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Everything posted by dallas

  1. People clearly have different expectations for an alpha, even though there's an ALLCAPS warning that attempt to set these expectations really low. People also have different perceptions of what constructive criticism and useful feedback is. Some prefer to submit detailed reports, allowing developers to easily locate and recreate the bugs, some prefer the more ALLCAPSY approach, which usually starts off: "I know this is alpher, but..." DayZ also have different revues for this criticism. Some post on Steam forums, some post here, some post on reddit and others submit actual bug reports. Me, I usually answer the same way, someone asks. So if someone says: "I know this is alpha, but..." I usually answer: "But, do you know it's alpha?"
  2. You could have used that 300 seconds on reporting the server.
  3. dallas

    Is Spy Infiltration wrong ethics/cheating

    Legit. My own community had our DayZ discussions hidden in passworded sub-forums. If meta-gaming is allowed, meta-gaming is allowed.
  4. dallas

    Hide Interface/Toolbar

    The tilde key, I believe.
  5. dallas

    Lesson Learned...

    The French accent was a dead giveaway. ;)
  6. dallas

    Why Arma 2 Engine?

    It's kind of irrelevant to take about ArmA 2, ArmA 3, ArmA 2.5 or Take of Helicopter engine version. I think Rocket used the term ArmA 2.5 or building upon Take on Helicopter in August 2012. A lot has happened to the engine since then, it would probably be more accurate to call it the DayZ version now.
  7. dallas

    Why did he just sit down?

    If you decide to shoot someone, why plan to lose? Anyways OP got the full pleasure of the new anti-combat logging mechanic and we got a nice anti-combat logging mechanic story. Win-win.
  8. Was the Titanic really raised?
  9. OP I can't imagine, why you'd keep playing a game, when you see every little bug and flaw as a direct attack on your person and a clear sign of you being personally deceived by the developers of DayZ You sense of entitlement just seems so misplaced and ignorant, I mean, it looks like you've been part of this community since the dawn of the mod and yet you seem totally surprised by the approach to the style of development. You might recall, that we experienced similar unintended setbacks during the various DayZ mod patches, how can you be so absolutely clueless, when you've chosen to hang around for so long? And suggesting another engine is just stupid. If you don't like the RV engine, why you stick around, it's not like they ever hid, which direction they were going?
  10. dallas


    I think we need some serious advanced mechanics put in place, in order to allow anti-material rifles into the game. The way .50 caliber sniper rifles were used in close combat as rail guns in the mod was just ridiculous.
  11. dallas

    How do you dress?

    big fan of brown hunting pants and green rain jackets or checked shirts.
  12. dallas

    Sound of Flies round dead bodies.

    I always thought it added an element for stress and anxiety. When hearing the sound of flies, you'd always go u-oh better watch out, better hurry up...
  13. dallas

    Indoor rain sound effect

    Once it stops raining inside buildings, I'd love some ambient sounds to remind us, that it's still raining outside(especially if clothes will become damp/wet from rain in the future), maybe even the random slow drop falling from the ceiling, once every 10th second. Industrial buildings, barns and other open structures, might have a tin roof kind of pounding sound. While smaller houses or closed structures would have a more muffled sound, maybe with the random blip-blop once in a while.
  14. dallas

    Indoor rain sound effect

    Oops, I mean to post in the suggestion forum.
  15. dallas

    Anonymity in DayZ

    I guess that's more of a Steam feature. I love meeting another player and either forgetting to get his name or introducing myself. Sometimes your new found friend will die, before you get to know his name and it's actually bitter sweet, knowing you'll never know it and you'll never see that kind person again.
  16. dallas

    Annoying Kickban Servers

    "That's not another topic, that's the fricken whole point!" Problem is that they are not actually "private" servers, they are "public servers", connected to the "public hive," Which means the gear they can farm loot with "zero" risk, they can "server hop" to other "public servers" and use this loot with "great advantage." If they "die," they can simply switch back to their "pay2win" server, "restart it" and "farm the hell out if." OP next time, go to the server part of these forums and follow the instructions in this thread. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ Complaining about it does nothing, so next time take the time to report the server instead.
  17. dallas

    KoS is the worst thing in the dayz?

    The worst thing in DayZ is friendly players, who become KOS bandits, because they never learn from their own stupid mistakes. Saying "Friendly" doesn't make you bullet proof. Giving a new spawn a can of food, doesn't mean, he wont try to get your M4 instead. Waving to a guy running towards you with an axe raised over his head... ect. ect. ect.
  18. dallas

    AK 47 or AK 74[POLL]

    Voted AK-47, but I meant AKM. Also got a soft spot for the AKS-74u
  19. dallas

    How do you dress?

    To the left.
  20. dallas

    Darkest darkness

    If there's no lights, how can you see anything but black matter? The only star light that makes a difference is the sun, which usually is absent at night, because it's on the other side of Earth and these rural tiny street lamps hardly make up enough light pollution to reflect back from the atmosphere. The night is not broke, it's just realistically portayed for once.
  21. dallas

    Pistols in hands should not be ruined when shot

    Care to elaborate from a coding perspective?
  22. dallas

    Empty Lake North

    Already been looted?