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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Suggestion: Left Hand Option (W/Pictures)

    Never played The Last of US, but ArmA 3 has a "urban prone" reaction hand shoulder animation. I think the main reason, why these animations aren't used in DayZ is because they are considered advanced shooting techniques and they want DayZ animations to be more civilian oriented.
  2. Also youtube and twitch videos was the main reason DayZ reached such a wide audience, so I assume they are pretty video friendly. From Inception.'s link: Q: Will you be adding Dayz to this? A: DayZ is sort of allowed as long as you don't publish anything what goes against what's in existing license or try damage us ...
  3. dallas

    Suggestion: Left Hand Option (W/Pictures)

    I'm left handed myself, shoot left handed, left eye dominant. I'm also lazy, so instead of moving the mouse every time I sat at a new computer in school, I just started using the mouse with my right hand. A few games offers a mirrored left hand UI, but it always messes with me, I've just become used to the regular right hand UI and especially with all DayZ's animations, I think it's not realistic to spend man hours on this. I only commented, because no one places their face next to the ejector, your face is usually placed somewhere behind the back sights, unless you're doing some kind of super urban ninja shooting.
  4. dallas


    I kept it short and sweat, just eat, eat, eat(rhyme intended). If you want the heavy science, give this guy all your beans: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-in-depth-video-guide-on-eating-drinking-and-blood-regeneration/
  5. dallas

    Suggestion: Left Hand Option (W/Pictures)

    Shot several weapons with a right side ejection port. If you're not shooting a bullpub, I don't think you're suppose to place your face next to the upper receiver.
  6. I'm pretty sure learning stuff isn't suppose to be this entertaining, great job overall and 22.00 got me laughing.
  7. dallas

    Never Go To Green Mountain!

    Why we dun go ther no mo.
  8. dallas


    In general, you should eat and drink anything you find. This way, you'll keep ahead of your hunger and thirst and wont constantly have to worry about snacking, just to keep up. You also need to learn the locations of water pumps, so you can fill your stomach on a more regular basis. As soon as you learn to keep ahead of your needs, you'll find the game to become a little less stressful. Obviously a full stomach doesn't prevent your from getting shot, but there's a solution for that too.
  9. I'm not sure separating the hives, will do first person players any favours. No third person players are going to gear up on third person servers, just to go to a first person server for combat. So what you're basically doing is limiting the servers first person players can save to, which means they'll probably continue to prioritize the busy third person servers.
  10. dallas

    Met a friendly on the top of the hospital today...

    Don't get it. Still don't get it. I finally got it. Just great :)
  11. dallas

    How to use the search function.

    I'm a little forgiving when it comes to duplicate threads, because I know the that in order to fully utilize a forum search engine, it really helps being an active and a long time member of the forum. It really helps knowing the title of the topic you search for or some of the active posters. However I'm not very forgiving, when people decides to create a completely new thread about a topic, they are already engaged in, because they feel the discussion is going so fast, they feel their genius posts aren't getting the attention, it requires and demands. I usually report these on sight.
  12. Problem is no one wants to play on first person servers.
  13. "Rocket, why can't we eat people?" "Rocket, why can't we rape people?" "Rocket, why we can't we bash, smash and dismember zombie children?"
  14. When you killed someone with a fireman's axe, simply because you had a fireman's axe.
  15. Some threads makes you wonder and fear the people standing next to you in the supermarket or on public transportation.
  16. Yeps, it's an established, integrated and advertised feature of the game.
  17. dallas

    New Player

    You've got the right attitude, hell I like you, you can have my beans. Don't let other players dictate, how you chose to play the game, but it's always good to keep in mind, guessing another player's motivation is always a guessing game. No need to put your trust and faith in another player's hands. Keep your distance to other players's axes, keep close to solid cover and when the shit hits the shit, get moving or go violent.
  18. dallas

    Am I the only one?

    My bad, my bad.
  19. Playing in third person view is a much more pleasant experience and since DayZ is such a grind, people who play in third person view plays longer sessions, which is why third person servers are more active and filled with more players. As long as first person view is such an unpleasant and clunky experience, first person servers will constantly struggle with their population levels.
  20. dallas

    Am I the only one?

    I think you can affect the people you meet. I make my own luck, I either travel in a large group and carry a big stick(boom stick) or I travel alone and communicate positively, poses no threats and keep my distance to melee weapons and firearms. Getting dead is DayZ's way of telling you, you need to modify your behavior. If you're getting killed over and over, you're not getting the message.
  21. dallas


    Warning: next patch will probably wipe.
  22. Did three screenshots really justify another(another!!!) thread on this beaten to death subject?
  23. dallas

    Why has no trains been added to dayz?

    Trains run on humanity and hope.
  24. Can't do that in DayZ, sorry.
  25. dallas

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    Oh god don't mention Brink, I loved Brink, Brink has the most awesome player models ever, oh Brink oh I miss you so.