If you're not a silly person, who likes long walks in Cherno, you'll need to carry way more food and water.
  4. Looks good and congratulations on the standalone offices.
  5. I partly agree. I think it would be wise to use some of the attention all these threads and polls generate to discuss, what's so wrong with first person view and why it's impossible to fill up servers or not worth running such servers, instead of attempting to portray third person at an exploit, cheat, n00b or mickey mouse playstyle. I don't think it's realistic to run two hives, just like I don't believe people decided to spend all the time on 3rd person servers, just to switch to 1st person servers. It's not easier to farm gear on a 3rd person server, what makes it easy is how populated the server is. I disagree, then again I always stuck with a single server, when I played DayZ. I found a populated server, with the settings I liked and stuck with it. I didn't switch to a US server, when it became dark and I didn't server hop at high value loot spawns. I wouldn't mind some kind of true line of sight solution, where units aren't rendered in the landscape, unless there's a visible line between the units, but I don't like the idea of some kind of variable, that constantly throws you in and out of third person. My main argument is still that it's the first person players, who abandon their own ideals and instead of helping populate first person servers, they complain about the settings of the third person servers they occupy. There'd be no problem, if all the people preferring first person and according to Dslyecxi's video, it's three thousands, who agree with him, would fill up US, EU and AU servers.
  6. People play on third person servers, because they freely choose to. People abandon first person servers, because they freely choose to. I fear Rocket will have break third person, just like he attempted to remove humanity, before he realize that a feature isn't necessarily broken, just because people redefines it as cheating. The solution has existed in Real Virtuality since 2001, game/difficulty/disable third person view. Why is it first person players get to dictate, how other people run their servers? Your constant polling demonstrates how easily you could fill up all the first person servers you want to, why don't you want to? Dslycsi built a solid community around his difficulty preference, I don't think ShackTac has any problems filling their servers and if I ever joined these servers, I'd naturally accept their server settings. Sure I could question them, but if I'd make a nuisance out of my query, I'd expect I'd get swiftly told to free up the communication's channels or get myself kicked off the server. Seriously you guys need to start joining first person servers, it's not like I join a first person server and complain about it. I just don't play there as much, maybe if you followed my shining example, this moot discussion would stay moot. Moot.
  7. dallas

    The "Hardcore" base

    "I've seen things, you would not believe, I've done things, you would not understand. I've gone beyond normal mode and faced virtual death and destruction. I've been there and done that and if I had to play the game again on hardcore mode... I'd do it all over again, without hesitation, without regrets. I am, a hardcore gamer." *eyes blink and 1000 yard stare disappears* The gaming term hardcore comes from casual games and basically means "automatic health generation disabled" or difficulty not completely dumb down. I feel no shame about being labeled not hardcore, because I enjoy playing on third person servers, because to me, hardcore is just an attempt to redefine "hard" as something to be absurdly proud of, almost so real you could potentially get PTSD from it.
  8. Some of these people even designed the game in 2001 and designed third person to be a difficulty feature, they even designed the game, so server admins could make specific difficulty settings mandatory for anyone playing on their servers. They probably didn't realize people would willingly join servers with easy difficulty settings and complain about easy difficulty settings isn't hard difficulty settings. I'll probably end up buying DayZ no matter if Rocket decided to disappear third person view completely, but in some regards, I'm mostly buying the standalone to refund a little money for all the hundreds of hours I played the mod for free. My biggest concern is that I'm simply done with Chernarus and than new mechanics, features and models isn't enough to revive DayZ for me. This prolonged development of the standalone, has given me a great break from the mod, allowed me to get off the hype, play some other hyped games, so maybe I've distanced myself from the mod and can find new excitement for the standalone, when it goes public.
  9. I love the creativity of the BI community, especially the innovative people, who write their own code or the people, who ask for permission before lending or improving other people's work. Not so much a fan of people copy-pasting other people's work without permission and then charge money for this work.
  10. I really didn't think he brought anything new to the table, except for his name, I also think it's great if the 3103 likes his video got, translates to 3000 players joining first person servers, because if first person players can find full first person servers, they don't need to join full third person servers and dislike it so much.
