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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    How to flip someone off!

    Remember to use the modifier ALT to taunt with both hands.
  2. dallas

    Hacker or extreme hopper?

    -My name is Alotta. -Alotta? -Alotta Tuna.
  3. Had a problem with my python, when I found it, I loaded it with the three .357 rounds I had on me. When I found a handful of extra rounds, it wouldn't allow me to fully load it. I couldn't reload it, until I had fire the three rounds first.
  4. Didn't vote. The only vote that counts is which server you join, when you play DayZ.
  5. dallas

    [Ignore] Merge fix

    Definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. haha 50 times, I love it. :)
  6. I hope the fix means, if you die close to your spawn, you spawn there again. And that people, who are purposely killing themselves, don't realize this and waste hours on respawning over and over the same place. Please god please, tell me this is what's happening.
  7. dallas

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    Technically PvP is competition, so technically you have the technical choice between competing in Third Person View or competing on an empty server, because all the First Person Players are playing on a Third Person Server.
  8. dallas


    3PP: ON - Third person view is enabled. 3PP: OFF - Third person view is disabled.
  9. dallas

    Spawn changes

    Although I don't like, that all these suicide spamming noobs are now spreading their KOS-mentality to the peaceful east coast, I hope they've fixed spawns, so if you kill yourself, you spawn the same place all over again, so we don't have people killing themselves over and over to select a specific spawn. This is suppose to be a survival game, but a respawn simulator.
  10. dallas

    Spawn changes need to be changed

    Loved the old spawns, which left room on the East coast for fairly peaceful survivors, while all the omgbbq360noscope players, where free to gangbang each other on the south coast and the Stary/NWAF corridor.
  11. I guess this discussion was just rendered moot, now it's up to you all to keep the servers busy and full.
  12. dallas

    Whats coming next update?

    Ingame hat shop.
  13. dallas

    How do you deal with other players?

    Just randomly pressed enter a couple of times. I'm always friendly, I never shoot first, but I also know, that only I am responsibly for my own survival. This doesn't mean you have to kill anyone of sight, but if you don't start learning from the mistakes, that causes your demise, sooner or later, you're going: "fuck this, I KOS from now on!"
  14. Beans to anyone, who doesn't quote that massively retarded and massively fonted post.
  15. Well here's how you fill a server: You join it and wait for others to join it.
  16. With almost 700,000 copies shipped, you gotta expect a few nincompoops.
  17. Not yet, there will be soon. But looking back at the mod, first person players were pretty disloyal to first person servers.
  18. I love this attempt to redefine a feature that's always been part of the engine and readily available to everyone as an unfair cheat and exploit, just because you guys refuse to fill up your own servers, where this feature is disabled for everyone.
  19. dallas

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    In my opinion you always have to break contact when you see a firearm, just like when you see someone holding an axe, you have to keep a safe distance. If someone avoids you, pursuing or flanking them can only be considered a threat. First thing you need to learn as a friendly player is to stay alive, second thing is to learn to approach other players in a non threatening, but safe manner. People are so paranoid, two friendly players can easily misinterpret each other and end up in a deadly fight. You have to remember that you can't predict other people's motivation in game, but people are always concerned with their own survival first. You also have to make sure that your own desire to be friendly doesn't compromise your own safety or the people you try to contact. This is really what makes DayZ so interesting, you can't rely on that the people wearing the white hats are able to tell other white hatted players a part from bandits wearing the black hats. :)
  20. dallas

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    In the mod direct channel was something like 40 in text and 80-100 in voice, looked like he were at +100-200 meters. Despite that you were telling him your were friendly, while showing hostile intent in the careless manner you approached him
  21. dallas

    What you think of the community in DayZ?

    I'm totally friendly and would probably have shot you too. First of all, you run in the middle of the goddamn runway in one of the most competitive areas, you fire your gun, you come at him directly with your rifle in your hands, meaning you're only one click away from blowing him away. You're saying one thing over direct chat and doing the opposite with your actions. You're saying you're friendly, while you're appearing to take hostile action against him. You forced his hand. There's being friendly and then there's being reckless and if you're being reckless near me, friendly or not, you're a liability to my own survival. If I don't survive, I can't be friendly, so I'd have to shoot you in that situation too.
  22. dallas

    Shooting is off?

    Zero probably wont matter much on such short distances, unless you go for headshots, which you usually don't. Maybe it's a combination of stance, sight discrepancy, zeroing, lag and possibly a bug. i haven't shot a lot in DayZ, but I've mostly hit my targets in 1-3 shots.
  23. It might just be the assumption that if a developer takes a break from "FIX YOUR GODDAMN GAME" to work on colorblind color schemes for an hour, it will delay all development on everything else permanently.
  24. dallas

    Shooting is off?

    Well the is always latency or lag. But as a general rule it's always good to pay attention to where your rounds impact around your target.