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Everything posted by dallas

  1. dallas

    Client-Side Modifications

    I don't use it myself, don't like the mod nor do I want it to become mandatory for DayZ, which it would be, if it's allowed clientside.
  2. dallas

    Client-Side Modifications

    Seems like this mod gives you a clear advantage over other players.
  3. Revisit the server name once in a while, grab a screenshot when it's locked and with a player inside it.
  4. dallas

    Map markers - clarification plz

    I figured it was his personal markers, just private reminders. If you're not inside a vehicle, you yourself are the vehicle and I think only you can see your vehicle markers, unless you have a player inside of you(mental imagery free of chrage).
  5. dallas

    Map markers - clarification plz

    Revixy I've played ArmA since it was called OFP. From BI's community wiki:
  6. dallas

    Map markers - clarification plz

    I think it was bad luck. I think markers are related to chat channels.
  7. dallas

    Global Ban a Big Success

    Apparently hacking wasn't priceless after all. $30
  8. dallas


  9. It's not a bug. Remember flying a jet in BF2 and constantly having to turn, because you got out of bounds. Dorothy we're not in BF2 anymore.
  10. dallas

    What is a Carebear?

    Carebear gets thrown around a fair bit when PvE and PvP players interact and since DayZ's most interesting feature is the interaction between competetive players and cooperative players, the word is used quite alot. Two schools of gameplay, often seperated by servers, but not in DayZ. If you don't like carebears in DayZ you're free to hunt and murder them relentlesly. If you're a carebear in DayZ, you can either immerse yourself in the role as a scared, hunted, goodhearted survivor and try to avoud or outsmart playerkillers, who offer an element of risk and challenge, while our AI zombie friends are a bit too predictable and easy to kill.
  11. The map is infinite, BI just couldn't detail infinite at the time.
  12. dallas

    Who's TKC?

    A look back in the history books, back when they hacked and crashed servers in another Czech game, Vietcong: http://www.auscong.com/index.php?page=articles&action=view&id=14
  13. Nothing wrong with farming, now server hopping that's an exploit! Exelent use of a stachel charge.
  14. dallas

    I wonder if rocket

    Forum members are like family, if you don't dislike them atleast a little bit, they are not real family.
  15. dallas

    New backpack for Dayz

    Steve takes a couple of hard falls.
  16. dallas

    My argument for less damaging, less accurate guns

    What was it the OFP installer said: "Once you see the flash, you're already dead?"
  17. If another player invades my workspace, I either secure my position or retreat.
  18. This is exactly how Aung San Suu Kyi felt, when Burma's generals deleted her thread about seperate PvE and PvP servers. :(
  19. dallas

    Destroying Friendships

    Don't record it, if it compromizes your task.
  20. dallas

    Changing character name?

    Main menu/player profile/edit. Your first player profile is the name of your computer, I don't think you can edit that ingame, but you can create another profile and rename that as many times as you want. Your DayZ character isn't tied to your profile or name, but to your game ID.
  21. Some hacking communities are set up as tiered workshops, people learn from eachother, show and test eachothers work, advance to secure inner circles based on how advanced your skill are. Some come to learn, others just to pwn. vekien are you sure those aren't just spamming respawn, to respawn closer to their corpse?