  11. Removing third person requires very serious consideration, because third person seems to be the most important feature, when people are making decisions about joining a server or not, even for the "hardcore" fans whatever that means. Any decision that affects the game's server population negatively has to be considered very carefully and excluding third person view, seems to have a very negative effect on server populations. In some sense you can compare removing third person, with removing PvP from DayZ, it's just as serious a factor. DayZ will always be a multiplayer experience, while the survival and zombie mechanics adds to the game, it's the whole player meet player dynamic that creates the unpredictable moments and the unique stories DayZ thrives on. Without bandits, heroes and strangers, DayZ might become very trivial and predictable and without third person servers, you might end up with wasting all those man hours on creating a mmo structure for low population first person servers. Maybe it's time to ask yourself, what is it third person does so well? Why is it, third person fills up servers, while first person servers die? Personally I think there's more to these answers, than calling us cheaters and n00bs.
  12. dallas

    Dayz sa with no zombies?

    Jegse ville sihakke Dansak øgsaa. :) I speak butchered Danish too.
  13. Seriously how many polls will Dslyecsi's video spwn? Poll #1 Started by (TMW) Marion Mic Poll: First Vs. Third Person Poll (Reply here after reading Dslyecxi video discussion) (136 member(s) have cast votes)First Person View VS. Third Person View(1st) First Person View (99 votes [72.79%]) (3rd) Third Person View (37 votes [27.21%]) Poll #2 Started by Wayze, Aug 28 2013 04:55 PM Poll: Do you play on servers with TPV or FPV? (57 member(s) have cast votes)Do you play on servers with TPV or FPV?Yes, I play mainly on third person servers, but actually I would like to play on first person servers. (28 votes [49.12%]) Yes, I play mainly on third person servers. (16 votes [28.07%]) No, I play mainly on first person servers. (13 votes [22.81%]) This is poll is #3 How about someone launch DayZ Commander and tell us, how many players and servers voted by actually playing on a first person server or by hosting a first person server. All these polls always amount to the exact same, a few hundred people clearly demonstrate that they can vote one way on the forums, but apparently play another way, when they launch the mod. So there's a whole lot of talking, but when it comes down to it, most of you guys voting, while when voting with your actions, all choose third person servers. Food for thought.
  14. Unless you're insane and think you can.
  15. No way Rocket want to run two hives. People also play third person for the same reason they play racing games in third person. You're most likely worse off driving in third person, but not everyone wants to look at a stupid dashboard for thirty laps, they wanna see some chrome, some rims, flaming exhaustion pipes, dust and smoke. ArmA 3's first person view is so good, if could pass off as COD cinematic shooter, but a lot of people will still enjoy ArmA 3 in third person mode, because they enjoy looking as the SF operator's HD butt, when they do reload animations. Playing in third person is a trade off, because you're gimping yourself in reaction time and accuracy, but it's a trade off many are willing to make, because the visual experience is much more appealing. Renaming Veteran mode to n00b mode wont make a difference, you wont get more first person players by renaming elite to "über hardcore real deal been there done that wet work badass assassin of the sergeant degree." You can't shame people into playing first person, because the bottom line is, all the guys wanting to pass themselves off as hardcore pros, the 3000 people who liked Dslyexci's video, at the end of the day you'll find all these ninjas on a third person server.
  16. dallas

    1st/3rd Person Suggestion

    I think the real discussion should revolve around, why first person players all abandon first person servers and then join third person servers and only to complain about the server settings. But I really think it's a moot discussion, because Real Virtuality is designed to cater to both view modes. If you look at ArmA 3, where first person mode is improved close to perfection, there will still be people like me, who love watching ArmA 3's beautiful character models in third person, even though first person now is a real smooth experience.
  17. In my wildest dreams, I can't imagine there being two different hives and why would there be? What's this worst case scenario you're fearing, that a third person player is going to easy mode farm a full populated third person server and not get killed all the time by the 40 other players stalking the military spawns and then jump to your first person server, be forced to play in first person like you and then totally own you in first person, because while you're accustomed to playing in first person, because you're not a pussy/n00b/carebear, he has the better gun? Shouldn't we then also have a separate server, because while farming the hell out of easy mode third person servers, isn't it also kind of easy mode to get all your gear on an empty elite/veteran/badass server? People get killed at much on third person server, simply because they are more populated and there are more enemies around. They lose their gear as much as you and they start all over as much as you too. People don't server hop from third person to first person. If you're a third person player, you probably filter first person servers away from your server browser, like the majority of all the first person players apparently also chooses to play on third person servers.
