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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    This..This is just bringing me to tears.

    What version are you running, bottom right corner?
  2. dallas


    Direct channel is a bit of a hit and miss. And using any other channel broadcasts to everybody on the server, which is pretty annoying, when you're listening for moans in the dark. For a team experience an external voice program is mandatory.
  3. dallas

    Deer Stands

    +1 what mr. combover said. Deer stands could have been occupied by deserters. You can easily take out the three zombies guarding the deer stand and you really absolutely should. Them there deer stand guards are solder zombies and them be dropping all kinds of sexeh loots. Before the zombie buff/screw up, deer stands were unprotected and for anyone farming deer stands, it became a mind numbingly lame experience. Now you atleast have to sneak in or shoot a few walker in the face. Where there's loot, there ought to be zombies. It's not like two walkers and a bunny is an impossible obstacle.
  4. dallas

    People with helicopters

  5. dallas

    Official disconnect thread

    You're cheapening you own gaming experience. Sure you're denying someone else the chance to loot/kill, but you can't disconnect from the thought that you suck so much at a game, you have to cheat to get ahead. Three bandits killed one of our members who had fallen behind. We waited for them ot kneel at his corpse, before we opened up on them. Two died and one disconnected. We set up our position and waited for him to reconnect. Five minutes later our patience was rewarded, while we suppressed him heavily, one of us walked up to the stone wall he was trembling behind and executed him with a handgun. Sometimes when I think back at the amount of justice served, I pee a little.
  6. dallas

    I heard these things are rare..

    Never had one IRL, had my first ever in DayZ today and it was a special moment.
  7. dallas

    Humanity should reset on death...

    If you accidentally kill 50 survivors, you deserve the humanity you got. If you accidentally kill one, not accidentally killing another survivor for a short while, puts your humanity back on positive. I like that humanity as the only stat carries through even after death. Terminating someone else's character progression and then being allowed to respawn to wipe out all negative humaanity, seems too easy, for a game that preaches hardship. Also give anyone selecting respawning negative humanity, how about 2500 to reduce changing spawn locations.
  8. dallas

    Idk what to do...

    Supermarkets and deerstands have a decent selection of survival gear. With a little luck or several visits you'll find hunting knives, matches and tents. But no gear is worth more than your life or more valuable than a great adventure. Any lost gear and easily be reaquired. Don't let your gear prevent you from enjoying DayZ.
  9. dallas

    People with helicopters

    This behavior is totally unacceptable and admirable, but if you have to stoop so low griefing noobs at the beach, you might as well do it with style. Anybody who runs is a Bandit. Anybody who stands still is a well-disciplined Bandit.
  10. dallas

    canteen filling bug

    Oh I thought it was a bug that made you drop your gear instantly! +1 for youragebt :D
  11. -Slower zombie spawns(easymode) :D -Most of all working server time synchronization. So I'm not blind in patch darkness, getting killed by someone with 40 minutes of day light left. -Working scud launchers.
  12. When you're scared, alone, need help and someone offers it, it's hard not to rush in that direction not knowing whether it's a friendly or a "friendly."
  13. dallas

    I really like DayZ, but...

    DayZ didn't water down neither ArmA's choppy gameplay or it's dificulty, but it allowed players to utizile the entire Chernarus in one ongoing mission, to deliver a platform allowing pretty dynamic player interactions only seen before in fantasy mmorpgs. DayZ contains Coop, PvP, singleplayer experience(paranoid lone survivor), capture the flag(bandit's UAZ/chopper), king of the airfield and DayZ was a mod that finally got popular zombie/post apocalyse world just right. There would be grounds for consern if DayZ had been a total easymode health-regen COD immitation, but it's impossible to accuse DayZ of exactly that.
  14. dallas

