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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    M1 Carbine?

    Not outrageously unrealistic. My grandfather picked up allied airdrops during WW2 and carried a M1 Carbine himself. After his death by grandmother donated it to a museum. :(
  2. dallas

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    I don't know and I'm not sure a care. When I started playing the mod, it was far from finished and when I stopped playing it, there were helicopters and vehicles everywhere you looked. I'm going to follow the development and take breaks between updates, I see it as a more dynamic experience, than simply focusing on the end goal. I remember playing the free demo for Mount & Blade and then buying it.I played it a lot and then I stopped. Years later, I realized much had changed and for the fun of it, I tried to recover my game code and much to my surprise, it was as easy as recovering a password.
  3. dallas

    Rocket is a huge troll.

    Berries are like the pills in the matrix, whatever you ate, you should have eaten the other ones instead.
  4. dallas

    What DayZ REALLY needs.

    Love that the guy it the video gets tired in his index finger and starts shooting with his middle finger. "You can not be awesome without this rifle."
  5. dallas

    First impressions and "where to now?"

    Welcome to the Standalone and the Standalone loves you too. :)
  6. dallas

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    How can you compare ghosting to camping? Camping is perfectly legit, you're just sitting in a advantageous position and patiently waiting for victims to enter your killzone. Ghosting on the other hand is purebred cheating. You magically snap your fingers, change to a alternative universe, move behind your enemy and twirl your magic wand again and poof, teleport back to the firefight, behind your enemy. That's plain cheap and outright cheating. KOS and Camping is perfectly legal, can't believe you use that as an excuse to justify cheating.
  7. dallas

    If Combat Logging is going to be fixed...

    In the zombie holocaust, honor and dignity is a luxury.
  8. dallas

    If Combat Logging is going to be fixed...

    As I understood it, whether you disconnect on purpose or accidentally from the game, your character will stay and sit down on the server for 30 seconds. At least that's what I hope happens.
  9. dallas

    Which ONE video made you buy/play DayZ?

    These videos made me play the mod, the mod made me buy the SA.
  10. dallas

    What will make you play the alpha again?

    I play the alpha to see the development first hand and enjoy the progress. Just like the mod.
  11. dallas

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    Apparently kick boxers don't wear protective headgear.
  12. There are no private servers yet. The servers you rent are public and connected to the public Hive. If a server admin has set up his server to automatically kick everyone, but his friends's game ID, it takes about 5 minutes to report them. The rules are the rules and you're not allowed to rent a public server and kick everybody, so you can farm loot in total safety and then go join another full public server with the gear you secured on your PvP free server.
  13. dallas

    No Surrender types

    You've got a higher chance of surviving, if you don't surrender.
  14. dallas

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    edit... sry poor taste.
  15. dallas

    DEANS serverpolicy - PURE stupidity

    I'd pay $50 to see Dean choke this guy out.
  16. OP set the bar pretty high and I think this thread is a keeper. Being a difficult target is high on my list too.
  17. dallas

    People Suck.

    Why the h***(hell) would you arm a total stranger? :)
  18. dallas

    Thank you rocket.

    Thanks to Rocket, OP and the swift and handsome mods.
  19. dallas

    Servers with threatening names

    If you have made the effort to create a thread about it, you really should go the extra length and report the server. If you follow the instructions in the below thread, you should be able to report the server in less than 5 minutes. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  20. dallas

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I guess it's called hero, because it's the hard choice. I'm definitely not playing as a hero, I'm not seeking out other players to help them out, but I do play by a code to never take hostile action first. This one rule I have, I bend and twist to fit the situations and to justify my actions. Even the old humanity system could be exploited and half the hero skins I meet turned out to be bandits. Heroes needs to be more focused on the behavior of the players they meet, rather than blindly trusting someone saying "friendly" or wearing a white hat. If someone respectfully keeps a safe distance, it's a positive indication. If he closes in to get within melee rage, you need to treat him as a threat. The hard part isn't to play as a bandit or a hero, the hard part is doing so, while staying alive.
  21. dallas

    Allow Server Configurable Pve Only

    The team is not interested in compromising their vision to reach a wider casual audience and let's face it, DayZ isn't really that hardcore, if you're willing to learn and adapt, you're going to figure out the mechanics and the player patterns in no time. However if you're refusing to learn from your mistakes and demands to be catered to like a child, you've chosen the wrong game. It's pretty easy to predict the PvP hot spots on the map and there's plenty of areas, where the probability of meeting other players are very small. The only reason for PvE servers, is because you want to be able to walk into a military base and collect the top tier gear, which you really only need if you PvP.
  22. This is a lesson most developers learn at some point. When people are impatiently demanding an ETA, whatever you do, do not give one, because the only thing worse than not knowing an exact ETA is a delayed ETA. Players will go crazy not knowing, when the next release will hit, but if they are then finally promised a date, they'll got batshit insane, if this date is postponed. Don't ask that question, last time I confronted a forum member, he refused to answer it. He maintained for a long while, that it was irrelevant and that he could only answer it in private messages. I believe his name was RussianKaliber. When I accused him of being sergei Titov himself, it provoked Titov to create an account and disprove it. Unfortunately this named account was linked to multiple other accounts by the mods and proved that Sergei was very active on the DayZ forums, using multiple accounts. RussianKaliber did finally reveal that he indeed was another lead dev from WarZ, who had also been advertising WarZ here, without disclosing his position at WarZ.
  23. dallas

    Reflective Vests

    Let's hope it reflects 7.62mm rounds too.
  24. Not entirely sure if I like the idea, but you get beans for the idea and effort.