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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Seriously I forswore that Rocket was a pragmatist or at the very least that Bohemia Interactive's legal team would talk sense into him. I understand why Steam's due diligence made this predictable chicken-shit move, but I hadn't predicted Rocket had the balls to actually implement actual gun to the head suicide, this man is fearless. Wow! :)
  2. dallas

    Confirmed: Dean Hall is a madman.

    I guess we all knew we weren't going to see DayZ copies at Walmart and Toys'R'us, still when I watched the end of the trailer, my mouth just dropped.
  3. dallas


    This is a special day, I'm wearing my finest shirt, smoking jacket and bow-tie and lucky underwear.
  4. dallas

    How to lock FoV with " - "?

    Don't worry, he's just some asshole, making a living going from one forum to anther, creating an account and copy/pasting spam, he'll never revisit this forum again and if he does, he'll create a new account and copy/paste this shit again. Do not click on his links, don't respond to him, simply go to his post and click the Report Button. I already did. ;)
  5. A million dollars and a fueled jumbo jet on standby in the airport.
  6. dallas

    How to properly reintroduce .50s

    Depends on what you're aiming for. The Road or Rambo 4.
  7. dallas

    Standalone only for USA?

    I believe SA stands for South Africa. I'm not saying... I'm just saying...
  8. dallas

    Gender Inequality?

    Being a survivor is all about mentality. I don't think the physical difference is that distinctive in regular people and shouldn't be much of a factor in the game either. Some mayor once asked a female construction worker, how she managed such cumbersome and dirty work, she replied that she had been a home nurse and lifting people around and washing them, made construction work seem easy and clean and it paid much better.
  9. dallas

    Adding .50s Back In

    It's 35 pounds. Sure you can fire it standing, but as you've seen on youtube, anyone shooting it standing, is standing there bracing themselves, balancing the weapon, redistributing it's weight, they are not running around, up and down hills, sidestepping and doing ballet, while double tapping targets. Just doesn't belong in a game that wants to be more like The Road and less like Quake.
  10. dallas

    My and your reason to Kill on Sight (KoS)

    I don't like getting my progression snuffed by some yolo respawner, so I never fire the first shot myself, because I'm better than that. KOS is easy mode, me I'm O.G. #SWAG
  11. dallas

    Adding .50s Back In

    Selling virtual items for real money usually brings the absolutely worst type of gamers. As mentioned above, case in point.
  12. dallas

    Knife combat. Grab 'n' stab

    I want to avoid traditional game knife combat at all costs. That's just not who knives work, they are not instruments of easy and instant death. I don't mind a knife used as a weapon, but knife fights don't automatically end up with a slashed throat after 2 seconds. While getting stabbed is very dangerous, victims usually take a while to die even from fatal cuts. If knifes can be used as weapons, they should come with a range of bleeding damage. All knives should have a small chance of causing fatal hemorrhaging, large knives should have a larger chance, but please no COD finishing moves. Maybe, maybe if you have someone tied up, but please no Hollywood Delta Force kills.
  13. dallas

    Adding .50s Back In

    Since DayZ kind of turned into a encounter anti-material sniper simulator for a very long time, I imagine there's no current intentions of reintroducing rail guns.
  14. dallas

    I need help at shooting and aiming

    Several points. Something you also need to improve is the not getting killed part. In ArmA/DayZ you can't both move and shoot at the same time, as soon as you start moving, your accuracy disappears. So you if you're constantly on the move you're not only hard to hit, but the shooter will also have to move to follow you and when he does, he can't also shoot. Another thing is predictability. If you're moving in straight lines, it's very easy for shooters to predict how much to lead you and line up their sights and wait for you to walk right into his shot. So whenever you move, you really have to move along cover and concealment and you have to use back alleys and never take the shortest route to your destination. Make sure you turn at every corner, so you're constantly placing obstacles between people following you and never exposes yourself to any direction for a long period of time. As for the shooting part. Click to shoot. Right-click to aim with sights. Right-hold to zoom with sights. Right-hold to hold your breath to steady your aim. Me, I've changed my hold breath key, because I never shoot at a distance, where I really need to steady my sights. I use zoom much more than hold breath and if you hold your breath for more than 3-4 seconds, your aim starts to shake. When pointing your sights at someone, there's a few things you need to know. First of all, since this is a multiplayer game, you never know, when lag decides to screw with you, but lag is lag. In ArmA/DayZ whenever you put your finger on the trigger and fire your weapon, you bullet is spawned from the weapons chamber and as soon as the bullet leaves the barrel, it's affected by gravity. So unlike other shooters, you shot does not appear magically from your sights and it doesn't automatically hit what you see in your sights. The bullet is actually created in the game, it flies in a path towards the target and at a specific speed. You always have to keep in mind that your sight picture is a perfectly straight line, while your bullets flight path is a downwards arch. Here's my famous simplified version of rifle balistics: As soon as your bullet passes the muzzle, the bullet starts dropping, which is why all rifles are designed to shoot slightly upwards, this means that your sights will actually only be one target, if your target is at a specific range. This doesn't mean you're totally screwed if you can't tell if a target is 250 or 300 meters away. In general if you aim for the largest body part and pay attention to the blood spatters or the dust clouds, you can correct your shots without having to know advanced math or physics. Whenever you fire, you alway have to be aware of your sights, the distance to the target and the bullets path. At extreme close ranges, the elevation of the sight above the barrel might trick you to believe you have a clear headshot, but you might actually hit a shoulder. At longer ranges you have to take the bullet's path into consideration and remember that some long shots, it might take the bullet a half or a whole second to reach it's target. Most rifles are zeroed to 300 meters, which means that, that's the point, where the bullet will actually match the sights. If you shoot at someone closer than 300 meter, your bullet will hit higher than your sights and past 300 meters, it will hit below your sights. Finally, just because you're a friendly player, you don't have to stand in the middle of the street, yelling as loud as you can: Friendly!!! I'm friendly, come and shoot me in the head!" If you're friendly, whenever you see another player, you really should find something to stand behind, before shouting: "friendly, friendly!" Remember the character model's default animation, means you point your rifle at anything you look at. If you're looking at another guy, you're actually pointing your weapon at his head. Some people might get nervous and pull the trigger, just to be safe. If you get behind cover, people you meet will know at least two things: 1. You didn't instantly shoot them in the face as soon as you saw them. 2. Both of you are momentarily unable to shoot each other in the face. Which is a very good foundation for a friendly conversation.
  15. dallas