  18. Unfortunately the Real Virtuality engine is designed to allow players to enjoy battlefield simulation both in first and third person view. This unfortunately means that players expect this and it also means that because the game is designed to be playable in both view modes, it's not 100% perfect in first person or 100% perfect in third person. Fortunately the game is also designed, so that an admin at any time can enforce his own personal preferences on his server. Just because you're new to the engine, doesn't mean that third person view is. I hope Rocket will come to the same conclusion as he did with humanity, while it's not perfect, it's impossible to remove it and resources are better spent elsewhere.
  19. @ I realize my tone may be a little aggressive, but I while I enjoy third person view, I'm not a cheater and exploiter and I'm tired of the accusation, not from you, but third person view now has this connotation. I know Rocket dismisses the removal of third person views, but it's still the underlying premises in the very original post. Those that have no interest in third person have successfully re-defined third person view as an outright cheat, instead of a popular choice. Forcing people into first person every time they go prone, would be like forcing everyone into iron sights evey time they pull the trigger. Who am I to dictate that all people should be forced to shoot through sights, simply because sights, if used correctly can be more accurate. Iron sights and scopes is not an accuracy cheat, just like the virtual crosshair Shack Tac uses isn't an aimbot cheat. Shack Tac disables third person view, but enables crosshairs, because many of them use TrackerIRs and crosshairs works as an invaluable aid with TIR. This is legit for me, I don't like crosshairs myself, but ArmA isn't a narrow platform, where I get to dictate, how other people run their servers. The first poll: 99 vs 37 prefer first person. Second poll: 406 vs 30 prefer first person. Dslyseci's video has 3000 likes and 44 dislikes. The question is not what is an exploit and what is legit gameplay, the question is what is wrong with first person, since so many people, who either prefer first person, pretend to favor first person to appease a popular youtuber or to appear "elite," all these people lend their full support to first person and show their disdain for third person, because it's a cheat, an exploit, a n00b trait, yet all these people, freely congregate on third person servers, because they can't fill up a 30-50 person server. Where are all the first person players at? What's so wrong about first person view, that even vast majority of first person players, would rather submit themselves to so-called cheating, than to play on servers, that completely eliminate this "cheating" by enforcing a higher difficulty level? I believe there is a disconnect between wanting to appear hardcore elite and then the desire to have a decent experience, while putting in the many many hours, required to play the harsh grind, survival is suppose to be in DayZ. ArmA and DayZ offers a beautiful scenery and great looking player models, yet when your play ArmA/DayZ in first person, you're constantly looking at awkward ladder climbing animations, awkward weapons animations, getting crushed, fall off high places or exposing your extremities, because first person does a really poor job of simulating physical awareness. If you're exposed to a rock or a roof top, chances are you're exposed to several rocks and roof tops and when you're exposed, you're exposed and you will not detect every potential peaking head behind every potential cover. If you're moving slowly down an open street, carefully scanning every roof and window, looking for snipers, you're moving at a snails pace, at a speed where a mathematically challenged person as me have time enough to calculate the corret mildots on my fingers, slowly lead you, predict your path and send you back to the coast. Common sense dictates that if you expose yourself in the wide open, in populated areas, you better bring a beach towel and sun block, because "vamos a la playa." No it's not detrimental, it's not a big issue, people love third person and the congregate on third person servers, while first person servers are barren deserts. Not because we're all cheating bastards, but because ArmA is a more visual pleasing experience in third person. I don't really care that third person can be exploited, because it can be exploited evenly by everyone on the server, which means this is not an unfair advantage, only that you can place yourself in a more advantageous position. PvP in ArmA is incredibly dynamic and fast paced, any sniper, who wants to recite the lord's prayer, before they take their one shot, one kill, will get themselves flanked, spanked and killed. If you're stationary, you better be surrounded by cover. If you're without cover and concealment, you better be moving and if you're moving, you better be unpredictable. Any attempt to enforce an intrusive intelli-cam will kill the very visual experience DayZ and ArmA is. If you think third person camera is a mess, when you enter a narrow room, wait till the camera AI decides that you're now on the verge of being a total corner exploiting deuce bag and begins to switch you betweeh first and third person. It's going to be a mess and first person players hope it's going to be a mess because they think that if third person view becomes unplayable, we'll all rush their first person servers and suddenly love and adore ladder animations. I don't believe people get shot mostly because of corner peaking, I believe people get shot, because they present a stationary target at any chance they get. I'm the most friendliest of friendlies, yet I go into a murderous rage, whenever I meet another friendly in Cherno's supermarket, kneeling at the center isle, with his back exposed to the front entrance, going "I'm friendly," when I casually enter the supermarket and train my muzzle at the back of his head, while he proceed to try to fit an extra bandage into his inventory the following 45 seconds. Why is it I can enter Cherno on an active server and get in and out, with out being corner capped by some exploiter, myself? I blame it on a minimum of tactical movement. Switching between crouched and standing running, depending on the surface, to attract as few zombies as possible, while maintaining a pace and a path that never exposes me to one direction for more than a few seconds max. Third peron view can grant you an advantage in some situations, but if you're not constantly evaluating situations, distance and environment, you're often easily beaten by positioning and knowledge. Third person constantly works for and against you and hiding on the roof of the ATC tower, while it may grant you a great view of the airfield, you're also stuck in a stationary and predictable position. First person isn't the only component to fear, otherwise COD would be labeled as horror instead of a shooter. Death and loss of progression does however and death is always imminent on third person servers. Not because of corner campers, but because third person servers are filled with players and players are to be feared in DayZ and feared in third person as well as feared in first person. Personally I think DayZ's biggest problem is that death is so easily negotiated and ammunition so avaiable, because no matter where you are, you're always only a suicide away from a 3 minute run to Cherno/Elektro/Balota.