    Gear loss while swimming mechanic

    It's a bug. If working correctly you'd lose your gear after 10-20 seconds of swimming. However sometimes you lose your gear as soon as your player model switches to the swimming animation. As soon as you switch to the swimming animation, you should fill your bottles and hurry back to shore. If your gear bugs out, you should be able to retrieve it right before the spot there the water is deep enough for swimming. Just move carefilly towards the spot, kneel under water(there's no drowning mechanics) and then carefully collect all your gear. Some player swear by dropping their gear bakcpacks before swimming, but personally I prefere to pick it up, if I bug out in the lake. Dropping your gear on the ground, there's also a risk of it disappearing or getting lost in the grass. I consider it a confidence test everytime I swim in a lake and a risk worthy of taking. I'd rather have to pick up my gear from the bottom of the lake, that die of thirst or go into a busy town of dangerous strangers.
  15. dallas

    Let's discuss a skill system

    There's already a skill sytem in DayZ. Map reading: Know how to read a map correctly. Navigation: Know how to navigate with map, compas or without it using the sun or the stars. Hunting: Know where to find aminals in the wild. Scavenging: Know where to get basic supplies. Treasure hunter: Know where to find military grade equimpent. Advanced marksman: Unbind your hold breath from right mouse button and givt it it's own key. Learn the pros and cons of each weapon, how to range a targert, zero your rifle and kill your target from long distances. Engineer: Learn who to use barbwire, repair cars/helicopters, where to find materials. Lone Survivor: Learn to live of the land, without the help of others. Social Survivor: Learn to trust other survivors, to share loot and to build groups that don't fall apart, when you come across some loot, everybody wants. Advanced Bandit: Learn to ambush, camp crowded areas, learn to deceive and mislead to find the best equipped or easiest targets. And the list goes on...
  16. dallas

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    Speaking on the behalf of the cat owners community and as a paying customer, I am outraged and appaled by the blatant catering to the entitled dog owners! Seriously great article! and don't have a pet.
  17. You might have walked off the map, as in walked off the detailed map. The map has no boarders, but the detail stops at a certain point. If you're unable to backtrack to the detailed map, you might have to considering taking the easy way out and clicking respawn.
  18. dallas

    Is this normal?

    Edge of the detailed map, there's no edges or invisible wall, however the detail stops, leaving a barren landscape with no food or zombies.
  19. Flashlights are pretty common, if you know where to look.
  20. dallas

    How do you survive as a lone wolf?

    Always move crouched, moving couched will deplete your stamina, screw with your aim and tire you faster, but you'll have a little more reaction time when you hear a moan or spot a walker. Whenever you make contact with one, switch to crouched walk, atleast untill you have determined the amount of Zeds, how close they are, their direction ect. If you're anywhere near the east coast, visit the norther part of Berizino and locate the supermarket, anyother supermarket will do, but be aware of shots fired in these city areas. Whether you meet friendlies or bandits, any stranger could be desperate or get tempted by your gear. Supermarkets have everything you need and if they are out of stock come back later. They'll almost always have a good selection of handgun ammo, handguns, food, beverages, backpacks and survival gear. Priority should be on getting more inventory slots in your pack, but if you're lucky getting your hands on matches and a huntingknife, you can live off the land, butchering and cooking whatever wildlife you find on field and in the woods.
  21. I really like the winchester model, but it's OP, especially since the zombie presence got buffed. I pass on AKs and ARs, because of the imba sound radius of the winchester.
  22. dallas

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Without the slaughter at the beach, random pointless killings, based on misunderstandings, mutual paranoia, greed and crossfire, the zombie apocalypse would be a civilized ordeal. I try my best not to kill players, but I respect those who betray, camp and snipe, because they add the element that makes DayZ an unique and unpredictable experience. You can't hold it against campers, that they chose locations where there are most targets.
  23. dallas

    too dark at night

    It's the ingame lunar cycle. Gets dark around 19.00 Moon rises around 1.00 Use: Flashlights Military Flashlight(red, low powered) Flares Chemlights NVGs.
  24. dallas

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Beach griefers provide a valuable service to new players. -Get off the beach. -Be careful who you trust. It's better to learn the lesson on the beach, while you're only going to lose your worthless starter gear.
  25. We knew you'd be back, welcome back Nickisis. :D