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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Speaking of take it or leave, maybe after 63 pages, you've come to terms with the inevitable.
  2. dallas

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    I don't think huge sales can be directly translated into increased staff and faster patching. I think it's more a loud and clear message from gamers to the team, that there's still a desire for the type of gameplay, which made the mod a huge success and that we as players are not done and over with DayZ. At some point I was a bit worried, I always planned to buy the Standalone, but after having taken a long break from the mod, I wondered, if I were done with zombies, survival and DayZ. Obviously I'm not. I'm a little done with Chernarus, but even though it's impossible for me to get lost again in Chernarus, there are still new areas I haven't seen yet. I think the devs have a prioritized list of features, they'd like to implement in the Standalone, some easier than others, some more ambitious than others. I think with this huge vote of confidence, we'll see them continue work on the engine in general, but also allow them to dream a little bigger and be a little bolder. Personally I dream of these crazy sales once translate into a DayZ version of Take On Helicoper's Seattle map, but that's just my own private and dark fantasy. Maybe we'll see Chernarus's borders expanded North, East, West and South, maybe we'll see instanced sewers, underground bunker systems. Dunno. I just rather want to use the very significant early success to be a positive thing, rather than used it to something negative, when we begin making demands based on some imagined entitlement. Don't let the sales go to your head. No matter how many collective sales DayZ already made, all of us, only paid $30 individually and we did that willingly, knowing exactly what Alpha and Early Access means.
  3. I see this as a continuation of the whole notion of removing third person view. First person players continue to think, third person players should be forced to play on first person severs, so first person players don't have to fill up their own servers. If they can't completely remove third person, they instead want to ruin third person, because they think this will move third person players to their empty first person servers. This is not how BI's difficulty difficulty hierarchy works. Third person servers allows you to switch views as you see fit. Third person view for accurate personal awareness and first person view for accurate aiming. If that's not to your liking, luckily you can join first person servers, where this choice is disabled.
  4. dallas

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    The industry always adopts new catch phrases. Last year DayZ really got everyone speaking about survival, so as expected this year, everything is going to be all about survival. Think: Dance Revolution: Survival edition. International Snooker Champions: Green felt survival. Tiger Woods's Golf: Survival escapades.
  5. First person perspective is just as important as third person and tactical view, why would you remove first person perspective from these games?
  6. DayZ is not a fps. DayZ mod was not a fps. ArmA 3, ArmA 2 and Armed Assault weren't fps games either. Operation Flashpoint wasn't either. It could be played like a fps true, but it would also be played a third person game or as a RTS in tactical view. We've be having a completely other discussion, if DayZ mod had always been restricted to fps and if the DayZ standalone had launched as a strictly fps, but now we're just day dreaming. And while we all can fantasize about "if I were in control, I'd simply delete all the features I don't like" reality is that you can't simply remove the most popular feature, when you've already moved 825,000 copies over the counter. This like saying, "If I was Rocket, I'd remove PvP tomorrow" and you'd be really disconnected from reality, if you didn't expect a major public backlash. It's not third person players's responsibility, that first person players are disloyal to first person servers. If you want to play on full servers, you gotta be willing to fill up the servers yourself, instead of asking for affirmative action so third person players will be forced to join the servers, you, yourself has abandoned. The player model's head move and turn, when you freelook in third person, which is why you can never get a nice screenshot of your face.
  7. dallas

    Beta for Standalone

    Launch Steam, goto DayZ's sales page and read it thoroughly. I think the time frame is roughly a year, but instead of me checking it for you, you can check it for me and then post it here.
  8. dallas

    What random events would you like to see?

    Now we're getting somewhere. I was thinking something similar. I thought about that helicopter bug, where a crashed helicopter's burning fire was enlarged to an extend, it looked like a forest fire or a whole town on fire.
  9. dallas

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    Well if they they say much more than: "Yes we're still working on it" a guy like you will get really upset, when what you wrongly assumed were promises set in stone, doesn't get delivered on your wrongly assumed timetable and then you call a fatwa down on Rocket, Bohemia Interactive, Steam, the freemarket, capitalism and climate change. They've been pretty clear about what you should expect, when buying a product in early development and just because you're unable to control your own deranged expectations, doesn't mean there's some giant pyramid scheme going on. now control yourself, you're scaring the women and children.
  10. dallas

