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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    How to use coordinates?

    Squares are marked depending on how far you've zoomed in/out on the map. Single digits = 10x10km. Double digits = 1x1km. Triple digits = 100x100meters. Coordinates are posted in 6-digits, if you need to be more exact use the numpad. "The sniper is located at 065045 numpad 6."
  2. dallas

    Vest Pouches,

    ArmA3's inventory system looks like it's going to deliver a much needed facelift. The inventory system is both a engine limitation, but also a conscious gameplay decision, making player manage their limited inventory space, holding a can of beans in one hand and an extra DMR mag in the other, going: "Shit, shit, shit... what do I take?"
  3. dallas

    New map completly.

    The map size is perfect for 40-50 players. If you want "alive" head for Cherno, Elektro, Stary Sobor or any airfield. If you want to survive, stay away from mentioned areas. I also have a problem with the concept of Chernarus being "alive", since 98% of the population aren't.
  4. The Murder by Numbers thread indicated a noticable increase in murders and bandits, after the skin was removed, so it might have worked as a deterence after all.
  5. dallas

    Stopping to change weapons...

    Making a mod isn't the same as changing the engine. It was never much of a priority in ArmA2, but ArmA3 animations seem to be alot smooter and mobile transistions doesn't seem impossible.
  6. dallas

    Bad CD Key on Dallas 20

    The bad CD key happened to me yesterday too. Might just be a problem with server lag, making the server think your CD key is connected twice to the server. Dunno for sure though. "Malicious Comments" means that a server admin have actually banned you. You can dispute the ban, either by contacting the server admin or start a thread in the ban appeals forum.
  7. Since zombies are attracted to flares like bandits are, you should never throw the flares at your feet or the exact direction you intent to walk. You throw a couple far away from your position, to draw zombies away and to light up the general area and then sneak around in the dark shadows. Oh yea and guess how NVGs, which are designed to enhance starlight 30-50.000 times, react to a bright road flare.
  8. Unlike now where bandits realistically can shoot and miss me and when I return fire, they click their heels and disconnect to Kansas. Atleast before, players who earned a reputation as murderers, could not just swap servers/alternate realities and shed their bandit reputation.
  9. dallas

    Petition for a New Type of Zombie

    Please none of those L4D types.
  10. I believe he wants to add features to support players' humanity choices/play style, no to punnish or reward them. Whateverthehellthatmeans :D
  11. dallas

    Magazine in weapon takes up pack slot?

    There's a difference between your regular inventory and your backpack inventory. You can't use magazines in your backpack. You have to open the pack and move them to your regular inventory.
  12. dallas

    The map...?

    Server difficulty setting: cod mode.
  13. dallas

    BRICE spawning weapons

    Hope whoever actually saw him do it, wasn't too lazy to grab some screenshots before you decided to warn him and he deleted the evidence. :D If you're going to accuse anyone of cheating make sure you post actual proof and enough info to actually get the cheaters and hackers perma-banned from the main server. Please!
  14. Here's how ballistics work, in ArmA too.
  15. Can someone translate this post for me? Is it amusingly ironic or fullblown retarded?
  16. dallas

    Zombies pwn me

    Ear and eye symbol on the right side of the screen is your friend. (Ear - means you're making a little noise. ((Ear - means you're walking around wearing tapdancing shoes. (((Ear - means you're firing a loud shotgun in a library. Toggle walking, toggle crouching to be less visible/audible to zombies. Don't fire your weapon in crowded areas, when hunted by few zombies, don't sprint towards other zombies. If a zombie detects you in a crowded area, either enter a building and prepare for a grand shootout or try to draw the zombies away from the town center, before you shoot them. When you've gotten them safely out in a field, turn around, run backwards and when they stop to attack you, take another step back and shoot.
  17. Problem isn't the pitch black night, problem is some people bypass it maxing gamma and that ingame time isn't syncronized and that some servers dont perform scheduled reboots to sync nightfall. Which means anyone playing the way the night is intended is at a severe disadvantage.
  18. dallas

    Product placement

    Aww milk out nose hurts.
  19. dallas

    Possible New Member

    If you love it, it'll be worth the 30 bucks. If you don't, it wont. Anyways it's bulky, buggy, frustrating and an allround terrible experience. You wont regret it.
  20. dallas

    PDW vs. GLOCK 17

    We really need a sideways firing mode for the glock.
  21. dallas

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    How come people who are quick to characterize an entire nation's population in one generalizing way are so conserned about the strickest dictionary definition of racism. If you're willing to make a generalized statement about 143 million people, why do you care if you're accused of racism, bigotry or xenophobia?
  22. dallas

    AKM vs AK 74 Kobra

    AKM because of 7.62mm, but would chose a 5.56mm in an AR package.
  23. Play with a TS crew, but I like answering noob questions in side.
  24. dallas

    Days Lived

    If the point of the mod is to survive, rewards for surviving would make sense. Possibly experience points every 7th day surviving. +5% stamina. +10% stamina. +15% stamina. +5% reduction to thirst. +10% reduction to thirst. +15% reduction to thirst. +5% reduction to hunger. +10% reduction to hunger. +15% reduction to hunger. +5% to blood. +10% to blood. +15% to blood. Reward bonuses are all pretty minor, thus not too imbalanced. It would take a great effort, to increase your bonuses to a degree were they really make a difference. The longer you survive the better shape you get in, better cardio, better living off the land ect.
  25. dallas

    Quick noob question if I may please?

    If you have a joystick you can also add walk forward to the throttle.