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Everything posted by dallas

  1. If you come across a server that's violating the terms of service, you can easily find another server to play on, but if you have the time and desire, you can also help the community enforce the rules, by reporting the server. If they are reported enough times, maybe they are forced to change their cheating ways or are taken down.
  2. Few of these servers are automatically kicking player uninvited players, which is the same as passwording the server and which is against the rules. They are doing this so they can pay2win or rent2win, they can farm their own servers without any other players or PvP and then, because their server is connected to the hive, they can switch to another "public" server and use the gear they farmed in safety with great advantage. If they die and lose their gear, they can simply switch back to their "locked" server, run to a military installation and loot and restart the server over and over again. That's about as pay to win as it gets.
  3. Finally, the real purpose of rotten fruit is revealed. Question: How many rotten bananas do you have to throw at a zombie to kill it?
  4. dallas

    Crosshair in 3pp 1 cm too high?

    Remember in ArmA/DayZ your bullet doesn't spawn from the crosshair, but from the chamber of your firearm. The UI crosshair isn't some magic marker that shows you exactly where you hit, that's some one dimensional thinking. You player camera's point of view is one thing. Where the bullet is fired from is another. Yet another is that your camera's point of view is a straight line, while the bullet flies in a ballistic arc. So no, you can't just place the crosshair on your target without thinking. You always have to consider. 1. Your player camera's position. 2. the chamber of your rifle's position. 3. You rifle's zeroing. 4. The distance to your target.
  5. dallas

    Something is very wrong with DayZ

    Breaking news: Hardcore players are softhearted.
  6. dallas

    6pm Central Time Character Wipe Again?

    The server you joined isn't configured correctly, so the server can't connect to the hive. When the server can't connect to the hive and extract your character information, the game creates a new character at the beach. If you stay on this server and the server connects to the hive, while you're playing on it, the server will overwrite your character data on the hive. However if you disconnect from the server as soon as you see you character data isn't loading, your original character information is intact and will load up, when you connect to a properly configured server, which can connect to the hive.
  7. dallas

    When is daytime?

    I made a powerpoint presentation about this very subject.
  8. dallas

    Best Gun Spawn Near NE Airfield?

    Went to Rify, found two relovers, two shotguns and one mosin, I ran back and forth like a headless chicken, trying to figure out how to carry all of them,
  9. dallas

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    To call Warz anything but a lazy mod for War Inc. is a kindness of unheard proportions that leaves mother Theresa blinded with tears. How massively retarded are you legally allowed to be on youtube?
  10. Survival trumps dignity. I just need to find a wig and I'm set.
  11. dallas

    Lets talk about shotguns

    In my opinion the only legit reason to implement bayonet attachments to firearms, if to prepare DayZ for different versions of combat shotguns, from classical trench guns to sexed up Mossbergs. But all kinds of civilian shotguns are welcome too. I'd rather see hunting weapons become commonly used, than every next survivor out there sporting highspeed AR variants.
  12. dallas

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    Beans for dramatic photoshop. ;)
  13. dallas

    How to Fix Kos

    "Safe zones"
  14. Not sure why people would do that. Looting has nothing to do with 3rd person and everything to do with server hopping or empty servers. I don't mind the separation, but I figure it really only limit the servers 1P players can save to, well and allow people to save to two hives, which kind of goes against the one player/one character concept.
  15. dallas

    Backwards Cap

  16. dallas

    Izh43 shotgun test/comparison

    Saw two at Rify. Sawed-off takes up two rows in a mountain backpack.
  17. Great thread, I expect this will be the last thread on this old and tired subject. I guess this is the thread, where we all will shake hands and tell each other, how it's been honor and pleasure to repeat the same four arguments over and over for hundreds of pages. I believe this solution, although it's existed since 2001 and always have been on the table, will satisfy even the most hardcore hardcores and please all the exploiting exploiters. It's good to know that, we've finally come full circle, to where it all began and that the hours of composing our walls of text, amounted to exactly where it all started. I think I speak for everyone, when I say that the result was expected and all our efforts, were always just a moot exercise. /salutes
  18. dallas


  19. dallas

    Well this is cute..........

    Scared of the dark. Buys zombie game. Demands refund cuz of night.
  20. dallas

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    Next time, don't clean it so hard!
  21. dallas

    i updata game day Z sa ban ??

    While it can test your patience that hackers aren't instantly banned, you gotta love the ban waves, where hacker have been lulled into an illusion of safety and then get hit in scores.
  22. dallas

    Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

  23. dallas

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    One thing's for certain, you can look at all the fifty-something threads about 3PP view and see exactly how hardcore the 1PP players are. They are like the strong, silent type.
  24. dallas

    What the hell is wrong with people?

    Welcome to the beach, population: you.
  25. dallas

    Seriously... What the !?

    Server hopping or stupid log out location. I call stupid log out location.