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Everything posted by dallas

  1. Realism is not the aim, authenticity is. The mod is about feeling shit. Shit like fear, hunger, thirst, desperation, hate, jealousy, greed, superiority, kindness, homicidal, helpsome, helpless and blind at night. If you don't like the whole hardship, emotional experience, maybe something more RAWR RAWR WUB WUB BOOM oriented would fit you better.
  2. dallas

    Universal "First Contact" Protocol.

    First step for any friendly player is to find solid cover upon contact.
  3. A city beyond the horizon can reflect light from the clouds to create enough visibility to navigate at night, but in Chernorus there is no working powerplants or lit up cities. The only natural light you can rely on is the moon and the moon is not a static object on the night sky.
  4. dallas

    Kicked from server?

    Which non-US countries are you talking about, Ku-klux-klanistan?
  5. dallas

    Disappearing Inventory when swimming

    Had to revise, can't recreate in the editor and recommend swimming for more than 5-10 carrying all gear.
  6. dallas

    Removing the HUD

    I think the basic hud is nice, simple and intuitive, but I'd like to see all the Debug Monitor infromation moved to map/unit if possible.
  7. dallas

    Fuck The Ocean (rage thread)

    I think anything you drop will despawn shortly after 5-20 minutes.
  8. dallas

    Fuck The Ocean (rage thread)

    [Edit]I've done some more swimming in the editor and can't recreate the conditions for the below statement. Rest before swimming, don't attempt to swim longer than 5-10seconds with your gear or drop your backback and rifle before swimming.
  9. dallas

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Walkers, runners, crawlers, hoppers, bunnies, zeds, zombies and drunk guys.
  10. Exercise patrol through a patch black forest is something of an experience, moving through one while firing blanks is probably one of the funniest things I ever did.
  11. dallas

    Gamplay Goal?

    My long term goal is to fund building cheap condominiums on the east coast by setting up a prostitution ring in Bor or Dolina.
  12. I would like to see temperature removed from the debug monitor, atm it forces the player to focus too much on the number constantly counting down.
  13. By allowing a custom mod like this, you've basically making it mandatory, because it gives the user an overwheliming advantage against non-users. I don't use it, because I prefere ArmA's heavy and anti-fps movement system.
  14. dallas

    Arma 3 and DayZ

    It will most likely come for ArmA3 at some point, but not at release.
  15. Decision is made so we'll play it out and I defenently feel yet another thread on the subject makes a really big difference.
  16. dallas

    Rockets jar of tears

    Although most of the bandit skin tears are mine, I believe I delivered them with dignity.
  17. dallas

    Everyone is a Bandit

    I really liked the bandit system, but you always had to be nervous when comming across another survivor, not matter skin. Best thing you can do when meeting a stranger is to find solid cover, then you can decide whether to lower weapon, talk, run or fight.
  18. Redeem yourself by pretending to be sorry.
  19. dallas

    What about those chemsticks?

    Chem light are pretty nice. Red is the hardest to see, but lights the surroundings up the least. Blue and green are brighter, makes it a bit easier to see in the dark.
  20. dallas

    Mountain Dew

    Mdew cans just don't have that je ne sais quoi thing that the classical pepsi can has.
  21. You have to break line of sight and not make noise. AIs will try to predic your movement, from where they lost sight of you and which direction you where last seen moving in. It's hard to create distance with out creating noise.
  22. dallas

    Swimming bug?