  20. DayZ's primary selling feature is the authentic experience of survival and the emotions, such as: Fear, greed, paranoia, desperation, which you can experience in both first and third person.
  21. Trust me, I too ha With emphasis on "can." This discussion is also reinvigorated by one of BI community's most predominant members, a sworn first person player, rehashing old first person arguments. Which is something I struggle with understanding, how come first person players, care what happens on third person servers? Dslyxsi prefers first person view, that's his prerogative. I do not. Dslyxsi prefers virtual cross hairs, that's his prerogative. I do not. I have no problem, with people choosing to enforce their difficulty settings on their servers, because BI designed their engine to be highly customizable, from mods, to addons, mission editing and difficulty settings. I'm not going to argue about FOV, but I think it's a very limited view of Real Virtuality to limit it to being a FPS, because it was never exclusively designed as a FPS and it's rough edges shows in first person. Try climbing a ladder in first person or freelook over your shoulder, first person can be a real aesthetical challenge in ArmA 2/DayZ and interacting with Real Virtuality in first person also has it's own problems. Try aiming around a corner or fitting your body behind cover, without leaving your foot exposed, which offers your opponent opportunity to inflict lethal damage. As I see it first person offers a more intense experience, third person offers a more visual experience. I've got no problem with either, I just have a preference for one of them. A player such as Dslyexsi, who has never had any intentions of playing in third person view, why do he care if, I accept that the third person perspective that I so enjoy, can be used against me? We do not congregate on the same servers, we never will.
  22. DayZ was never about realism, it's about authenticity. Not the authenticity of whether you like first person view or not, but whether you're driven by real emotions, when you either chose to search for resources in remote villages, because you don't like being forced to kill people in self defense or if you are drawn towards the high populated areas, because you have no qualm about competing for the resources with violence. Third person players are as worried or intrigued, when they here a gunshot beyond the horizon, some third person players will be driven towards the shot by curiosity or greed, while other third person players, will be driven away from the gunshot by fear and paranoia, the same way as first person players make decisions based on their similar authentic experience.
  23. But isn't the primary problem with third person, that first person players joins third person servers instead of first person servers? I don't have any problem with with people peeking around corners, because I'm always constantly on the move in populated areas and I constantly change direction at every corner and I constantly avoid tall buildings or other advantageous sniper positions to the so inclined. My survivability has nothing to do with third person, but rather how I travel along concealed corridors and generally present a hard and fleeting target. First or third person, if you're a sitting duck, you're a sitting duck.
  24. I think it's silly. There are no offending issues for people, who prefer playing on third person servers, because they prefer playing in third person view. It's only offensive to players, who prefer another difficulty setting, but joins a lower difficulty setting, because these servers are easier filled. This is why they attempt to describe a lower difficulty setting as a cheat, exploit, a somehow unfair advantage, which it isn't. It's a difficulty preference or an aesthetic preference available to anyone on the server, except for those who refuses to use it. First person players could care less about third person servers, if they were able to fill their own servers, but they all refuse to congregate on first person server and instead of addressing this issue, they try to force third person player on to their servers. How come you guys can't fill any first person servers, I think that's a relevant question to answer, before we start removing third person, PvP or zombies from DayZ?