    How would you prefer DayZ SA?

    A game that attracts PvP and PvE players equally.
  16. This is more a brain storm, than things that I demand being put in the game. Just playing with the thought. If gear is the only progression, as soon as you learn the default loot locations, you can easily negate the 5-10 minute run to a lucrative loot hub. Also every stranger you encounter will considered more as an opportunity to level up your gear and incentivise KOS. In a game, where the motto is "don't get attached to your gear" and where gear is your only measurement of progression, you're sending the player mixed signals. Mostly you're saying survival means nothing, since it's only a matter of time before you respawn at the beach, all you can really do is to postpone the inevitable by making your killing sprees last as long as possible. You'll always be either the victim or the victimizer. Maybe we need players to become attached to their character instead. You need to come up with a type of character progression, that avoids some of the traditional mmo grind death traps. You don't want a person making 170 bonfires to increase meals's effectiveness by 5%. You don't want clan members to spam bloodbags all day to become legendary healers. It's pretty difficult to come up with a progression system without turning DayZ into Skyrim or wow. Maybe an adrenaline system that affects your senses. Increases your heartbeat, not only when you spot a bandit, but everyone. Maybe you can add players to a friend list, if both players agree in a "agreement/trade" window. But your heartbeat/adrenaline rush activate not only in combat, but when you see zombies, wild animals and strangers. Maybe you can become better at controlling your adrenaline rush the more zombies you kill, the more guns you fire, the more successful trade windows you open and the more days you've lived. All these encounters might give you an unnoticeable stat increase, but it wont really become a noticeable difference, unless you stay alive for several days or even weeks. More than repeat actions, I think time lived needs to be an important part of the "progression formular." So rather than actually grinding the skill, simply not dying and starting all over becomes the grind. Adrenaline controle. Cardio, cardio, cardio. Scavening intuition. Exposure/weather observations. These stats might affect your UI or they might just add more interface messages, like adding the line "Looks like it's going to rain soon" or "This dead deer appears to be infected and unedible." All these stat increases or decreases has to be so tiny, that grinding them is going to be a waste of time, but they'll make a difference for a player, who's a dedicated long term survivor. The purpose shouldn't be on getting an artificial advantage, but rather trying to give players something to lose and live for. I don't know if there's a solution, I also know subtle changes can have major and unforeseen impacts on gameplay, just look at the polarizing humanity system. I think the game needs to reward efforts to survive more, but without completely removing this unique multiplayermode, which combines PvE and PvP.
  17. I'm saying that DayZ was intended as a survival simulator, not a respawn simulator.
  18. I kind of like the idea of diminishing returns, the more you die, the more the "survival game" should discourage you from dying again. I'm not sure how, but I'd like to see "days lived" play a part, maybe increase your base stamina. Not too overpowered, just something to make you think twice, when loot cycling NWA or contemplating life at the top of a lighthouse. I'd love if the gameplay AI decided to spawn you with a broken leg, if you commit suicide near the beach. Don't like to spawn in Kamenka? Okay, let's respawn you near Komarovo with an infection.
  19. I'd hate to see the standalone make server admins fat, selling AS50 respawn loadouts to pay2win players turning a survival experience into Quake, like some did in the mod.
  20. dallas

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    Apes organize too. Problem is DayZ is a respawn simulator to many and a survival simulator to few. As long as a KOS player can suicide to select a spawn near Elektro and Cherno, a KOS player only have a 3 minute run to recover from death. Because death isn't a deterrence for KOS players, they can throw themselves into battle without any care for their own lives. If death had a more predominate consequence, players would be forced to play more as survivors, rather than simply playing as gamers.
  21. dallas

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    Vamos a la playa oh oh oh oh oh!
  22. dallas

    A light dissertation on Morality in DayZ

    Without an organized society or social structure there is no morality, no one to preach it and no one to enforce it. There's only humanity and only the individual decides, whether he wants to fight for more than his own survival.
  23. Some people will play DayZ to survive, others will play to kill. As long as there'll be a humanity indicator, so mass murderers can't simply swap servers to rid themselves of their reputation, the game will balance itself out. It would also be great if there was more consequence of death, than a 5 minute run to the nearest southern loot hub.