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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    Can't say for sure. Only meet one possible in 168 hours and I wasn't 100%.
  2. They've been testing 60-100 player servers in the experimental branch the last couple of days.
  3. dallas

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    Don't like 3PP, don't play on regular servers.
  4. dallas

    Feeling remorseful...

    Well... since you're not carrying the burden, you don't get to decide how heavy it is.
  5. dallas


    How about some rare spawn food items, a bit like the legendary Mountain Dew, not really with any over powered effects, but gives you some additional random messages when you consume it. Adding cocoa powder to your milk powder and heating it up, might grant your messages, like: "Now, if only I had some marshmallows." "Like coming in after playing all day in the snow." Coffee: "Nothing like a cuppa Joe." Cigarettes: "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughts..." ect. ect.
  6. dallas

    Feeling remorseful...

    You can't really know about this aspect of DayZ, until you commit your first unprovoked murder.
  7. It would be really nice, if you could duct tape a primary to your hat.
  8. dallas

    Feeling remorseful...

    You gotta agree though, that no other game can do what DayZ does so well. Not only can you gain and betray someone's trust, not only can you feel the bitter betrayal from someone, you went out of your way to help, but betraying someone also leaves you feeling like a piece of shit. No matter if you're the betrayed or the betrayer, no other game allows it's players to feel these strong and negative feelings. Some people are able to easily brush off their first betrayal/murder, for others the consequence of their betrayal will always stay with them and change the way they play.
  9. Basic cyrillics. A weird ass upside down square g is pronounced B B is pronounced V 3 is pronounced C H is pronounced N Upside down W is pronounced M Backwards b is pronounced d And this is all you need to know.
  10. The answer is pretty obvious. If you get a 5 minute penalty from an insta-kicking server, why not use half of those 5 minutes to report that server?
  11. dallas

    In-Game Golfing

    Seriously though, awesome idea. Gulf Clubs for melee. Golf bag also useful as bagpack. I'd also love to mix up my apocalypse wear with a pastel colored polo shirt, plaid pants or two toned golf shoes(these are a must).
  12. dallas

    Thoughts on KoS?

    People, who have nothing, have nothing to lose. If you go to the beach, be ready to fight. If you spawn at the beach and want to live, be ready to run.
  13. dallas

    If you get shot at what do you do?

    Depends. When I think I'm perfectly safe, I get really sloppy and really give a damn about cover and concealment, I usually run across open fields, while switching to 3PP looking at my butt or try to arraign all my items a logical and color coordinated order. If I take shots in these blissful moments, I usually panic, run around like a headless chicken and hope the shooter is incompetent enough to allow me to get myself under control and run for the nearest cover. When I venture into a designated deathmatch arena, major city or airfield, I keep moving and I keep close to cover. If I take fire, I simply start sprinting and place as many obstacles between me and the direction, I heard the shots from. If I can locate the shooter, I'll fight back. If I'm unsure, I just disengage. If I come across a skilled player, I usually just die.
  14. dallas

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    What's the most hardcore simulator out there? I've never seen a flight sim that doesn't have an external camera, because despite being the most badass IRL pro-pilot, pilots also enjoy the view and also enjoy posting screenshots of their preferred airplane silhouetted against a Hawaiian sunset.
  15. dallas

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    That's like saying, I love DayZ, but I hate the RV-engine. 3PP is part of the RV engine and maybe one of the reasons, why 1PP isn't as perfectly smooth as other pure first person shooters. we can all dream and wish, but reality is that if DayZ had to be made, it had to be made on RV and RV isn't a 1PP engine.
  16. I'm got a fairly good idea, since I've received the same message. But I'm not really sure, why I should help out, when OP or some with OP's name is active on a cheat site, that he has admitted, he has installed a cheat(maybe for other purposes, maybe not), all his "family members" are rampantly cheating on the family PC.
  17. dallas

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    See, you've already gotten your 1PP hive, but that's not enough for you. You still want to dictate, how people play on servers, where you don't play yourself. I guess that was the whole purpose of the most dedicated 1PP advocates. They didn't want to commit an effort to build up successful 1PP populations on their 1PP servers, they just wanted to make 3PP less and less desirable, because they thought that would channel more players to their empty 1PP servers. And that's what it all boils down to after several hundred pages of discussion. And has always been your agenda. 3PP has always been an integral feature of RV and RV has always offered 1PP admins the option to disable 3PP if they so desired. Some did, some did not. This is DayZ.
  18. dallas

    What to expect from the Ruger 10/22

    What's not a full automatic DMR or a CQB anti-material rifle has me totally hyped. I know that semi-automatic DMRs aren't actually full-auto, but when there's no distinction between rate of fire and effective rate of fire, then you hear DMR snipers, like in the mod, going: Bam... bam-bam-ba-ba-ba-******bbbbam or see people with 30 pound anti-material rifles engaging in close quarters battle dancing, like they were wielding a half-length broomstick.
  19. dallas

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    Why, to punish 3PP for not playing like you? If you don't care for 3PP servers, play on 1PP servers and stop trying to dictate how other people play on 3PP servers.
  20. Safe zones is not for DayZ. If you want to create a safe zone, you'll have to create it yourself. There's no hand holding in DayZ and safety is always relative at best or an illusion at worst. There's safety in numbers and there's safety in advantageous positions and fortifications. However where there's players, there's always conflict. If you want to play as a predator, you need to play near the watering holes.
  21. dallas

    CZ-805 BREN

    It's definitely sexy, but maybe a little too sexy for DayZ.
  22. dallas

    How much authenticity is too much?

    You don't aim for what's real, but what feels real and what feels reasonable: Authentic. It's a balancing act, trial and error, it's hard to tell what feels right and what feels wrong, until you've tested it.
  23. dallas

    I dont need food

    I believe you're energy storage is 4-5 times bigger than your water storage, at least it used to be, plus energy drinks contain energy too. Maybe you can test it out by relying purely on water and stay clear of soda cans.
  24. dallas

    why do the forums keep going down?

    Well... the official forums, were officially down.
  25. dallas

    How much authenticity is too much?

    There's a major difference between realism and authenticity, which is why you'll always hear Rocket deliberately using the word authentic, rather than the word realistic. The distinction is that authentic gameplay aspires to give a feeling of a real experience, not an accurate experience. This will be a constant trial and error, testing what feels real versus what feels wrong.