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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Too exploitable. Find a safe place to log out and you'll be okay. And by safe, I mean a place you'd made sure, yourself, that it's safe.
  2. dallas

    crash 180sec penalty

  3. dallas

    First Interaction with an Armed Player up North

    Sometimes shit's too intense for sudden moves, just look straight ahead and walk and pray. :)
  4. dallas

    I Want Your Eyes.

    Sounds pretty barbaric to me, I've got no problem with a tasteful ear-necklace, but eyes? That's some straight up psycho shit.
  5. dallas

    The game is great but...

    I don't really think you're wrong, but you're not completely right either. I mean what do you do, when the world ends? Why'd you continue struggling day by day for your survival, without any purpose but to sustain your own life? No wonder, why so many people chose to jump off the silos in Solnichniy.
  6. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    However a combat logger could sit in the corner of a room with one eye on the timer and one eye at the doorway. If someone comes to kill him, he can snap out of the log out at kill the other, if the other is a little too slow, the combat logger can escape, when the timer runs out. Instead of allowing people to defend themselves, while logging out, why not forced them to stay until the danger is over?
  7. dallas

    takes for every to die

    So I gotta ask: How's that time saving suicide working for you?
  9. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    Why complicate a simple thing. If you don't think you're safe for 30 seconds, you shouldn't log out or... you decide to roll the dice.
  10. The mod and I have agreed to start seeing other people.
  11. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    You're not 100% vulnerable if you stay and fight.
  12. dallas

    Post Your Character!

    Please, continue here. ;)
  13. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    Get fired at, back into a corner, watch the door, press disconnect, keep eye on the door, if anyone comes to the door, abort log out and kill him, if they come to slow, let the log out time out and escape from firefight.
  14. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    This suggestion has already been addressed and dismissed, because you can simply camp out, while looking at the count down timer, allowing your to, as Rocket coined it: "Ghost combat log." With the current feature, you can chose to stay and fight it out or become unprotected for 30 seconds.
  15. dallas

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    I'm sure that anyone, who finds this new log out timer annoying, will agree that combat logging is way more annoying.
  16. dallas

    The Anti-Server hopping.

    With the amount of server hoppers and combat loggers, there were bound to be a few people unhappy with this.
  17. Seriously, there's friendly and then there's two armed to the teeth guys allowing someone to kill them with an axe. I'm not saying you can't play as friendlies, I'm just saying, it's hard to be friendly, if you're dead.
  18. dallas

    The combat knife must be buffed,massively.

    add melee damage to can openers too.
  19. My first KOS yesterday. Saw two guys, one naked and one fully geared. Geared guy duped himself and ran off into a building. Got into position and killed the naked guy looting the dupe and then shot at the geared guy, who combat logged. I got three rounds off in his direction, hope I hurt him. I consider myself as friendly as can be, but the duping pissed me off.
  20. dallas


    Why is this turning into people posting their greatest Alpha speeches? We all bought the Standalone, alpha and all, but it's not like OP said: "I know it's alpha, but where the fuck is my character customization!!! #DEMANDREFUND" Rocket might have slightly touched upon it in a development video long time ago, but there hasn't really been much emphasis on it yet, which is probably why none of us can help you out much.
  21. dallas

    Allow Server Configurable Pve Only

    Or having a separate Hive for servers that wants to turn DayZ into The Sims would never affect me either, but I doubt it's a major priority for the dev team to waste their time, creating Hives for something DayZ is not.
  22. dallas

    Allow Server Configurable Pve Only

    I guess it's like saying: "Wow sinpleplayer games apparently mostly appeal to PvE players!!!" DayZ isn't about separating PvP from PvE, it's just players on a server with no rules. I know it's hard to understand, that you're not asked to join the blue or the red team, but that's pretty much the hole point of DayZ, which you apparently missed.
  23. dallas

    Got a Loot Farming Server shut down :D

    I'd like to invite anyone, who curiously join one of these insta-kick, clan farming servers, to read the server rule thread carefully and try to report the server. It's quite easy and once you've done it once, reporting a server usually don't take more than a few minutes.