    Magnum.... Nuff said

    "Is that a Magnum or are you just excited to see me?"
  11. I kind of like the idea of a random "turn-2-zombie" timer, so if you take too long to get to the corpse or take too long to loot it, might go "grrrr" and go for your neck.
  12. dallas

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    I wonder it you think buying a movie ticket, means you can dictate Tom Cruise's work hours too? This guy lives in NZ and can't be allowed to go home for Christmas and if you allow him that, because you're larger than life, you allow him only an extended weekend, but then he has to get his ass back on a plane, because for $30 you own him. I'm not sure early access actually entitles you to wield the same powers as BI's CEO, no matter how much you wind yourself up. Nothing has changed from the mod, same type of development, same type of Rocket, maybe a little less chatty, but that also used to get you guys all outraged, when he said too much, same engine, same company. I have no idea, why you think everything was going to be 100% wonderful with dinosaurs and humans cohabitating Earth peacefully together, when all the elements, you apparently hated in the mod are similar in the Standalone. Stop being so goddamn entitled, you bought into the early access knowing it required a lot of work and alot patience or you clicked that lime-green Steam purchase button randomly, like a monkey with a brain tumor bashing a keyboard against the wall.
  13. dallas

    Sales numbers

    BI has almost certainly recouped their initial investment on this procjet from the ArmA 2 sales generated from the DayZ mod alone and Rocket stands to earn more than the Pepsis and Pringles he jokingly charged for working on the mod. However it was always Rocket and BI's goal for the Standalone to be able to carry itself. Rocket went from a short contract as an ArmA 3 dev, to writing his own contract as lead on the Standalone. I can't imagine that he isn't being well compensated for his contribution to the Bohemia Interactive dynasty. Rocket isn't as extravagant as his fellow countrymen(Kim Dotcom ect.), but I'm pretty sure he was in a position to negotiate a reasonable deal with BI. You have to remember at the time, he was dodging high paying job offers left and right. I doubt Rocket will reveal exactly how much Rick James money he's getting, but my guess would safely be in the seven digits.
  14. I don't like this relic of a civilian compass, it's just not tactisexy, plus I pretty much know Chernarus inside out. The only way I'm getting lost, is if someone force feeds me disinfectant spray and puts a burlap sack on my head.
  15. dallas

    [SUGGESTION] Reduce Fall Damage

    I think there should be a 50% chance your break your back or neck and only be able to lie on you back, freelook, talk and try to convince people to kill you, because we also disable respawn.
  16. dallas

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    I think the main hive is down, so when your client can't retrieve character date, you spawn as new.
  17. dallas

    All the 1st ranters

    ^^lol you said "input."
  18. dallas

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Ten coins in a stack taped together placed on top of W, because I'm rich like that.
  19. dallas

    All the 1st ranters

    Maybe Steam could sell two different versions of DayZ, ones for the n00bs and obvious cheaters like me and one for the purist hardcore, who prefers to play alone. Sorry for the hi-jack Hest. I just had to get it off my chest.
  20. dallas

    All the 1st ranters

    I believe Third Person View should be removed, so all the players, who're claiming to be the most badassests of the badasses would be forced to actually play in First Person Only, like they claim they do on the forums.
  21. Please also add: You take more than 3000 in fall damage within the first fist 5 minutes of playing, you spawn on Skalisty Island. You get killed by zombies within the first 5 minutes of playing, you spawn on Skalisty Island. If you continue to kill yourself, you spawn in the water south of Skalisty Island in 500 meter increments.
  22. I feel we're making headroom here, if we keep up this level of progress, at page 119, we're be exactly where we were at page 1, which continued right where the last hundred page thread ended, which made the same astounding progress. To sum is all up for the newcomers: FPP: Third person is a cheat. TPP: Then play on first person servers. FPP: Don't tell me what to do! TPP: Don't tell me what to do!
  23. dallas

    [Suggestion] Keep em separated

    That makes DayZ is that PvE and PvP players join on the same servers, this means you can never know what motivates the players you meet in Chernarus.
  24. If you have to camp a place, you might as well camp a place with heavy traffic, not much fun camping Guba.
  25. dallas

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Friendship approved by God.